Author: DanseDeLaMort

Title: Undercover

Word Count: 5,752

Beta: No one as of yet!

Ship: Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger

Year: Fifth

Plot: Dumbledore needs an undercover agent in Slytherin, and who better than the intelligent Hermione? Using a Polyjuice potion to appear as her cousin Melody Harrem, Hermione enters the dungeons to find not only a world full of sex, lies, and money, but love in the most unexpected of places.

Rating: M for sexual content and language

Chapter One

"You want me to what," asked Hermione, her voice echoing against the walls of Professor Albus Dumbledore's office. Surely this was a joke, a sick joke. A very, very sick, horrible joke.

Professor Dumbledore looked at her gravely. "Miss. Granger, I realize that my proposition sounds shocking to you, but you must realize that it is of extreme importance." He leaned back in his chair gave out an uncharacteristic sigh. "I swear to you, Miss. Granger, that you will be in no danger. Professor Snape will be watching out for you behind Slytherin walls and all of the other Professors will be keeping a close eye on you."

Hermione shook her head slowly, still trying to digest all of what had been spoken previously. "How could it possibly work though? I can't just traipse into the Slytherin common room and just expect them to accept me due to a change of House. I'm Hermione Granger, they hate me. Not only would they never let me in, but I'd be dead before the end of the night!" She breathed in and out heavily. "I'm an able witch, Professor, but I have no chance against all of them at once, especially when so many are probably little Death Eaters in training."

Professor Dumbledore stood up and turned to the window behind him. "You have a cousin by the name of Melody Harrem, correct?"

"Yes, I do. But what does she have to do with anything?" Realizing how rude that sounded, she tacked on, "Sir."

"If I remember correctly from your second year, you are quite familiar with the Polyjuice potion." Her turned to face her again, his hands clasped together behind his back. "You will simply pretend to be her, you can even keep her name."

Hermione nibbled on her bottom lip, thinking. "But what of my story then? I can't just randomly disappear off of the face of the earth." She paused, considering. "Wait, you aren't planning on killing me off, are you? I can't pretend to be dead! Ron and Harry will be traumatized!" She stood up and began pacing back and forth, rambling about all of the various ways his plan could go wrong.

"Hermione," Said Professor Dumbledore calmly.

Hermione paid no mind to him and continued her pacing.

"Hermione," He said a bit more loudly, "Please sit down and I will tell you what I had in mind."

Shaking with anxiety, Hermione sat down in the red loveseat and stared up at him, her fingers tapping anxiously on the chair's arm.

"Now, we will simply tell the students and the Ministry that your parent's requested your transfer into a Muggle school until safer times arise. I can arrange for a lock of hair to be taken from your cousin and Professor Snape will keep a batch of Polyjuice potion in his private office at all times for your use." He looked at the student in front of him with pitying eyes. He hated doing this to her, especially with such a brusque tone, but it was extremely important that she agree to go forth with this plan.

As much as she hated to admit it, Hermione could see how this plan was seemingly foolproof. "But what of my friends? And won't it seem rather obvious if a new student comes around the time I leave?" She asked, reaching for a flaw of any kind.

"You can tell your friends Mister Potter and Weasley that you will be transferring as well. Just because you won't see them, doesn't mean all contact must be lost. I am positive that they will owl you constantly. You won't have a moment of rest between the two of them, I assure you." He smiled at her, his blue eyes twinkling. "As for your second question, Melody Harrem will come to school and be sorted into Slytherin tomorrow, whereas Hermione Granger won't leave school until the day after. "

Hermione stared up at the Professor with her mouth wide open. "But how is that even possible? I can't be in two places at once" Well, in Second Year she could, but she couldn't possibly use a time changer now.

"Perhaps not, but it is possible for two students of the same year to not see one another in any classes or even at meals."

"I suppose you are right. . ." She sighed, "I guess I have to do this. Not as if I really have a choice in the matter, do I?" She gave a short laugh to herself and stared down at her hands.

