"You obviously like him Ell." The bard said entwining their arms together. Elissa couldn't stop thinking about Alistair's little incident in Denerim earlier that day and blushed at the thought of him thinking of her. It wasn't like she hadn't thought of him at all. Every night he would appear in her dreams, about to tell her he loved her when she would wake up. She hated herself for letting her mind be consumed with thoughts of him. They did have a blight to end, and being the only two grey wardens left in all of Ferelden didn't come without its dangers. The darkspawn was one. Loghain another. Not to mention the endless assassins that were probably about to attack at any time. Zevran was a failed attempt of my death, and surprisingly had turned out a good friend.

Too good a friend at times.

"Well I didn't want to go right out and say it but…I think I love him Lil" She replied. Her face a brilliant crimson. Lelianna grinned and squealed, jumping up and down as she walked arm in arm with Elissa.

"Ell, you two are meant for each other, it's obvious he likes you back, is it not Wynne?" She said turning to the grey haired mage.

"Indeed it is my child, although I personally wouldn't be too hasty dear. He is still a man after all, if our conversation earlier today said anything, he didn't just think of you and cheese."

Elissa's blush deepened and she shied away from the group walking further ahead of them, stomping through the marshes and undergrowth.

"If you ask me I do not see why she could love such a buffoon as that man. He is of no intelligence only muscle, and stupid wit." The dark mage added, making Elissa stop dead in her tracks and turn venomously at Morrigan.

"Do not talk about him like that. He is so much smarter than you think witch, and he could easily run his sword through you without anyone in camp protesting" She spat "So I would watch your tongue if I were you dear" She added dangerously. Morrigan just looked at her defiantly and walked off returning to camp with a scowl.

"Maybe I should make the stew tonight, lest our food is riddled with some sort of poison." Giggled Lelianna. Elissa couldn't help the soft smile that replaced the hard scowl o her face. "You must admit though, he does have a very defined torso, does he not?" she added, Making Elissa twist with jealousy. She didn't like the fact that he was so handsome. Of course she liked it for herself, but not the fact that if they were to marry (as she hoped they were) she would have to beat the maidens off with sticks. She shuddered at the image of another woman with him, kissing him, caressing his strong muscles…

"Ahem" Came the cough of a deep voice. Zevran stood in front of her grinning a seductive smile. It would have worked on her if she hadn't have noticed Alistair lying down by the fire, shirtless.

"Oh hey Zev" She replied smiling. Every fibre of her being wanted to reach out and massage those strong defined muscles. "Did you need something?"

"Ah not of sorts my gorgeous warden, I just wanted to talk about a certain something. You and I... I know we have had our differences, but I was think maybe you wanted to join me in my tent later on?" He asked, looking up through long thick lashes. Her face blushed and her mouth hung slightly.

Her mind was a state of confusion. She had only ever seen him as a friend, where had he got the idea of the both of them…together…?

"Sorry, but Zev I don't see you like that, I thought you knew..." She said as she slowly backed away. He grabbed her wrist pulling her closer to him, smiling evilly. She pulled away from him to no avail and began to thrash her arm away from him. He let go when a large dark shadow cast over the pair.

A dark callused hand grabbed Zevran's and ripped him away from her. Her wrist stung and she breathed heavily.

"Touch her again and I will kill you elf…" His dark sweet voice echoed, she looked up to see Alistair giving the elf death stares and pushed him away and he fell to the ground.

Getting up and dusting off the mud, Zevran rushed to his tent and ripped open the flaps and surged in. The camp lay still for a moment, nothing daring to breathe from the sudden drama. She turned to him, her heart thudding loudly in her ears. He looked so tall and masculine. Her protector… she cried, tears spilling from her eyes and leaped at him. Wrapping her arms around his thick neck and not letting go. He froze and tensed at her sudden outburst of emotion but hugged her and held her tightly. She never cried, in fact she never showed any form of weakness or emotion. It was only around those she was close too did she let the tears and stress show through her, as if seeping through the cracks of her well trained walls. He pushed her back slightly and smiled sweetly at her, leaning in as if to kiss her.

"You have something on your cheek" He whispered softly into her ear and brushed his lips against her earlobe. With his thumb he rubbed away the mud and his hand lingered there for a moment more than it should have. She shivered, spasms running down her spine. This was it and she knew, she wanted him to kiss her so desperately she earned for him to place his lips on hers and melt away all the tension inside her. To ask her that question she longed to hear his lips say.

