Leo blinked back tears as he took in the bruises and cuts that covered his brothers body. Michelangelo had yet to move from his prone position on the floor, not even the slightest twitch in acknowledgment to Leo calling his name. He glanced at the bloody orange mask and then to the large gash on the side of his brothers head, and tried to rationalize that Head wounds bled a lot- even shallow ones. Still, from what he could see of the wound, it looked bruised and swollen. Had he been unconscious since the fight?
He tugged at the chains holding back his arms, wanting so badly to reach out and touch his brother, to get him to respond.
"Mikey, wake up." he insisted, trying to sound firm but failing as his desperation came through. "Michelangelo!"
His brother was so close and yet he couldn't even touch him. With a half frustrated cry he jerked at his restraint again, almost startled when his knee made contact with the bucket of water he'd all but forgotten before him. Breathing heavily from his movements, he stared into the rippling surface of the water and then glanced up at his brother; from the way he was laying, with his face closest to him...
'Maybe I could...'
Leo's thought trailed of, uncertain. If him calling to his brother hadn't worked, who was to say this would. The only thing he'd be doing would be wasting water; something that he hadn't had much of in days.
'..and all this yelling...my throats so dry...'
Leo jerked slightly at his own thoughts, frowning at his selfishness. If there was even a chance that this could wake his brother then it would not be a waste. How could he even think such a thing?
Having made up his mind, he savored one last small drink before thrusting his knee out enough to knock the bucket over. He watch the liquid as it traveled quickly toward his brother, but was disheartened when it touched his face without any kind of reaction. As the water pooled around Mikey's head, Leo watch his brother carefully hoping for some kind of response. A surge of relief overcame him when Mikey's face twitched slightly, his mouth moving into a frown, eye ridges furrowing in discomfort.
A small groan came from the youngest and he stirred slightly, moving his head. Leo took this as an encouraging sign.
"Mikey, wake up."
His brother moaned again, "..Mmm...five more minutes.."
Leo felt his mouth twitch into an almost smile, remembering countless times waking the youngest whenever he over slept. He pushed the thought away for the time being, despite the comfort it brought him.
"Michelangelo." he kept his voice gentle but firm. "Come on, Bro. It's time to get up."
Another groan, this one in protest rather than discomfort or pain, and Mikeys eyes flickered open halfway giving Leo his first sight of baby blue eyes.
Despite his brother's still groggy tone, Leo felt himself smiling for the first time since...since any of this began.
"Yeah, Mikey." He sighed, relieved but exhausted too. "It's me."
His little brother stirred more, a hand moving to push himself up, but when he went to lift his head he winced. Leo felt his smile fall away as quickly as it had come, his brow furrowing in concern and confusion as his brother lowered his head back down with a groan, eyes tightly closed in obvious pain.
"Mikey?" He tried to move forward on instinct to reach his brother, but the tug of chains against his wrist reminded him there was nothing he could do. "Mikey, whats wrong?"
His brother moved his arm up as if to hide his face.
"..mm..too bright..."
Leo frowned remembering that it had taken time for him to adjust to the lights, and even now they still made him dizzy at times.
"I know, Mikey," he sympathized, "But you've been asleep too long...you need to get up."
The arm that had momentarily blocked his view of his brothers face moved aside, and Mikey opened his eyes up half way.
"What hurts?" he asked, even as his eyes went to the wound on Mikey's head, and then the various other bruises on his body.
Mikey didn't answer his question though, his foggy blue eyes sliding closed again, trying to block out the light.
Leo frowned worriedly at his lack of response, as well as his reaction to the light, and realized that his brothers grogginess had nothing to do with him just waking up. A concussion. The signs were there- the wound on his brothers head was proof enough.
"Mikey," he called again, urgency in is voice when he noticed how still his brother had gotten. "Michelangelo!"
His brother flinched at the sound, but Leo was just glad he hadn't gone back to sleep.
'..Nnngh..too loud.." his brother whined tiredly, but his eyes fluttered open again. "..Leo?"
"Mikey, I need you to get up." Leo told him, hoping he had his attention this time.
"..M'tired..," Mikey murmurred, but at least he was responding.
"I know, Mikey." Leo replied, his voice lower than before but just as serious, "But you're hurt and I don't think you should sleep right now. I need you to come here so I can get a good look at you."
Mikey didn't respond at first, in stead just blinking, and Leo wondered if he'd understood anything he'd said. But then his brother moved, trying to push himself up with his hands although he stubbornly closed his eyes, drawing his knees up so that he was no longer laying down but still barely holding himself up.