"Miss. Granger, there is always a choice." Professor Dumbledore sat down and reached into his desk, pulling out a container of Floo powder. "Go to your common room, tell your friends that I received a letter from your parents and that you will be transferring the day after tomorrow to a muggle high school. Then, meet up with me here tomorrow morning before the feast." He stood up and strode over to the fireplace, "Now I must have a chat with dear Professor Snape and McGonagall." He tossed a pinch of Floo powder into the fire.

Watching the flames turn green, Hermione sighed and exited the Headmaster's office.

The halls were empty as she walked up to the seventh floor, everyone else was already in their respective common room or trying to get in some more studying in the library before whisked off to their dorms by Madam Pince.

Hermione watched her feet as she walked, trying to hide the tears streaming down her face from the portraits. For some reason, all of the portraits of Hogwarts had a bad habit of being extremely nosy and intrusive.

What was she going to say to Ron and Harry? She couldn't leave and pretend to be another person! On top of everything else, if she had to be a Slytherin and become friends with Malfoy and his inner circle, then she would have to pretend to hate her two best friends. She couldn't do that, she was the worst actress she knew.

Crash! Hermione collided into a wall and fell to the ground. She glanced up to see Malfoy sneering down at her.

"Ugh! Granger, watch where the bloody hell you're going!" Malfoy looked down at his robes. "Great, now I have mudblood germs on my robes. I'll have to burn these. Merlin, I can't wait for the day we are rid of one another. Then I won't have to look at your ugly, bucktoothed face any longer."

Hermione stood up and glared at him, her eyes red and puffy. "Well, Malfoy, you should be glad to know that day is coming sooner rather than later. Now if you don't mind, I have somewhere to be." She broke off with a sob with pushed past him to turn up the stairs.

Malfoy stared after her, flummoxed. "What's her problem?" He shook his head in her direction and strode away from the stairs and down to the dungeons.

Hermione had been standing in front of the Fat Lady's portrait for fifteen minutes now, and frankly, the Fat Lady was beginning to get rather annoyed. She had calmly asked for the password, but the girl gave no reply and only stared at the portrait with a frightened expression.

"Honestly," She exclaimed, "Will you please just say the password so I can get on with my life? Just because I live in a picture frame does not mean I have nothing better to do than watch students loiter at my feet. Now, out with it! I have a meeting with certain knight by the astrology tower, and I would prefer to not be late." The Fat Lady huffed.

Hermione sighed. Now was as good of a time as any, she supposed. "Chivalry."

"Correct," Said the Fat Lady, swinging open to reveal a hole in the wall that led directly to the common room.

Stumbling in, Hermione slowly walked over to one of the window seats where Ron and Harry were playing a game of Wizard's Chess.

"Hey Hermione! Where have you been," Asked Ron smiling up at her.

Harry smiled at her, but quickly looked back down at the chessboard, concentrating. Once again he was one move away from losing the game.

"Erm, can I talk to you guys for a moment? It's important."

Her friends both looked up frowning. "Of course," Said Harry, "What's wrong?"

"Well, I just came down from Professor Dumbledore's office. He had a letter from my parents, they. . . They don't want me at Hogwarts anymore. I have to leave the day after tomorrow and begin going to a muggle school."

"What! Why?" They asked simultaneously.

Tears began to pour freely from her eyes once more, "They said it was unsafe here. Especially if a mad wizard is going about killing muggleborns. Professor Dumbledore tried explaining to them that I would be safest here, but they wouldn't listen. Oh Ron, Harry." She threw herself into their arms sobbing.

They hugged her tightly. "You can't leave," Said Ron, "You just can't."

"I have no choice, Ron," Hermione said, her voice muffled against one of her friend's shoulders. Taking in a deep breath, she pulled away from her two best friends and said in a monotone voice, "Well, it's getting late. I better go up and start to pack. I'll see you two tomorrow." Kissing them each on the cheek, she turned and raced up the stairs leading to her dormitory. She wanted nothing more than to just go to sleep and pray that when she woke up, this would all be just one horrible nightmare.