"Elissa, I love you, ever since I met you I knew you were different from the other girls at camp. Elissa I love you." He said and placed his lips on hers, passionately.

Her skin burst into flames and she tangled her fingers in his hair. Pulling him closer. She breathed in his heady scent of woods and sweat and sighed, opening her mouth slightly. His sweet tongue slid along her bottom lip and he moaned.

Instinctively she pushed him closer to her tent, walking slowly as they kissed. When he felt his back clunk against the wooden frame he froze, stopping his hands in his tracks and pushed away from her. His eyes wide.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to… sorry, makers breath what has gotten into me? There's a beautiful woman pushing me toward her tent and I'm saying sorry."

She blushed and hid her face behind her hair.

"I didn't just say that out loud did i?"

"You think I'm beautiful?" She asked a softly, looking up at him through her thick brown eyelashes. He nodded a faint flush on his face. She began to push him further towards her tent.

"Are you sure my love?" She nodded vigorously and he smiled at her. His golden eyes staring deeply into hers. "I will always love you Elissa, when I'm king I hope you shall rule beside me and crush every darkspawn we shall see…" He said chuckling to himself. She leaned on her tip toes and pecked his lips. Lingering for just a second, before disappearing into her tent. She quickly removed her armour setting it roughly on the floor before he walked in. She felt him pause behind her and she chuckled softly to herself.

"You know Alistair this is my first time too, I've never seen a man up close and personal before." She said blushing. She was glad he couldn't see how nervous she was. Slowly she turned to face him. His body glowed in the firelight and he blushed when he noticed her staring at him, all the way from his forehead to his naval.

Slowly he sat, she crawling over to him. Her heart was thumping louder now; she was surprised he couldn't hear the loud thrumming in her ears.

"Maybe you might want to take those off my love?" She whispered lightly into his ear. He gasped ad nodded, his eyes squeezed shut and mouth clenched closed. Slowly his hands undid the lace and he froze when he felt her hands on top of his. "Too slow my dear…" she added with an evil smirk. He gasped and shuddered as her cold slender fingers grazed against his naval. Slowly she undid the lace and slid the breeches down his muscular thighs. She gasped when his man hood showed standing erect and blushed turning away from embarrassment. She crawled away from him climbing under the bed roll. Once underneath she slid her top over her head and closed her eyes. Not wanting to see his reaction.

"Wow…" was all he said. She could feel his hot breath on her neck and she opened her eyes. He was lying next to her, snuggling into the fold of her neck and breathing in heavily. "Breath-taking" he sighed.

Her muscles began to relax and she slid him under the covers next to her. Feeling his hardness push into her upper thigh. Nerves took over her and she began to shake.

"Alistair, I'm nervous, it hurts the first time. I'm so scared." She began to sob. Clinging to him. She revelled in his masculinity. She had hugged him before, felt all the muscles he hid under his armour. But never like this. Never with him naked lying beside her in her own bed. A shiver ran down her spine and she snuggled into him more. He stroked her hair softly, soothing her. With each stroke stopping the tears that flooded her eyes.

"I know my love, I'm nervous too, but this has never felt so right Ell. It's not like you can resist my devilish good looks and bad wit" He said winking at her playfully. She giggled softly. And snuggled into his side.

"I love you" She sighed. Her face burned as she realised the truth in her words. She had never felt like this, and it felt right. Without giving him time to answer and she herself time to reconsider, she kissed him. Softly at first and then with more passion. She felt is warm hand on her bare back and gasped into his mouth. He pushed her on her back and laid on top her, pressing only the slightest of weight on her.

"Now is this fair?" He said, pressing into her thigh. "I'm completely naked, much to my embarrassment, and yet you have yet to take off everything besides your top…" He said evilly, sliding under the covers. She gasped when she felt his cold hands on her hips tugging down at her breeches.

"Where has this confidence come from love?" She asked nervously, wary of what he was about to do.

"The thought of taking you as my own, knowing that you won't be with another man…" He breathed, his breath tickled against her inner thigh and moaned softly. Slowly he kissed up and we spent our night in a fit of love and passion. Only to wake up each and every morning in each other's arms.


Should I write more? Up to you guys to decide ;)