"My emotions are gone. When will the time come when I lose all of my humanity?"

"My name is Lyall." I bluntly whispered to a class of 23 students as I looked to my left. Though I could very well hear the whispers and murmurs of "look at her! Isn't she pretty" and "is that her natural hair color?" I know that I must look unnatural. My hair was cut shorter than shoulder length, and dyed silver. My eyes... turned icy blue; not the gentle midnight blue that it was before. That's right...

I'm not the person I once was...

I could feel gazes and stares upon me as I directed myself over to an empty seat at the furthest row, next to the windows. My head rested against my palms as the teacher began his lecture. These people are living blindly, not knowing the pain I had gone through... four years ago. But now, I'm different.

Ding... Dong...

"Wahh, school's finally over!" A male student walked over to my desk, beaming smiles. "Hey, uh, Lyall, right? I'm Guiche." I looked at him, and found other students flocking to my desk.

"Hey, what school did you go to before?"

"What are your hobbies? Let's be friends!" I stood up suddenly, surprising every one of my "classmates." Grabbing my backpack that hung from a hook, I walked casually outside the classroom. Not one student bothered to follow me. Well, I thought so. After all, these petty humans aren't serious about anything. They give up so easily. "Let's be friends?" Don't kid with me.

I walked in front of the girl's bathroom, and looked around to check for any suspicious eyes. Seeing nothing, I padded inside a cubicle, bringing my backpack with me. Unzipping it, I took out black clothes; student uniforms for males, and a "kitsune" (fox) mask; painted red and white.

Swiftly, I took out my own clothes, and forced them into my bag, while also changing into the boy's uniform that I brought with me. My hair was tied into a low ponytail, like my brother Rei's usual hairstyle, and my face was hidden with the kitsune mask. Unlocking the lock to the cubicle, I stepped outside, and glanced around to make sure no eyes were following me. Patrolling is the only action I need to take. For "Kokkuri-san players." It was not long until I found one. As expected, there were rumors buzzing around the town that this school had been infamous for students using the Kokkuri-san board game. I was not surprised that it was true; there were many presence of ghosts and will-o-wisps here, common in the presence of Kokkuri-san.

A group of three female students were gathered around a single wooden board in an empty classroom.

"Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san, this is from the third planet of the Sun. We have a wish for you to fulfill. A wish full of hatred..." All their voices were synchronized; their eyes closed, and their index fingers on a 100 yen coin. This is when I, "Kokkuri-san," am needed. I appear before them, dressed and disguised as Kokkuri-san, I ask of them to tell me their wish.

What... Is your wish?