so yeah, here it is. the dead end. enjoy...
Bloodstained Devotion
The next night, once the silver's magic had completely worn off, and our wounds had healed, Duo and I teleported to the throne room of the Vampire Court. I squeezed Duo's hand in mine as I looked around the enormous throne room—it was so different seeing through my eyes now, than it had been when I had been here as a prisoner, not all that long ago. Looking down, I frowned; this was the exact spot where I had been bound and tortured by Treize. Duo's hand squeezed mine, and I looked up, seeing a young-looking vampire making her way towards us.
There was a group of what appeared to be the Court's officials standing in a group over by the large throne itself, and a girl, who appeared to be the same age as Duo and I, was walking towards us from that direction. She wore a military uniform, like the rest of Treize's henchmen had—it wasn't as fancy as Zechs' or Une's, but it was definitely for someone of a higher rank than the dungeon guards. Her short black hair hung in her face slightly, and her complexion was flushed, as if she had recently fed. When she came up to us, she bowed to me. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Your Excellency, Heero Yuy," she smiled, and I could tell it was sincere. It was obvious that she felt I deserved the title she had just addressed me with. "I'm Hilde Schbeiker, currently the highest rank officer of Treize's former regime. We've been waiting for you to return, Mr. Yuy, sir."
I certainly wasn't used to the formalities, to say the least. "It's a pleasure to meet you too," I paused, not quite sure what to say. I glanced at Duo, and he smiled at me. "So now that I'm here, is there going to be some sort of ceremony or something?" I asked.
Hilde nodded, "Yes, sir. The ceremony for you to receive your title as ruler was put on hold until you returned; but it'll only take about an hour to get everything set up, and send word to the vampires in Blood City."
"Alright," I nodded. "We'll come back in about an hour, then," I informed her.
She bowed, "Of course, Your Excellency." With that, Hilde left, heading back to the other group of vampires.
I turned to face Duo, "How about we head back, and get changed into something nice? ...And grab Quatre and the others, while we're at it?" I smirked, and Duo laughed.
"Sure," he said.
. . .
Almost an hour later, Duo and I were standing together, behind the large chair of the throne room. They were letting in the crowd now, and we could hear the anxious chatter. I hugged Duo close, and our lips meshed in a passionate, hungry kiss.
"You finally got what you wanted," Duo murmured when we broke apart.
I kissed his forehead. "More than what I wanted," I corrected, "I was beyond content the moment I met you."
Duo looked up at me and smiled, kissing me on the cheek, "Give 'em your best, Heero." Duo grinned at me, before stepping away and going to join Quatre, Trowa, Wufei, and Sally over on the sidelines.
I turned to see Hilde waiting for me just outside the shadow of the throne, and I went over to her. "Are you ready, sir?" she asked with a smile.
I nodded, following her out to stand on the steps directly in front of the crowd. Another vampire came out to join us as well, standing a few steps higher; he was holding something wrapped in a cobalt satin cloth. The crowd went silent when I turned to face them, feeling a brief glimpse of the power I was about to receive title to.
With the crowd now quiet, Hilde nodded to me, and stepped down a few steps. "My fellow Vampires," she declared, her voice echoing within the stony walls, "Blood Brothers and Sisters, The old regime has fallen!" Cheers resounded, only to be quelled a moment later. "And in its place, a new leader has risen! His Excellency, Heero Yuy!" The crowd went wild then, cheering my name, over and over in excitement—it was strange, knowing it might be some of the same vampires that had been booing me not twenty-four hours ago. The vampire who had been holding the satin cloth made his way down to Hilde, handing her the package of sorts. She nodded to him, and he disappeared up the stairs.
Hilde stepped up to stand beside me, and I turned to face her. "This artifact," she said, "Has been blessed to represent your title as leader of the Vampire Court. Every leader receives one, and this particular artifact was meant for he that turned you." I was a little shocked to hear those last few lines—he that turned me? As in Aoiro? Hilde just smiled, unwrapping the satin coverings with her gloved hands. When she was finished, a sight from my past was sitting there, just as perfect as I remembered it, on the blue satin. It was Aoiro's silver knife...
I picked up the short blade, admiring the intricate inlay of cobalt and onyx jewels in the hilt, as well as the perfect black sheath. I had never once held this knife in my own hands, only being permitted to admire it from afar, and now... it was mine. I slowly drew the blade, the silver glinting beautifully in the golden light of the many torches lighting the throne room. I turned to face the crowd again, still wielding the knife. "Vampires! Blood Brothers! I am your true leader, Heero Yuy! I am the last direct fledgling of the great Aoiro, the hero of the Blood Wars! I hereby abolish Treize's dictatorship, and restore the Vampire Court to its former hierarchy!" The crowd went wild then, cheering once more and I smiled, turning and beckoning for Duo to join me where I stood before the throne.
He smiled, and I quickly sheathed Aoiro's knife before picking Duo up into my arms and kissing him with everything I had.
Everything was perfect now...
the end! finally! i'm so glad its over! XD
so i've got one other fic i wanna finish before i start something new... i'll see if i can get anything done on that tomorrow... so yeah. until then!