Alaia Skyhawk: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Yes... I've done the unthinkable... IT'S A CHRISTMAS MERLIN FIC!
I honestly couldn't resist this, especially seeing as the alterations I made in A Question of Motives gave me lots of little things to play with. I will warn you though that this fic could be considered to be slightly AU from that one, in that it occurs after "To Follow an Old Dream" but before "The Coming of Arthur", and yet it doesn't fit into that story AT ALL except with regards as to who knows what.
Basically things are as follows (There are spoilers in this list if you've not read A Question of Motives as far as chapter 72):
Arthur knows about Merlin
Gwen does
Gaius does (Obviously)
Liam suspects (But doesn't yet know for sure)
Morgana and Morgause don't know that Arthur knows about them
Uther does not know about Merlin
Sir Leon doesn't (If I can think of some way to include him in this)
Elyan doesn't
Also, I deliberately used 'Midwinter's Day' rather than 'Christmas'. Not because I'm not Christian (which I am, passively at least) or because I want to be politically correct (rolls eyes), but because nowhere in the show has there been any sign of Christianity up to date. So I've decided that in Camelot they celebrate the pagan Midwinter Festival instead, since that fits more with the setting of the show... not to mention that from my research on Midwinter I found out that some of the Arthurian Legends reference it or imply it, hee. In Celtic beliefs, the winter solstice is known as 'Alban Arthuan' 'The Light of Arthur' :D
Disclaimer: I don't own the Merlin TV series or any of its characters, however I do own Liam (OCs FTW)
Only in Camelot could Midwinter's Day be this strange... and no one seem to notice.
Chapter 1: A Question of... Gift Wrap? ~Part 1~
Gently the white flakes had descended from the skies, blanketing all that lay below in a covering of pristine splendour unblemished by a single footprint. Only now as the sun began to rise did people set out to leave their trails through that white blanket, but one young man who had no need yet to set foot outside in the cold, now made his way through the hallways of the great castle that dominated the landscape of the area. The castle that presided over the city beside it, here in this great kingdom of Camelot.
The young servant whistled to himself as he walked, breakfast tray in hand, his expression cheerful while he idled his way to his master's chambers. He could afford to take his time, after all he was actually early for a change, not that he was usually late, but he didn't see why he had to rush when there was no need to. It was thus, hot porridge and hot mulled apple juice in hand, that he arrived at the chambers belonging to Arthur Pendragon, the Crown Prince of Camelot.
He opened the door with a smile on his face, choosing to sing at the top of his voice instead of his usually 'good morning, Sire!'
"In the bleak mid win-ter, frosty winds made moan! Earth stood hard as ir-on, water like a stone!"
His singing was cut off as the prince in the bed sat up and threw a pillow at him, Arthur glaring at his manservant through the gloom of the chamber.
"You head is a stone, Merlin!"
The warlock smirked, having blocked the pillow with a touch of his magic and let it fall harmlessly to the floor while he set the tray on the table.
"Merry Midwinter's Day to you too, Sire. Do you need me to get anything for you? A sense of humour perhaps?"
Arthur continued to glare at him.
The warlock then plucked a thin package from the back of his belt and waved it.
"So you don't want this then?"
The sight of it seemed to startle the prince, who had never received a Midwinter gift from his servant in the past, and he slid out of the bed and walked over.
"You got me a gift? But you never have before."
Merlin sighed, shaking his head.
"Because up until a few months ago you were a prat who didn't know about me protecting your ass all this time. Here, open it, and don't ever say that I'm not nice to you."
Arthur accepted the package that was held out to him, eyeing the warlock warily as he pulled open the plain paper wrapping. His expression then became bemused as he stared at what had been inside it.
"It's a painting... of Camelot..."
Merlin rolled his eyes, sighing dramatically.
"As if I would ever give you a normal painting, clot pole... Say 'Your secret is mine to see' in the Old Tongue, then blow on it gently. The real picture will fade back to that one when you take your hands off it afterwards."
The prince hesitated for a moment, wracking through his memory for the right words seeing as he knew Merlin was expecting him to remember them on his own. It took him several seconds before he was sure, and he was especially careful to pronounce them right once he had them. The last thing he needed right now was an enunciation lesson from his servant.
"Do run ta mo cheannsa go feic."
He blew on the painting, confirmation of his correct pronunciation appearing in the form of a perfect image of Gwen. So perfect that it didn't look like a painting, but rather it looked as if the real woman were staring up at him from within the frame.
Into the stunned silence that followed, Merlin raised his eyebrows and grinned.
"So, are you annoyed at me now?"
Arthur looked up at him, almost speechless.
"How did you do this?"
The warlock shrugged.
"I followed her around for a while until I actually managed to catch her standing still in a pose that I liked, then used magic to capture her image on the board. I figured you wouldn't want a picture of her carrying sheets or a laundry basket... The rest of the enchantment, I just made it up." He then patted Arthur on the arm. "No need for over-the-top 'thank you's, your expression tells me all the thanks I need. Now eat your breakfast before it gets cold."
