Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon…. :D
Thank you for the reviews! :D
Here's the epilogue as Da Pyro's Love requested… :D
Minako has left Japan after a fight between her and Rei. What will happen when she comes back after 4 years and is forced to stay with Rei in a room with only the two of them?
Everyone was sitting at the dining table and was eating.
"Usa, you could at least chew your food." Makoto said while sweatdropping.
Ami nudged Makoto to look at Rei and Minako. The two chuckled after seeing Minako feeding soup to the miko.
"Whipped, I tell you! Whipped!" pointed Haruka at Rei.
Rei glared at Haruka while slumping at her chair.
"Do you want to sleep outside later, my love?" Michiru's eye twitched.
"Ehe… No?" Haruka suddenly ate fast.
"Ooohh! Now look who's whipped! I never expected that Haruka the Flirt would be sooooo submissive!" Minako teased.
Michiru's patting of Haruka's head while grinning didn't help. Everyone laughed.
"We need to talk about my wedding after this!" Usagi exclaimed.
"Don't worry Usa. We've got plenty of time! I took 2 weeks off." Makoto smiled.
"I have 3 weeks before my school starts." Ami said.
"Our tour just ended so we've got plenty of time." Harukas said while looking at Michiru. Michiru put her head on Haruka's shoulder.
"I told Yuuchi I'll be back next week but he said I should come back whenever I wanted to." Rei blushed as she felt Minako's hand laced into hers.
Everyone now looked at Minako.
"Actually, I planned to stay here in Japan for a while and my manager agreed." Minako smiled at Rei and kissed her forehead.
"Aaaaaawwwwwww…." Everyone said.
After they finished eating, they planned to talk about the wedding in the afternoon after everyone has rested.
All went to their respective rooms to rest.
Minako was arranging her clothes as Rei went inside clutching her bag. They decided to share a room.
"Hey Mina, can I leave my bag there?" the miko was eyeing a corner of the room.
"Sure." Minako told Rei without looking at her.
Rei then moved her bag to the corner and sat at the edge of the bed beside Minako.
"Uumm Rei?" Minako scooted over Rei and was now looking at her.
"Yeah?" asked the miko.
"Would you like to go with me next time? I need you with me for my last tour," the blonde was blushing.
"I could do that. I know Yuuchi would take care of the shrine for me while I'm awa… Wait! Did you say last? As in your last tour? But Mina -" Rei locked her hand with Mina's.
"I already decided, Rei. I can't be an idol forever. Besides, all the limelight is not fun anymore. I've lived my dream, thank you for that, but now I just want a quiet life for a change." Minako smiled honestly to Rei.
"Are you sure? Because I could go with you now, you know?" Rei was feeling guilty.
As if Minako could read Rei's mind, she said, "Don't feel guilty. I'm sure of it. I even saved up for… us. I'm happier when I'm with you." Minako now blushed.
"If your happy then I'm happy," the miko then kissed the blonde passionately. She didn't pulled away even though she felt pain on her lips. After a few minutes, the parted their lips and Minako touched Rei's lips and the miko smiled.
"I love you so much, Aino Minako."
"I love you too, Hino Rei."