When Hermione woke up the next morning, she immediately knew that it hadn't been a dream. Her first clue being that Lavender Brown and Pavarti Patil were staring at her with fake pity.

"Oh Hermione," Lavender purred, "WonWon told me last night. We are going to miss you so much!"

Pavarti nodded emphatically at her. "I totally wish you didn't have to go. Oh!" She suddenly said, turning to her best friend, "We should throw a going away party tonight!

Lavender grasped her friend's hands and squealed, "Yes! It will be the biggest party of the year. We can invite some of the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs as well."

"Oh my god, yes! Oh, but can we invite Zabini from Slytherin as well? He is such a cutie."

Hermione watched them continue on like this for a couple of minutes before standing up to get dressed. Lavender and Pavarti took no notice.

Once dressed, she slipped down to the nearly empty common room and went past the portrait door to go meet Dumbledore.

Hermione had started packing the night before, and excluding the books she needed for today and the school uniform she was currently wearing, everything was packed and ready to go. With some thought to the plan, Hermione came to realize that she had no right to complain or cry. She wanted to help the Order fight Lord Voldemort, she asked to help. Well, here was her chance. Even though she didn't like the plan one bit, she had asked for it, and she was going to do her best to tear down Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters from the inside.

Hermione gave the password to the statues sitting outside of Dumbledore's office and walked up to the already open door at the top of stairs. Knocking on the frame, Hermione entered the office where Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall were already sitting and talking with one another.

"Ah, Hermione," Said Professor Dumbledore, "Come sit down." He waved his wand and another red loveseat appeared next to Professor McGonagall.

Hermione sat down and asked, "So how are we doing this?"

Professor Dumbledore smiled at her, "Well, Professor Snape was kind enough to bring some robes that are Miss. Harrem's size, and I have the Polyjuice potion and a lock of her hair already prepared and mixed together."

Hermione nodded her understanding.

"Once you have changed, you will accompany me to the Great Hall for breakfast, in which I will introduce you to the other students. For today, Hermione Granger will be excused from all classes and meals, save for dinner tonight, and Melody will attend all classes and get acquainted with everyone, but she will take an early night in and skip dinner. Any questions?"

She shook her head, "No Professor."

Professor Dumbledore and gestured his head to a door hidden by a bookcase. "In the bathroom your robes and potion await you."

Hermione stood up and walked into the bathroom. Despite her closing the door, she could still her Professor McGonagall's voice ringing out.

"You can't honestly expect her to do this! It is far too dangerous, Albus!"

Somebody spoke again, but they were too quite for here to hear.

A small, ten inch cauldron stood on the sink counter and small cup rested next to it. Shrugging off her uniform, she put on her new Slytherin robes and grasped the small cup in her hands. "Here goes nothing," She whispered.

She filled the cup with the mucky, purple potion, closed her eyes, and quickly gulped it all down. The potion burned her throat and she had to gripped the counter to stop her from falling down. Her skin began to bubble and tan, and she cried out as she felt all of her bones stretching out. Her hair straightened and grew until it reached her lower back. Gritting her teeth, she kept in the scream that threatened to escape. She couldn't remember it ever being this painful before.

A cooling effect ran through her body and the pain finally stopped. Opening up her eyes, Hermione stood up straight and looked at her new appearance in the mirror.

She hadn't seen Melody in years, so she was shocked by her appearance. Her hair was now a dark burgundy colour, was down to her butt, and was extremely straight. Well, she thought, you had always envied Mel's hair before. . .

Her eyes were still their usual dark brown, but she not had longer eye lashes. She was at least five inches taller than her usual height of five foot three, and her A cup size was now a C. She was now thinner, and even Hermione had to admit that she was gorgeous.

This was why she hated hanging around her cousin. Melody was beautiful and extremely vain. Every time they were together, Hermione had to stop herself from hexing her.