"Thats it Mikey," He coaxed. "You're doing great."
Mikey raised his head slightly opening his eyes again..
"..Leo?" He frowned slightly, squinting at Leo as if he'd just noticed him there. "But..wasn't there...how.."
Leo wasn't sure what to make of his brothers slurred words, but the painfully confused look on Mikeys face made him wish he could reach out and hug the youngest.
"It's okay, Mikey" he replied, although he couldn't find it in him to believe his own gentle words. "Can you please come here, bro."
" M'kay..," his brother mumbled moving slowly toward him on his hands and knees, Leo was grateful they were already so close because he wasn't sure if Mikey had the energy to make it far.
he felt himself shift restlessly in his restraints as his brother drew near him, wanting to reach out and embrace him so badly that the pain he felt was almost physical.
Mikey stopped just in front of him, but his head was bowed and he swayed slightly while still on his hands and knees.
"Mikey, look at me." leo coaxed gently.
With some effort his brother raised his head,
"Hey.." Mikey responded tiredly.
Leo offered a small worried smile. "Hey."
Mikey blinked, his blue eyes meeting Leo's own brown for the first time.
"Am I awake?" he asked cautiously, his first rational sentence since he woke up.
Leo sighed in slight relief, "Yeah, bro."
All at once his brothers arm were around him, Mikey's head resting just below Leo's chin as he mumbled incoherently into his chest. Leo ignored his protesting muscles and took comfort in his brothers embrace, trying to calm the youngest down with softly spoken words and only the slight nuzzle of his beak against the top of Mikey's head; the only display of affection he was capable of right now. When his brother seemed to calm down, he tried speaking with him again.
"Mikey? Can you look at me bro?"
Mikey tilted his head up, winced at the lights, and ducked his head back down onto Leo's chest.
Leo sighed worried, "I know, Mikey. Can you talk to me then?"
Mikey nodded against him, 'Uh huh'
"Do you remember what happened?"
A small pause and then another nod.
"Can you tell me?"
A longer pause this time and then, "..Got caught.."
"Why were you out alone?" he asked, trying not to sound as if he were lecturing. "where were Raph and Don?"
"Yes, Mikey. Where are they?" his stomach twisted worriedly. "Did they get caught too?"
"No..no.." Mikey shook his head, and then looked up with bright half opened eyes. "No...gonna track...chip...coming.."
Leo frowned at the jumbled words, "Mikey..."
His brother rested his head against Leo's chest once more, continuing to mumble. Leo realized his brothers arms had gone limp and he was all but propped up against him. His skin felt cool, but then again Leo was burning from sitting under the lights for so long.
"Are you cold, Mikey?" He asked as his brother quieted down.
Mikey moaned softly.
"...head hurts."
Leo winced.
"I know. I..I'm sorry about all this Mikey."
"..gonna be..okay.." Mikey responded tiredly against him. "Don and Raph...won't be long...promise."
Leo blinked, wondering if his brother was just being hopeful (or delusional), or if there was some kind of actual plan involved in all this. Despite his obvious concussion, Mikey sounded rather sure of himself...and Leo was reluctant to believe that Mikey had put himself in harms way for no reason.
"They're coming?" he asked.
Mikey nodded again, "Promise."
Leo sighed, feeling strangely hopeful that his other brothers were on their way, and unwilling to give up now that his youngest brother was with him. He talked quietly to Mikey about nothing of importance, just trying to keep both of them awake, coaxing small responses from the younger turtle. About an hour or so later, the lights suddenly went out and they were plunged into darkness.
Leo tensed, but Mikey sighed against him in relief.
"Bout time," He mumbled almost grumpily, and Leo found himself letting out a relieved laugh.
Their brothers were here.
There! Yes, I'm still leaving you hanging with this, and there are questions as to why Leo was taken in the first place, or who the women was, or just what kind of crazy plan his brothers were trying for here that obviously went awry.
Honestly...in my head Mikey kinda took matters into his own hands when going out looking for Leo. Like Don made up a plan and everything, and Raph was gonna be the one for bait, but Mikey got impatient and wasn't feeling like he was contributing. He felt that Raph was needed more for the actual rescuing, and that it made more sense for him to be bait. So he took the tracking chip that donnie made and set out on his own without letting his brother know and well...the rest happened. lol...does that clear anything up?
Anyway...I feel better now. lol
Please review ^_^