Authors notes*
Let me just say, this story is full of fluff a lemon. ONESHOT. Also this story was a 2nd version to my first story but I ended up deleting it cause it wasn't good enough XP I'll think about re-writing it the future lol


"Let go of me!" Zuko growled, trying to pry his hands free. This days just gone from bad to worse. Not only did Zuko had to deal with annoying customers complaining about their tea being cold or tasteless, but now he has to deal with two men who cornered him in an alley.

"I don't think so Doll," Purred the man who held Zuko's hand behind his back. "We just want to have a little fun," he chuckled, running his tongue up Zuko's neck.

Zuko tensed up, "Disgusting!" he barked. He cocked his neck away from the man and continued to try to free his hands. Zuko's blood began to boil as the men smirked at him. If he weren't in hiding he'd burn these men to ash!

"Hey, don't hog him all to yourself, " pouted the other man as he neared Zuko and grabbed him by the hip. "I want to play too,"

"W-What are ya-"Zuko managed to say before a pair of rough, dry, lips connected with his. Zuko gasped in shock as the man groped his cock through his pants. The man forced his tongue inside Zuko's mouth, making Zuko groan in disapproval. Growling in anger, Zuko bit down on the man's tongue, drawing blood.

"Ouch!" the man jerked away, placing his hand over his mouth. "A fighter huh?" he laughed, slapping Zuko across the face, hard, and grabbing him by the neck.

"Uh!" Zuko gasped as the man's grip tightened up.

"Can you be a little more quiet? You don't want anyone to see you this way or do ya?" the man asked, digging his free hand inside Zuko's pants. Zuko's eye widen as a rough hand grabbed hold of his shaft. His face began to heat up, not only because of embarrassment but he's lacking oxygen. Both men chuckled at Zuko's position.

"Tell us doll face, are you still a virgin," the man holding Zuko's hands asked as the other let go of Zuko's neck.

Zuko took a deep breath as his neck was finally released. "Fuck off!" he growled.

The man in front of Zuko tightened his hold on the prince's shaft. "That's what we're about to do to ya," the man chuckled, liking the shocked look on Zuko's face.

Unpleasant chills ran down Zuko's spine. 'Spirits help me!' Zuko thought, clenching his eyes shut as the man ran his thumb over the tip of his shaft.

"I think he is a virgin," the man holding Zuko's hand laughed, making Zuko's cheeks redden. It's a royal law to stay a virgin till marriage. Zuko was never allowed to be alone with any female. Not even may.

"Please, stop!" Zuko begged. His body began to tremble at the thought of being raped.

"You don't like this?" Asked the man holding Zuko's hands, he began to bite down Zukos neck.

"AHH!" Zuko groaned.

"Well then, lets try making him feel good, shall we?" Said the man gripping Zuko's shaft. He released Zuko's shaft ad made his way towards Zuko's back side. Zuko gasped as his cheeks were held tightly. "Don't worry, you'll feel good later,"

"Ah! Stop please!" Zuko begged, tears running down his cheeks. The man laughed as he teased Zuko's entance with his indez fingers. "Ahhhh! no!"

"Let go of him!"

Zuko's heart hitched for a moment. 'That voice,' he thought as he looked at the person with the familiar voice, "Jet?"

"What do you want?" asked the guy holding Zuko's hands.

"Can't you see we're busy?" smirked the other man, tightening his hold on Zuko's ass cheek, causing the prince to gasp.

"Busy? Don't make me laugh," Jet sneered, "You think raping my friend is being busy?"

"It's not rape if you like it," chuckled the man holding Zuko's hands back. He ran his tongue up Zuko's neck and began to nibble on his earlobe.

"Stop!" Zuko cried, keeping his eyes clenched shut as a few tears ran down his face.

"Enough of this shit, it's obvious he doesn't like it!" Jet snapped. "Now I'm going to tell you again, let go of him-" says as he pulled out his weapons, "-or else."

The man that held Zuko's cheeks pulled away and glared at jet. "Or else what?"

"Come and find out," Jet smirked, standing in battle stance.

The man's brow twitched in annoyance as he too stood in battle stance. "Prepare to die runt!" he roared as he came charging towards Jet.

Jet narrowed his eyes at the man before charging towards him as well. The man launched his fist at the freedom fighters face but missed as Jet swiftly dodged to the side. The man growled as he kicked his foot toward Jets stomach.

"Too slow!" Jet said as he jumped out of the way. Using the back of his weapon Jet hit the man's face, hard, causing him to pass out on the floor.

"Who's next," Jet questioned, pointing his weapon at the man holding Zuko. The man backed away from Zuko, letting his hands free. Zuko fell to his knees.

"Whoa, take it easy, we were only joking," said the man, laughing nervously.

"Joking?" Jet growled causing the man to gulp and run away, leaving his friend.

"Li! Are you alright?!" Jet asked, running to his friend's side and helping him up.

"Jet..." Zuko started, "wh-why did you help me?"

"Is there are reason for me not to help?" Jet smiled for Zuko. "I couldn't let them hurt you,"

"...Jet," Zuko says as more tears ran down his face. "Thank you..." he managed to say before everything went black.


Authors notes*

Yeah this was probably confusing to read O.o so there was 2 guys raping Zuko XD just saiyin