Gathering her own clothes in her arms, she walked back out into the office. Only Professor Dumbledore remained in the office.

"Ah yes," He said, "Perfect. Other than the Professors and I, nobody should know who are you really are. " He stood up. "Ready to go?"

Hermione nodded.

"Good. Go ahead and just set your clothes on the chair, so they will be here for you to change into later."

After folding her clothes into a neat pile, Hermione followed Professor Dumbledore out the door and into the Great Hall. Students were just beginning to fill in and several had noticed Hermione's entrance and were gawking at her.

Immediately the hall was full of talk, staring, and pointing.

As they neared the end of the Slytherin table, Dumbledore turned and said to her, "Go ahead and sit down Miss. Harrem. As soon as some more students come in, I'll introduce you to the school. Meanwhile, how about we meet some people." He looked at the Slytherin table, in which only four people were sitting. "Hello, Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Zabini, Mr. Nott, and Miss. Parkinson. Might I introduce a new student? This is Melody Harrem. I hope you will make her feel welcome and help her get adjusted to the classes." Bowing his head at Hermione, he turned away and walk up to the staff table.

Hermione sat down next to Parkinson and forced a smile out. "How do you do?"

Parkinson sneered at her. "I don't recall giving you permission to sit here."

And here Hermione had always thought they accepted their own. . . This was not going to be easy, was it?

"No, but Professor Dumbledore insisted that I sit down with you. But, I suppose a girl of your breeding wouldn't understand manners and that you should always obey your elders." Hermione replied cooly, looking Parkinson up and down, "In fact, I wouldn't expect a Parkinson to be able to do much of anything."

Parkinson turned an ugly shade of red and she sputtered, "You, you filthy mudblood! How dare you!"

Hermione smiled at her, "Mudblood? I can assure you, my blood is far more pure than your own. That reminds me, how is your grandmother doing? I heard she never quite recovered from that beating your grandfather gave her when he found on that your father was really the son of a muggle. It's a shame really, the Parkinsons had so much opportunity. I guess that's what happens when you have a family full of slags." Hermione shrugged and turned to the plate in front of her.

Parkinson just stared at her with her mouth gaped open. "H-how do you know about that," Parkinson whispered. "We never told anybody . ." She stood up and ran out of the Hall.

Nott just stared at Parkinson as she ran away. Malfoy and Zabini didn't seem to notice that anything had changed.

"Bloody hell," Said Theodore Nott, "She's half muggle? Blimey! How did she manage to get into Slytherin?"

At that, Malfoy spoke up, "You twit Theo, there have been tons of halfbloods in Slytherin." He seemed unperturbed by the new revelation about Parkinson.

Hermione made a point of ignoring the trio and focusing on her breakfast. Let them come to her, she thought, it's the only way to keep them from being suspicious.

"Besides," Malfoy continued, "What does it matter? It's not as if you ever cared about blood status before. It's not as if she is a filthy mudblood, at least her magic is deserved."

Nott considered this for a moment. "Yeah, I suppose you are right." He went back to his breakfast.

Zabini stared at his friends with amused eyes, "I don't suppose one of you are going to go check on her? She is your friend, you know?"

"Ugh," Said Nott, "You go check on her. You know I can't stand her when she gets all blubbery." Malfoy nodded with agreement.

Zabini rolled his eyes, "Why would in Merlin's name would I go after her? I can't stand her, nor can she stand me."

Nott sighed, "I forgot. Come on Draco, if I have to deal with it, then so do you."

"Who died and made you King?"

Nott grabbed his arm and began to drag him. "Queen Elizabeth, now hurry up"

"Oh, all right! But only because I want to come. Let go, you prat!" They exited the Great Hall, bickering along the way.

Zabini sidled along the bench until he was across from Hermione. He glared at her until she glanced up.

"May I help you," Asked Hermione

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm not stupid enough to fall for your disguise Granger."

Hermione blinked. "Granger? Who the bloody hell is Granger?"

