Chapter 4: The Last Night

This is the last night you'll spend alone
Look me in the eyes so I know you know
I'm everywhere you want me to be
The last night you'll spend alone
I'll wrap you in my arms and I won't let go
I'm everything you need me to be.

~The Last Night, Skillet

It was a week before Kurt was released from the hospital and he was under constant surveillance at home and at school until he managed to convince everyone that it was an accident and that he didn't really mean to die, it was spur of the moment and he wished he could take it back. He told his dad that the scars from self-harm were from when he was thrown into the dumpster, and his dad paid so little attention to him that he believed it. And now, three weeks after the incident, he was in desperate need of a fix. Just one little cut to hold him over. He had exchanged numbers with Blaine, who begged the younger boy to call him or text him when he felt the urge to cut. He had an internal debate before deciding to call. It was a foreign thing to him, having someone who honestly cared about him and someone who was willing to help him. He dialed the now memorized number and waited.

Blaine answered immediately. "Hi Kurt!"

"Hey Blaine." Kurt said softly.

Blaine immediately noticed that something was wrong when he heard the countertenor's voice wavering. "Kurt, are you okay?"

"No." was the answer. "They…. They found out."

"Who's they?"

"Everyone at school. And most people have just ignored it but the jocks… They've been so much worse."

Blaine inhaled sharply. "Kurt… what have they been doing?"

Kurt blinked back tears. "They've been leaving notes in my locker. Little drawings of other ways to off myself. Every time I walk by them, they tell me that I should have succeeded. That I'm a failure, and that I should try again, and that they'd be willing to help me next time to make sure I get it right." He was full on sobbing now, and could hear Blaine sniffling on the other line.

"Kurt, they are WRONG! I've only known you for a month and I think you're one of the most important people on the planet. Don't listen to them, they don't know what they're talking about."

"But what if they're right? What if I would be better off gone? Dad would be happy, he and Carole and Finn could be a real family."

"No! Kurt, don't ever think that. Look, give me your address. I'm driving over there right now."

Kurt began to protest. "No Blaine! You don't have to, it's unnecessary. I know that Dalton is far, you really don't need to-"

Blaine cut him off. "I know I don't have to. I want to. Would your dad mind me staying the night? It's a Friday, they won't miss me at Dalton tomorrow."

"He's not even home, he went with Carole and Finn somewhere for the weekend."

Blaine started the car, driving as fast as he dared to, trying to cut the two hour trip down to only an hour. "He left you alone?"

Kurt laughed bitterly. "Of course. He needs to go bond with his perfect family, why would he want me to tag along?"

Blaine sighed. He wanted to hit something in his anger at Mr. Hummel. "I'll be there soon. I'm going to stay on the line until I get there, okay? I'm 50 minutes away right now." And he spent the whole fifty minutes singing to Kurt, using lame pickup lines, and just chatting about nothing. When he got to the Hummel household he pulled out his emergency bag from the trunk and walked up to the door.

Kurt opened the door before Blaine even had the chance to knock and let him in. The younger boy's eyes were slightly red from crying and he was wearing sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. Blaine then realized he was still in his Dalton uniform, and asked Kurt where the bathroom was so he could change.

"Just go down to the basement, that's my room. I'll go get something ready in the kitchen."

After Blaine had changed into loose pants and his Dalton hoodie he walked back up to the main part of the house and his nose was immediately assaulted with the smell of chicken. "You're not a vegetarian or anything, right?" Kurt called from the kitchen.

"No." Blaine said as he got closer to the kitchen. "That smells delicious, but you don't need to cook for me. I wouldn't have minded ordering out or anything."

"I know, but I wanted to cook. I haven't in awhile and it's somewhat therapeutic."

Blaine looked at the boy up and down. "It looks like you haven't eaten anything in awhile either."

Kurt just kept on cooking the chicken, and started making pasta to go with it. "I just haven't been very hungry lately. It's not on purpose."

"Well, I'm making sure you're eating something tonight. At least half a plate. How much longer will it take?"

"Just about ten more minutes." Once the completed meal was done, Kurt arranged a full plate for Blaine, who had missed dinner at Dalton, and half a plate for himself. It took him a good hour but soon the plate was cleared and Blaine stood up to do the dishes, silencing Kurt's words of protest.

"You cooked for me, it's only polite that I clean up."

After cleaning Kurt led him back down to the basement and they decided to watch a movie. Blaine perused his movie collection before finally deciding on a movie.

"Blaine! Star Wars, really?"

Blaine blushed. "It's my favourite movie."

Kurt laughed, genuinely smiling for the first time in awhile. "I didn't realize you were such a nerd."

Blaine pretended to look offended. "Ahem. Me? A nerd? Mr. Hummel, I am offended by this. Coming from the guy with this in his DVD collection."

Kurt turned his nose up and looked away before laughing and taking to dvd to set it up on his flatscreen. "There's nothing like good ol' Harrison Ford to take my mind off things."

Blaine looked at Kurt seriously for a moment. "Kurt, when you called me, were you thinking about hurting yourself?"

Kurt looked ashamed as he nodded and Blaine swept him up into a hug, running his hands through Kurt's hair as the smaller boy began to cry. "Shhhh… It'll all be alright. I'm glad you called me. Remember you can always call me, at anytime. I'll always answer."

Kurt pulled away, his tears already almost completely dried up after all the crying he did before. "Thank you Blaine… This really means a lot to me."

Blaine hugged him one more time before leading him to the couch and hitting play on the menu, pulling the boy into his side for a good round of cuddling. "It's no trouble at all."

And Kurt smiled and snuggled into his side as the opening credits began.