Flynn heard a scream, a door opening and being slammed shut, and a thud. He had no clue what it actually was, but he instantly ran to Rapunzel's room. He skidded to a stop just a few feet in front on the door, and he saw Rapunzel.

"What happened?" He asked, looking around.

"W-what's th-that?" Rapunzel stuttered, pointing at something Flynn couldn't see.

"I don't see anything." He told her, looking to where she was pointing, which was a few inches away from her door on the wall.

"Th-there's some b-bug thing! It h-has eight l-leg thingies!" She took another step away from the door.

Flynn got closer to the door, and saw a tiny spider clinging to the wall.

"It's just a spider, Blondie." He said, using her old nickname in hope that it would calm her.

"I'm sc-scared, Eugene!" She clung to Flynn's shirt, and stuffed her face in his chest.

"It's okay, it's not going to hurt you." He combed her short hair with his hands for a second, and picked her up.

"G-get r-rid of it!" She looked at the spider again and shivered.

"Okay, okay. Here." He squished the spider with his foot, and Rapunzel let out a quiet but high-pitched squeak. "There, it's dead now, see? It's not going to get you... It's alright... Don't worry." Flynn kissed her head, and she giggled.