Zabini smirked, "You might also want to work on your bluffing. You'll never last in Slytherin else wise."

"I don't know what you're talking about Zabini," She said, her eyes steely. "Nor do you."

Hermione stood up, ready to escape the Great Hall, when a voice spoke up.

"Ah yes, thank you for reminding me Miss. Harrem." Dumbledore smiled at her from the staff table. "Students, I would like to introduce to you our new student, Melody Harrem."

Several students gave a halfhearted clap as they turned to one another, and gossip yet again filled the halls.

"Now, I know many of you are wondering why we have accepted a transfer so late in the year, when we have no more room for students." Dumbledore paused, "It is with deep regret that I must inform you that today is Hermione Granger's last day here at Hogwarts. If you see her in the halls today, be sure to say good bye and wish her well.."

The majority of the students were staring at Dumbledore with wide eyes. Hermione Granger is leaving Hogwarts? One of the Golden Trio? No way! Gossip completely filled the Hall, nearly drowning out Professor Dumbledore's last statement.

"Now, it is almost time for your first class, don't be late!"

Zabini turned to her standing figure in his seat, "Yeah, I have absolutely no clue what I'm talking about. See you around, Granger." He stood up and walked away from the Great Hall.

"Miss. Harrem, Professor Dumbledore requested I give you your new timetable."

Hermione ignored the voice behind her and stared where Zabini was sitting only seconds ago.

"Miss. Harrem? Honestly, Harrem, I do not have time for this!"

Hermione turned to face Professor Snape. "Zabini knows. I don't know how, but he said that he wasn't stupid enough to be fooled by my disguise. He called me Granger and everything. I denied it, but Professor Dumbledore decided to give his speech at that moment."

Professor Snape sighed, "I'll deal with it." He thrust the timetable at her. "You have Potions first, don't be late." He strode past her, saying over his shoulder, "Professor Dumbledore said you are borrow books from the teachers until you are able to get new ones from Diagon Alley."

What was wrong with her own books? Oh right, they said Hermione Granger on the inside cover. Perfect. Several students were beginning to approach her, so she turned and tried to escape the crowd, but handsome Slytherin male she didn't recognize stepped in front of her and said, "Hello, I'm Louis DeGras." He held out his hand. Hermione reluctantly gave him hers, and he brought it to his lips and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss. Harrem. I hope we get to be very good friends." With a slight bow, he let go her hand and left the Great Hall.

"Ok then. . ." She said, walking out of the hall before anybody else could get a hold of her. As she exited the hall, Zabini was standing outside with his arms crossed. She tried to walk past him, but he easily kept her pace.

"Snape told me your stupid plan," He said, "You do realize that you will be murdered, right?"

Hermione just kept walking, "Again, Zabini, I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about."

Zabini rolled his eyes, "And again, Harrem, Snape already told me everything. If you don't believe me, you can ask him."

"Fine," she whispered, "You know. But it is really none of your business whether I live or die. Dumbledore wanted me to do this, so just go and bugger off!"

"I can't just 'bugger off' as you so eloquently put it. Apparently, I'm supposed to keep an eye on your mudblood arse and make sure you don't get yourself into trouble." He glared at her, "You owe me Granger. Let that be known right here and right now. Now, if you don't mind, I would prefer to not be late for Potions." He stalked off down the stairs that led down to the dungeons.

Why would Zabini help her? Even if Professor Snape had talked to him and requested (or demanded) it, he could always just tell Malfoy, or someone even worse. What was he up to?

She shook her head, there was no time to think about this. Hermione was positive that despite her playing the role of a Slytherin, Professor Snape wouldn't hesitate to give her a detention. In fact, it was probably right on the top of his list. With that thought, she quickened her pace and raced down to the Potions classroom. She glanced down at her schedule as she walked, today was double potions with the Gryffindors.