He left Arthur standing there, now certainly speechless, and went to start sorting out the prince's clothing for the day. It was nearly thirty seconds before Arthur moved, sitting down at the table and setting aside the picture that reverted as stated to the dull painting of Camelot. He then remained silent until he'd finished his food, realising partway through that he didn't have anything to give to the warlock in return! Not only that, but tied up as he'd been by recent events, he didn't have anything for Gwen either!
He bolted down the remainder of his food, then rushing to get dressed before pointing to the door.
"Thanks, Merlin, I appreciate it. As thanks, you can have the rest of the morning off. I'll be attending the festival feast with my father at midday as usual, so you can return after that."
Knowing full well the real reason why Arthur wanted him gone for the morning, Merlin suppressed a smirk and headed for the door as indicated.
"You're welcome, and I'll see you after midday... Oh and Gaius asked me to tell you that he's inviting you to come to our Midwinter Supper tonight. Gwen's coming too, but Elyan has decided to spend his with some friends he has in town. Don't forget, and you get to bring the log. Remember, it has to oak."
The moment he was out the door, the prince stared after him before he made a dash for the drawer where he kept his various sets of keys. He had a number of valuables and possessions locked in one of the lesser vaults among which he was sure to find something for Gwen, and had access to other vaults where less legal items that the warlock would appreciate could be found so long as he was cautious in getting them.
He was just heading out the door when something else occurred to him, something that gave him the resolve to go out and get an oak log instead of just getting one from the palace stores... Mistletoe grew on oak trees, didn't it?
"Good morning, My Lady. Merry Midwinter's Day."
Morgana sat up in her bed when the smiling Gwen entered, smiling in return even if inside she did not feel it.
"Merry Midwinter's Day, Gwen. You weren't too cold coming up to the castle were you?"
The maid set down the breakfast tray, starting towards the door again.
"Not at all. I made sure to wrap up well." She went back outside the room, returning with a large basketful of gifts and a slightly wider smile on her face. "And you are as popular as ever, it seems."
Morgana got out of her bed, walking over to where Gwen had begun spreading the wrapped gifts out on another of the room's tables.
"Don't tell me you got me something as well." At the maid's innocent expression, she sighed. "Gwen, I told you not to waste your money on me. You have little enough left from your rent and food as it is."
Both of them knew the concern was feigned, but it was only the noble of the two who did not know that. Gwen played along, knowing that had she not gotten a gift like she usually did, the noblewomen would have why.
She pulled a small bundle from her pocket, offering it to Morgana.
"I didn't spend much. It's just a token. But it's the thought that counts, right?"
"Right." Morgana opened the bundle, revealing a beautifully embroidered linen handkerchief. Chances were, Gwen had done the stitching herself. "It's lovely."
Gwen continued to smile, before indicating the waiting tray.
"You should eat your breakfast before it grows cold, My Lady. I'm sure your many admirers will not mind that you waited to open their gifts until after you have eaten."
The maid went to the bed and began to tidy it, leaving Morgana to have her breakfast and then proceed to open the gifts. Most were the usual trinkets, destined to find their way into one box or another and be forgotten, but there was one that held a great deal more meaning... I hidden message from Morgause, inviting her sister to spend Midwinter's evening with her.
Morgana smiled, not at the gift as Gwen would believe, but at the message. The feast was always held at midday for Midwinter's Day here in Camelot, so that most of the castle staff, its residents, and the people of the city could spend the dusk hours with friends and family to welcome in the start of the new year. Only a few of the staff would remain working this evening, with only the guard roster remaining unchanged. She would have no trouble sneaking out, for Uther always spent Midwinter's evening alone, which meant she only need endure the banquet before she could go meet her sister.
The young man cheerfully entered the physician's chambers, smiling and greeting his mentor warmly as he came through the door.
"Merry Midwinter's Day, Gaius."
"The same to you, Liam." Gaius smiled in return, gesturing for his apprentice to come over. "Come I have an interesting little project for us today."
The blond-haired apprentice frowned a little in puzzlement, when he was shown a small burner with a pot over it, numerous jars of herbs and spices, and several unopened flasks of wine.
He stopped in his tracks.
"What are we supposed to do with all that?"
The physician smiled cheerfully.
"It's Midwinter's Day, isn't it? Uther requested I mull him some wine to my old recipe, but it's been so long since I last made it I've forgotten the proportions. We're going to have to make several small batches until I figure it out again. I promised him I'd have it, or at least something similar to it, in his chambers ready for after the banquet ends."
Liam relaxed a little, until something occurred to him.
"And how are we going to know you got it right?"
"We'll have to taste each batch of course."
Alaia Skyhawk: Do note, as I said above, that this fic is slightly AU from A Question of Motives. As much as I would LOVE to put the magical painting, and the thing Merlin is going to get, into that fic as they occur in this one, I can't. I'll just have to content myself with perhaps working them in, with a different set of events, when I resume writing that with the start of Season 4.
And for the record, Morgause is not launching a plot or anything. The invitation was purely social... Hey, even bad guys need some quality family time XD