"Teto! Teto, you have to help me!" The distressed shota cried.

After giving a spin to her swivel chair, a girl with drill-like curls and Burberry trench coat appeared with a candy cane in her mouth (as opposed to a pipe). Her expression was serious.

"What is it?" She asked.

The black and white boy put his hands on the table and bent down. "Oh, the Banana Jewel has been stolen!" He wept.

"Banana Jewel?" She repeated. "I've never heard of such a thing!"

"It's a precious family heirloom! And if I don't get it back, my sister will kill me in the worst way possible." He cried.

"You don't mean…?"

"Yes! With a roadroller!" The boy answered.

Teto gasped in horror. "That's just terrible."

"It is! And that's why I need your help! If it doesn't get returned to the Vocaloid Museum in 2 months, then the whole area will be cut down for…"

"Don't say it!" The purple haired girl behind Teto yelled.

"…Tourist attraction!" He answered.

"You son of a!" The girl screamed, about to choke him.

"Calm yourself, Defo!" Teto held her hand up to Defoko's face.

"Why should the detective help you?" The pink haired girl behind her asked.

"So that I and the museum doesn't die!" The boy offered.

"Hmm, it's not good enough an offer!" Teto refused.

"And I'll give you this!" The boy said, holding out Ted Kasane's cut off ponytail!

An inspired type of blush appeared on Teto's cheeks. It was saying she had to have it!

"You have yourself a deal…"

"Len. Len Kagamine." The boy introduced.

"Don't worry, doll face. We'll solve this case for you in no time!" Teto assured.

"Thank you!" Len cried.

Together they walked out of the room, color restoring to their bodies.

"Oh, I hate it in that room!" Teto complained.