Chapter Eight

Epilogue: One for the Road

"It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right,

I hope you had the time of your life,"

- Good Riddance (Time of Your Life), Greenday

The Three Broom Sticks Inn was warm, bustling and overcrowded with students, a typical trend that emerged in the week following the Hogwarts final exams. When the results were released two weeks later business would pick up even further as students came to drown themselves in beer, either in joy or regret depending on the individual.

"Here's to seven years of forgotten morals, lost innocence and hoping that pretty redhead by the bar doesn't say no to a snog," James proclaimed, raising his glass enthusiastically, thrusting an elbow into the side of Sirius' head in the same movement,

"That's Lily, James," Peter reminded him gently.

"That was my head you git," Sirius groaned.

"Oh," James said, ignoring Sirius, "Well, here's to hoping she's in a good mood then," Lily began to make her way over. Sirius rose and moved to the other side of the booth to sit with Remus, still moaning about his head.

"I had morals once," Remus sighed.

"Yes, then I happened," Sirius drawled proudly, throwing an arm around the werewolf, his pain momentarily forgotten.

"Yes, you did," Remus agreed amiably, "Now feet off the table dear, there's a lady present," Grudgingly Sirius obeyed.

"Now there's a good doggy," Lily said pleasantly, "See Remus, I always said that you had a talent for this," Remus waved her off with a roll of his eyes.

When Lily was within arm's reach, James pulled her down next to him and kissed her. Lily didn't resist, although after pulling back she made a face and a matching remark about the taste of beer. James dutifully ignored it, instead launching unsteadily to his feet.

"Friends and girlfriend, I have just made two very serious decisions," James proclaimed, his beer sloshing slightly in his mug as he raised it in emphasise. The addressed regarded him expectantly; Remus and Lily, being the only sober ones, exchange glances.

"The first is this," James turned to Lily and kissed her again, "We are getting married,"

Sirius hooted his approval, Peter taking up the cry a beat later. Remus just smiled and pulled Sirius back down when he tried to stand.

Lily raised an eyebrow, "I don't remember agreeing to that,"

James fixed her with a serious look, despite his apparent inebriation, "But you do," he said simply, "Agree, that is,"

"What makes you think that?" Lily asked trying to ignore Sirius and Peter's less than discreet catcalls.

"If you didn't like the idea you would've told me what to do with myself," he shrugged as if it were obvious.

"How do you know that's not still coming?"

"It's not," James said in complete confidence.

Lily sighed, half in amusement and half in resignation, "Well, what's the second thing then?"

"The second thing?" James looked confused.

"You said you had two announcements," Remus reminded him patiently.

"I did?"

"Yes," Remus found himself unable to keep his smile at James' first announcement from taking over his face. His eyes flickered to Lily who had her own grin spread over her face, albeit it held a tinge of confusion.

"Oh…" James screwed up his face in thought, "I forget,"

"Another round!" Sirius cried, apparently bored by James' lapse of memory.

"Huzzah!" James and Peter replied in unison, leaping to their feet to join Sirius in a crooked, swaggering parade towards the bar.

Lily watched them go, the confusion rising fully to her face as she turned to Remus, "I…He…"

Remus smiled gently and leant across the table, gesturing for Lily to do the same, "I'll tell you a secret," Lily leant forward, "I reckon that he's dead serious, he just hasn't realised it himself yet."

Remus had hidden himself away in his favourite corner of the library. He had figured that it would be few weeks in his life he would ever be able to spend there and he wanted to make the most of it.

It was a cosy little alcove tucked between a seldom-used shelf and an even less frequently used fireplace. Conveniently the seat was well cushioned, if worn, and well lit via a small window that looked out over the forest. It was the sort of place that you could only find if you knew where to look. Or had found a secret passage that exited from the other side of the fireplace, and only then you had to chance to look behind you at precisely the right time of night and wonder why there was light coming from a wall with no apparent windows.

Remus had been quite alone when he'd found it and had never told anyone about his secret little corner. He felt that he was allowed to keep at least one thing his and his alone.

Despite how deeply he was engrossed in his book, he heard them the second the passage slid open.

"Hey Lily, about last night…"


In spite of himself, Remus shifted forward. He told himself it was comfort, but didn't quite believe himself. There was something in James; tone that put him on edge.

"I remember what the second thing is now,"

His voice was soft and Remus moved again, cautiously in case he cast a shadow that they might notice.


"You seem disappointed,"

"I thought you talking about the first thing,"

"The first thing?"

"You don't remember, do you?" There was a quiver of uncertainty to Lily's voice that made Remus afraid he'd been wrong.

"I…" James faltered, "No, not really,"

"You said we were going to get married," The quiver was growing.

"I did?" James seemed lost.


Remus forced himself to remain hidden, doing his best to ignore the urge to leap out and smack James over the head for being such an obtuse idiot.

"Well, do you want to?"

"James Potter," there was a steeliness to her tone that made Remus cringed, "Ask me properly,"

A pent up sigh of relief worked itself from Remus' lips and he sagged backwards, his fear levitated.

"Down on my knee?" James asked, a cheeky confidence filling his voice.

"Down on your knee," Lily confirmed, amusement in her voice too.

"Lily, do you want to marry an idiot like me?"

"I think would be nice,"

Now Remus had to stop himself from leaping on James again, but this time in joy. They were silent for a moment and Remus could clearly imagine how James would've taken Lily into his arms like a knight in shining armour. Or least, would have tried to.

"Will you get mad at me if I tell you what the second thing is now?"

Their voices were softer now and suddenly Remus knight in shining armour theory didn't seem so ridiculous.

"Tell me,"

"I want to join the Order,"

The words sent thoughts hurtling through his mind. So fast it sent him reeling The Order. A force for good. The fight against the Dark Arts. Against Voldemort. Against dark wizards. Dark creatures. Werewolves. They kept talking but Remus didn't hear their words as the years of pent up fear swelled up within him. James couldn't, he couldn't do this not now. Turn against him? Why? Unable to think straight, Remus emerged from hiding, clutching the bookcase for support.

"James…" the shaking in his limbs carried to his voice as well.

James turned and gave him a look that told him he knew he'd been there the entire time, "I promised I would protect the people I love," he said by means of explanation, his eyes unreadable.

Remus shrank slightly within himself.

"Lily, Sirius, Peter," James listed. Lily stood beside him unmoving.

Remus backed away a step. James overtook him with single step and pulled him into a rough hug, "And you, you idiot."

And that brings it to an end. Thank you to Lupanari for reviewing the previous chapter. And thank you to everyone who at one point or another happened to stumble upon this story and thought to give it even a minute of your time. Thank you so very much everyone!