Despite leaving earlier than several people, she still managed to be the last one to arrive. Keeping her up, Hermione walked up to Professor Snape, who kept his face blank at the sight of her. He picked up a book off of his desk and handed it to her. "You are to be partners with Blaise for the rest of the semester. In this class we have a few rules. One, you do not talk out of turn. If you have a question or a comment, raise your hand. Two, you are to follow all instructions given to you. Inability to do so will result in either a detention or points. Three, you must bring all materials to class, failure to do so will again result in either a detention or points. Do you understand Miss. Harrem?"

"I do, sir. " Hermione nodded and went over to the table where Zabini was sitting. He was leaning back in his chair, his blue eyes glaring at her. She sat down and turned away from him and focused her attention on Professor Snape.

"Today we will be brewing a potion that allows the drinker to become invisible for hours at a time. Who knows what this potion is called?"

Hermione's hand flew up out of sheer habit.

"Yes, Miss. Harrem?" Snape asked, slightly smirking. Oh, but of course, he would let her answer the question now that she would be earning the points for Slytherin rather than Gryffindor.

"The potion is called Disapeariatus Temperatiata. The potion is very similar to Disapeariatus Infinitatia, only with Infinitatia you use liquified moonstone rather than powdered . Reversing the two would prove to be disastrous as with Disapeariatus Infinitatia you turn invisible for the rest of your life and there is no known cure as of yet." She said breathlessly.

Snape raised an eyebrow. "Correct. Good to know some of my students have picked up a book at least once in their life. Thirty points for Slytherin." Thirty whole points?

Several of the Gryffindors began to grumble. "That's not fair," Ron blurted out, "Hermione could have answered ten times better and you would have given her a detention for being right!"

Erm no, thought Hermione, I would have said it exactly as I did just then.

"Ten points from Gryffindor for mindless babble." He turned to the blackboard and waved his wand. "The ingredients are on the board. You have one and a half hours to make this potion correctly. The two partners who brew this potion the best will receive a hundred points for their House each. You may begin."

Hermione rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath, "Only because I'm in Slytherin." She turned to Zabini and said, "You can get the cauldron prepared, and I'll go get the ingredients." She went into the storeroom where Ron was already standing and grabbing ingredients. She attempted to ignore him as she started to grab her own ingredients, but out of the corner of her eye she saw Ron grabbing Polymera, a liquifying agent. She quickly grabbed his hand whispered, "No Ron. Didn't you hear what I said? For Temperatiata you have to use powdered moonstone."

He snapped his hand out of her own and said scathingly, "Like I would listen to a Slytherin. You're just trying to make me get the potion wrong." And without a second glance at Hermione, Ron left the storeroom with the Polymera in tow.

"Oh Ron," She said, "When will you learn." She shook her head and finished collecting the rest of her ingredients. She headed back to her table and by the time she got back, Zabini already had the fire lit and had all his tools from the apothecary laid out neatly. Impressed, she sat down and said, "Do you want to powder the moonstone, or shall I?"

He considered for a moment. "I'll do it. You can go ahead and start preparing the potion."

Hermione nodded and measured out a cup of goat's tears and two cups of water before pouring them into the potion. As she waited for it to boil, she began to cut up three dandelion stems and a heart of a frog into tiny pieces. She scooped those into the cauldron and stirred the potion clockwise until it turned a dark red colour.

"It's ready for the moonstone," She said.

Zabini nodded, and dumped his bowl of powdered moonstone into the potion. The effect was immediate, the potion turned a pristine white.

"Alright," She said, "Now we just have to wait for thirty minutes, and then we need to add the blood of a ghost."

"Blood of a ghost," Zabini asked incredulous. "How does that work out?"

Hermione smiled, "The name is misleading. A ghost can, if willing and over a hundred years old, can become semi solid and excrete a tiny amount of its essence. Unfortunately, it can only do this every hundred years. Thus the reason the ingredient is so rare and valuable. In fact, I'm surprised we are using such copious amounts for class."

