Chapter 63: Secrets

Catalina knew full well what she was getting herself into.

Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon made sure to drill the past mistakes of past kings and queens to their prince and princesses.

They wanted their children to study past mistakes and learn from them. Catalina studies how past monarchs even her ancestors spent their reign pushing failed reformations.

She vows not to become a failure. The key to a successful reformation is the people you place in power. She had to have the right council members that agrees with her and back her.

Sure, there are people that strongly suggest she hand over power to the King. Catalina knows there are people like them out there but she refuses to give up her place.

It is her divine right as Queen of Spain and Empress of the Holy Roman Empire to reign as such.

She refuses to be like Elizabeth of York. By right of bloodline and lineage Elizabeth should have been Queen of England in her own right and Henry Tudor should have been *her consort.

But do to the scheming of Margaret Beaufort, Elizabeth was treated like a common consort as if she married into royalty, but it is the Tudor who infact married into royalty.

The empress sits back in her chair as she gazes at her council.

"I have been thinking a great deal of Spain's and the Empire's safety." she says. "Spain by itself has soldiers that are barely above fifty thousand, the empire has sixty five thousand. I am the most powerful woman in Europe if not the world beside my younger sister, Empress Helena. In order to protect my domains, I need more than 115,000 soldiers. Therefore, I am declaring all able bodied men 18 and over of the Spanish realm and Holy Roman Empire must be trained in arms." she orders. Murmurs raised in the council room.

Catalina studies her council as they take in her new plans. Carefully she looks at each face

*Each and every one of them are replaceable...she thinks to herself.

One man stood, bowed then spoke up. "My Lady I am pleased to hear that you wish to make the empire and Spain strong with hundreds of thousands new soldiers. In a few years time these new soldiers will be well trained." he said.

Catalina nodded in approval of his statement.

"Thank you councilmen Velàs." she says as he sat. Catalina continues...

"Also I declare that serving in the royal and imperial military's are of the most highest honor. There is a matter of the royal and imperial armadas." the admirals of both royal and imperial armadas looked to her.

"I posses a very large sum of money. I intend to use it to the benefit of the kingdom and empire and have decided to make the armies and navies stronger." she says as her council nodded.

"Now that every male over 18 shall be trained in arms, I have purchased six hundred thousand tons (1,200,000 lbs) of metal for the reconstruction of our ships." the admirals nods stifling the smiles. They are silently riddled with excitement to hear that the Spanish and Imperial armada's are to be reconstructed.

"I wish for the royal architects to construct metal war ships. The regular wood made war ships hold 400 men including crew." she surmised as she skimmed through documents.

"The new ships must have 2,000 soldiers and 1,000 crew for up keep. Each new metal warship must require 400 fully equips metal cannons. There will be 500 chambers for the soldiers. Each chamber shall hold 4 soldiers. There shall be 250 crew chambers. Each chamber shall hold 4 crew workers." again murmurs are heard through the chambers.

"I want the new ships to be four times as large as regular wooden ships." She says and the entire council clapped. Catalina grew proud of herself, she will have control over the worlds largest navel fleet.

"In six years time I want the kingdom and empire to come together and build over 10,000 fully equips warships. I have already purchased 200 tons of iron for armor and 200 tons of steel for weapons. I have ordered the new iron armor to be style under leather. Each and every new and current soldier are to be given new army regailia." once again everyone clapped in respect for their new monarch.

Catalina's plan to reform the military stemmed from her days at Brookfield. She began to plan when she noticed that Brookfield and Monaco has the world strongest armadas and armies. If they went to war with any realm they would win the war due to the fact that they are well trainned, armored and most importantly disciplined.

She too wants the same.

Catalina has a plan to make an even stronger and more powerful stronghold. The majority of Spain and the empire favored her. As the day went by the meeting shifts from protecting the two lands to woman's health, a host of other topics and lastly, education.

"In every city I order that at least 10 schools are rebuilt and opened. Each child is to enter school at aged 4 and exit at 16. When women finish their educations they are to find a husband and or continue on with their education to pursue their goals. As for the men, they are to find a wife for the time being. Once they are 18 they are to join Spain's and the Empire's armed forces." Catalina finished with her council for the day.

All in the chambers nods in understanding and all agreed. Empress Catalina rose from her chair and leaves her office ending the meeting.

Her children still occupied her mind. A smile graces her lips as a thought enters her mind, Catalina detours to the royal library where the children are with there tutors.

The head tutor is teaching French to Princess Isabella and Prince Nicolàs.

"François ler est le roi de France." the tutor said and Prince Nicolàs repeats.

*Francis I is King of France.

"François ler est le..." the young prince trails as his toy horse regains his attention.

