Snake Eyes was not putting himself down, only deeply thinking about the differences of him and Avery's relationship with Liam and their soon to be child. If any of you have an idea for child names let me know. Put one male and one female name in a review cause I don't want to give the sex away ;)

"Snake Eyes, I'll meet you in the rec. room in a few." Avery looked at him and he knew that it was time for her and her once friend to make amends. When he was Gone Avery let go of Cyber and looked the sniffling woman in the eyes. "You know that I wasn't even trying to have a child then. I was on birth control and it failed." Cybergirl looked down, ashamed of how she treated Avery. How she had treated the girl that had been close to her through thick and thin. "I know that you felt wronged but you have to let it go and put it behind you."

Cybergirl said nothing. She wanted to agree with Avery, to hug and make up. But that just felt like she was becoming the traitor. That in someway she was turning her back on the child her body failed to give life to. She felt like her body couldn't give life to the child because Avery's body could. "I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone, but we can't be friends." She stood, with tears in her eyes still, then ran off. It wasn't how Avery wanted it, but it would have to do for now.

Standing up she made her way down to Hawks office. She had some big news for him. Snake Eyes and her had as of yet to let any of the members, save for Anna and Storm Shadow, know that she was positive for pregnance. But then that begged the question, how did Cybergirl know? Avery pushed that thought aside as she knocked on Hawks door. "Enter!" He called. Avery entered and closed the door. "Oh, Avery. What can I do for you?"

"I'm pregnant again."


An hour later Hawk allowed Avery to leave. He had yelled for most of the hour. First was denial, then anger at her, then anger at Snakes, and finally acceptance. Though he seemed to be more sulking than accepting this turn of events. And now Avery was getting as far away as she could before his mood changed again. His mood changes seemed to change as fast as that of... of... of a pregnant woman's. First it would be one thing then the next second it changed completely like the emotion before hadn't even been there.

Avery paused in walking down the hall and leaned against the wall. Her hands went to her stomach. "Baby, can you hear me?" She asked quietly even though she knew it was too early for the baby to her. "I hope you like it here. I do, and so does your big brother. I also hope you'll like your father." Avery slid down the wall and just sat there, talking to her fetus. For a while she sat there, she lost track of time, just talking. Then she heard foot steps. Staying where she was she waited. Storm Shadow came around the corner.

"Avery." He said in greeting, though his voice sounded strained and angered. Storm Shadow seemed to be quite angered. Every thing about he seemed to have darkened, his mood, his steps, even the air around him.

"Sit." Avery ordered and patted the ground right next to herself. He made a noise and kept walking. He was taken by surprise when Avery's hand landed on his shoulder. Her grip was tight and he knew that something was different. With strength that Storm Shadow had seen in her only once, the time they fought, she threw him against the wall and he slid down it to sit in pain. "When I say sit, you better fucking sit. Got it?" He blinked at her in surprise. "I asked you a question. Do you get it?" He nodded and she went from being completely angry to grinning wildly. "Good." She sat down next to him. "Now talk. Tell me what is bothering you."

He was quiet for a while. Trying to decide what had just happened. But then he just pushed it off as her being pregnant, which he was right. "It's Aurora. She's been acting different. More angry and less willing to become a Joe." He told Avery everything that had been going on with Aurora. And she listened, nodding at all the correct moments. She 'hmmed' at some places and 'ahed' at others.

"She loves you." Avery said. She nodded as if that would enforce what she had said. "Yup, totally in love." He started to laugh. It couldn't be true. That was too easy and if it were true Aurora would be acting the exact opposite way. "Don't laugh. Love-"

"She's not in love with me." He said and Avery asked why he thought that. "Because she isn't. Avoiding me and throwing crap is not love." He eyed her up and down. "Although for you it might be." Avery hit him on the head and he cursed.

"When I started to like Snake Eyes I avoided him completely and it was because I didn't want him to know."


"Because I was afraid."

"Of him? Why the hell would you be afraid of Snake Eyes?"

"No. I was afraid that I would get my heart broken. I was afraid that he wouldn't return my feelings. It took months for me to even kiss him. Aurora must just be afraid. That's all. Now me, I have a bigger problem."

"Oh? And what's that?" his voice sounded sarcastic.

"Baby names. I'm not going to know the sex until it is born. So I have no idea of a name for it."He laughed and she smiled at him. She got the reaction that she had wanted.