A day in wonderland

Summary: our cutie little uke Tsuna and Naruto is in wonderland, full of surprises and pervert seme's. One word RUN!

Warning: umm…I got no warning actually! But this word fun… Wait, beware of bad grammar k!

Ai-chan: hola amigo! I'm the writer 4 tiz story, I'm not volunteering but I been force- 'her mouth is gagged by N'

N: ignore her please! I'm the co-writer! 'Smile brightly while tie Ai to the chair' Dai little help here.

Daisuke: coming! 'Take a silver tape and give it to N' enjoy k! Oh yeah forgot umm… Ai is volunteering by herself no forcing. 'Read loud the paper on her hand' I'm the story board maker?

Tsuna POV

''umm, where am my?''

Everything around me is totally weird; I mean there is a giant mushroom anywhere. How the hell I got here first of all?

I tried to remember what had happened before I get here….

''Training! Yeah I remember now, Reborn is training me or should I say trying to kill me with his Spartan training…''

I sweat drop remembering my sadistic teacher, I shake all my thought and try to find a way out. Then my eye caught of a glimpse of something strange in the bush!

''does the grass is gold colored here?''

Muttering softly, my hand tried to reach the gold grass when the grass is moved. A head is pop up from the bush…

Naruto POV

''No! Don't go Ramen!''

With my face still wet with sweat, I glance around to see I'm at a strange place! Anyway what a scary nightmare, all ramen in the world is kidnapped by a giant purple snake!

''this not training ground! Better hope I'm not in genjutsu, or teme will pay for it!''

I walk around to find a way out, then I heard someone voice. I decide to sneak up what he is doing; I hide in the bush when I see him heading to me…. (Well he not realizes that the bush exposes his spiky hair…..)

'How did he notice me is here? I already tried to hide my chakra….'

I raise my head to see the stranger when…..



Both uke is screaming, surprise to see each other. Well Tsuna scream when he saw Naruto head pop up suddenly, and Naruto just scream when he see Tsuna scream! (I and my friend use 2 do it! 'Sweat drop')

3 minute later

''who are you?''

''I the one should ask you that?''

''uh ok! My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi, but you can call me Tsuna. Nice to meet you.''

He smile cutely to the blond while held his hand to shake the other when he does the same.

''my name is Uzumaki Naruto and I will be the hokage! Believe it.''

He also smiles but not cutely, brightly that could even rival or surpass Yamamoto smile. Which make Tsuna sweat drop…? (Guess the smile attack could only be used on the seme not uke 'o' )

'I guess he ok!'

''so Tsuna do you know where are we?''

''umm I don't know! I doubt this even Japan…''

''Japan where is that? Another country I never heard it?'' The blond turn to the brunette with a questioning look on his face.

''you mean you not from Japan! Where are you come from''

''I came from a most powerful village that ever exist! Konoha.'' He makes a good guy pose with a bright smile that nearly blinded Tsuna eyes

''I came from Namimori!''

''I guess we stuck here aren't we?''

''maybe, ah I hope I have ramen now!'' hearing that both stomach give a loud grumble that could put a shame of… storm! (What the hell N, Storm!)

''ha ha… me to!'' Both uke is sweat drop when they stomach once again give a loud grumble…

Tsuna look around to find something to eat when he saw a house nearby, he shake Naruto that laying on the grass muttering I will died starving and this entire teme fault…

''hey Naruto! Look there is a house!''

''we save! Come on Tsuna let go.'' Both of them are holding hand, run toward the house. Agape when they saw the house closely.

Stood in front of them is a big house that make from cookie and cake (oi Ai this Alice in wonderland not hazel and Gretel! Baka, whose idea to make she write) from looking the house they could feel a drool on their mouth. Glances to other they nod and…


Tsuna decide to eat the door which made of a strawberry cake with a little chocolate frost on top, meanwhile Naruto eating the window which made of ramen flavored cookie…

Few hours later

If you look on the left you could see a cake made house is no longer having a door and a window and if you look on the right you could see two uke with a Santa belly(ouch what that for?)

''man I'm full!''

''yeah me to! But whose house is this?''

''it our house, the one that you eat!'' both uke stood up to find the source of the voice and surprise to see two young lady with witch clothing with high hood that cover their face except eyes standing in front of them.

One of them is wearing a eye patch and the other one have a pale lilac eye (if you guess right! Congratulation, if you wrong ….. Boo) with a shy expression when they saw both cutie uke's.

''ah I'm sorry! We are hungry so that why…''

''yeah, we are sorry! But the cookie with ramen flavor is so good!''

Using the puppy eyes ( that only work on seme and girl fan girl ) that making both shy witches having a nosebleed. They try to cover the blood with their high hood cloak.

''umm….t-that o-okay! We m-make it for k-kid t-that lost in t-this f-forest.''

''my name is Chrome and this is my sister Hinata!'' as her gesture to the shy one…

Their eye lit up when their heard the name and try to look closely on the hooded figures, a smile form in their lips as they close to them.

''C-Chrome is that you? I am safe, you know how to get back right?''

''H-Hinata you get lost here too! Now let find a way back!'' the shy witches is now shuttering and blushing when the uke's is holding their hand.

''we are sorry but we don't know you?''

''you don't!'' they shout at the witches that is blinking clueless

'' y-yes''

Hearing that both our uke's feel sad, which make the girl squeal when they saw them. Because an imaginary fox and cat ear appeared on their head is dropped down as they sad with a tail that waging slowly. Tears formed in their eyes that make them more adorable in their chibi form…

''w-well you two can sleep at our house if you want?''

''yes we would love to…''

At the night

''hey Naruto how is your world?''

''we are ninja's and I was the greatest one. As I say I will be a Hokage someday after obaa-chan died or retired! I have a lot of friend but I hate Sasuke teme!''

''ninja's that so cool!''

''yeah I know!'' Naruto snort at Tsuna compliment

''well I'm an ordinary student before my sadistic teacher in baby form come! I involved with ridiculous battle of the Mafia!''

'' Mafia? What that''

''well Mafia is kind of yakuza, the underground group that fighting for rank''

''oh! Good night Tsuna''

''good night''

They fall asleep not realize what will be waiting for them tomorrow or that someone is watching them sleep from a magic crystal, is laughing eerily…

''he shall be mine!''

''that herbivore is mine!''

A pair of red and silver eyes glinting in the darks…

N: we intend to make a one shot but it fun to torture Ai

Ai-chan: what I do 2 u! Huh bicth 'her head is smack by N with a dictionary, who still smiling'

Daisuke: bad word Ai! N in dark mode when she needs to write the fluffy cute story!

N: why did I can't make them suffer even one of them! 'Is drawing on Ai face' oh well at least I still can torture Ai and Dai…? 'Dai is shivering and run to the exit'

Daisuke& Ai: mom safe us! From this maniac girl!

N: uh forgot to tell ya madre is out! 'Take out the silver tape' oh please reviews I need to know is this FF is bad so I can stop write this hehe!