"Prince Nicolàs, you must learn French, one day you shall be introduced to the French ambassador and King of France.." she explains to him.

Prince Nicolàs looks to her and began to speak but before he can say a word, Princess Isabella beat him to it.

*"François ler est le roi de France." she said in perfect French. Prince Nicolàs looked to his slightly older sister and his eyes turned to slits.

"It was my turn!" he protests.

"You took to long!" Princess Isabella say as her azure eyes peer in her twin irises.

"So, it was my turn and you *stole it!" the prince yells as if Isabella committed a terrible offense.

"Your highnesses, please calm yourselves." the tutor said in a warning voice.

"Si, tutor." they said in unison. Catalina watch as her twins continually tried to one up each in learning. She smiled as she made her presence known. She came from behind the bookshelves.

Prince Alejandro is the first to notice their mother the Empress. The two year old prince hops down from his seat and ran to his mother. He is still in training to stand and bow respectfully.

Little Alejandro hugged his mothers' knees tightly as his head rested against her legs.

"Mi ho, you are getting so big." Catalina smiles as she picks him up and kissed his head. The prince wrapped his arms around her neck and kissed her cheek. "Have you been doing well in your studies?" she asked as she puts him down.

Excited of his mothers presence Prince Alejandro grabs Catalina's two fingers and leads her to the table where he and Princess Angelina was sharing a tutor.

"Your Majesty." the royal tutor curtsied and pulls out a chair for the Empress.

Princess Isabella and Prince Nicolàs quietly joins their mother and siblings.

"And how are my favorite set of twins?" she asked as they bowed and curtsied to their mother.

"I am well mama!" the older prince piped.

"Me too!" Princess Isabella said standing on her tip toes. Catalina smiles and playfully pinches their cheeks.

"I am happy to hear that, and mama has come to observe your learnings." Catalina says as the royal children grew excited.

"In want you two to stop bickering. You are brother and sister and should not be fighting." she chastised them and turned her attention to Isabella.

"Mi ja, you are not first born, but you are the oldest here and I expect you and Nicolàs both to set an example for Alejoandro and Angelina." she stared down the royal twins who nodded and looked to the floor. "Am I understood?" she said with a serious tone.

The twins nods again and sat back with their tutors and were on their best behavior as their mother watched.

Two hours went by and an chamberlain came in the library and bowed to the empress.

"Your Majesty, a messenger from England is awaiting you in your office." he says to her.

Empress Catalina excuses herself and is followed by the chamberlain to the royal office. The chamberlain returns to his post and Catalina enters the office.

As she gazes at the messenger as he rise from his seat and respectfully bows to her.

Her stifles a smirk as he saw recognition on her face.

"Your Majesty, it is an honor." he says as she held her hand out for him to kiss.

"Mr. Knivert, welcome to Spain." Catalina says as she motions for him to sit. "I assume my servants have served you with the best hospitality?" Catalina asked.

Anthony Knivert smiled and nodded. "I've been welcome with opened hearts." He said kindly.

Empress Catalina sat down and offers refreshments. They had small talk and are about to speak of the message he had for her.

Though the children came running in bustling with giggles and laughs, their Lady Governance behind them.

"Forgive me Your Majesty! They ran away so quickly." Lady Martillas said out of breath.

"Children!" Empress Catalina says in a warning tone. They all stopped and curtsied and bowed.

Prince Nicolàs stepped up. Seeing the prince in person made Anthony Knovert stop drinking his honey wine and looks in both eyes of the elder prince and princess.

Catalina catches his line of sight and silently panics.

"Your Majesty, may we go hunting with Sir Reginald and papa." Prince Nicolàs asked before his mother the empress could say anything.

"Children you do not come bursting in my office, especially when I am entertaining guest." the empress reprimands.

The royal heirs all looked down in shame. "Never run from your Governance!" she further reprimanded.

"Yes Your Majesty!" they said in unison.

"My God..." Anthony Knivert whispers just enough for Catalina to hear. She watches as he gazes at her twins.

Empress Catalina

Oh God he knows...

"You may go." I quickly say and despite what I told them earlier they squealed in excitement and ran from the room.

"Please, you must excuse my children, they are still so young." I said in hopes he would not discover what I have so long tried to hide and keep safe.

The look in his eye was the look of unsure news.

"Sir Anthony I believe you have a message for me?" I need to change this subject. My son looks too much like his...Henry.

Knivert looks at me with pity. Henry and Anothny grew up together and he's very loyal. Perhaps if I write down a number...

"He...looks just like him. They both do." was all he said. My eyes glazed over in defeat.

"They are only three years old. My King is the only father they know." I said calmly looking him in his eye. He nods and sat back.

"He is a very handsome boy and the princess is a very beautiful girl..."