Zabini shrugged. "Who knows when it comes to Snape. His mind works in strange ways." He laughed, "But I didn't even know ghosts could do that

"A lot of people don't," Said Hermione. "But I have a book on ghosts and their secrets. I could let you borrow it if you like. It is a rather interesting read.

Zabini looked taken about, "Uh, sure. I would like that." He smirked, "You would trust me with one of your revered books?"

Hermione laughed, "Well, if it comes back destroyed or mysteriously disappears, I could always hex you into next week. Does that suit you?"

He laughed along with her, "No, I think I'll just return the book in perfect shape. I've been at the end of one of your spells before.

"Good, then you know I don't use empty threats." Hermione winked at him. Looking up at the clock, she said, "Oh bloody––! We have thirty seconds to add the last ingredient. Start stirring the potion counterclockwise." Hermione quickly picked up a dropper and filled it with the blood of a ghost. She used the dropper to add five drops to the potion, and the potion thickened slightly until it was creamy, white soup.

Hermione smiled, "Perfect. Now stir it clockwise two times, and then all we have to do is wait until Snape comes around the check.

Zabini did as told and looked around at everybody else. He turned to her with a worried expression, "You know, you didn't look up at the directions once. Are you sure this is correct? I mean, nobody else has a white potion."

Hermione looked around, they all had a black potion. She frowned and quickly flipped through her book.. "No, we did it correctly, look." She handed over the potions book. "For Temperatiata, the completed potion is supposed to be a slightly thick potion with a colour of new snow." She glanced around again and pulled her book back from Zabini and stared at the directions and ingredients. "From what I can tell, the only way the potion would end up black is if they either liquified the moonstone or failed to add the blood of ghost at the correct time."

"Stop stirring or adding ingredients if you are still doing so." Snape began walking around the classroom and looking into different cauldrons. "Doesn't anyone know how to read directions?" He breathed out in disgust. "Weasley! Potter!" He barked out, "The ingredients clearly say powdered moonstone, not liquified. Twenty points from Gryffindor." He continued walking around, "The rest of you added the blood of ghost too late. The directions said that it must be added quickly for fear of ruining the potion." He shook his head and stopped at Hermione and Zabini's potion.

"200 points for Slytherin. Apparently only Melody Harrem and Blaise Zabini can properly brew a potion in this class." Professor Snape turned away from duo to face the rest of the class, "Everyone who failed to brew the potion correctly is to write a twenty inch essay on the properties of moonstone and its uses. Due tomorrow. Class dismissed." Snape glided from the room.

Hermione blinked and said to Zabini out of the corner of her mouth, "Professor Snape isn't in a good mood today, is he?" Zabini shook his head.

"No, I don't think I've ever seen him like this." Zabini looked her up and down and sighed. "Look, apparently we are going to be stuck with one another and as you have just proven, you could be quite useful not only for House points, but for my grades in this bloody class.. I think it is best that we just act as a friends and try to get along as good as possible. Agreed?"

Hermione looked at him shocked, "I, uh, I agree. Shall we start over?" She held out her hand, "I'm Melody."

Zabini looked at her hand disdainfully before forcing a smile onto his face and gripping her hand and saying, "Pleasure to meet you Melody, you can call me Blaise." Nodding his head, he stood up and said, "Well come on, we have transfiguration with McGonagall next."

Hermione smiled, maybe this mission wouldn't be so hard after all. Especially with Blaise on her side. Of course, she would have to keep an eye on him, but if Snape trusted him, maybe she should learn to as well.

I know this first chapter is a little rough and out of character, but I really struggled to write it for some reason. I really hope that isn't an omen for the rest of the story. *wary* If it seems like Hermione is trusting Blaise a bit too easily, know that it will be explained in later chapters. Also, the romantic relationship with Draco won't start until later. There will be other people first. Anyways, I hope you liked the first chapter!

Also, I need a beta. So if somebody would offer to be one, I would be forever grateful.

And, as always, don't forget to review! Thank you. 3