Hi, my dad wrote this and said I could use it so here it is and enjoy. Also I don't own Naruto.

On Christmas Eve at the Akatsuki base, Tobi was wanting Hidan to sing him a Christmas carol. Hidan wouldn't sing it. That is, until he remembered

one his dad had taught him before he killed him. He wanted an audience so he had Tobi gather everyone in the living room.

When everyone arrived they asked Tobi why he got them. He replied that he wanted Hidan to sing a Christmas carol and Hidan wouldn't do it

without an audience. When Hidan entered the room, all he got were weird looks. He said that it was his favorite and he felt that everyone else

deserved to hear it. The he started to sing...

You better watch out, you better go hide;

If he finds you, you're going to die;

Santa Claus is going insane;

He's homicidal and swinging a hatchet;

If the cops find your body they won't need a casket;

Santa Claus is going insane;

The kids of Boy and Girl Land are running for their lives;

Santa's raided a hospital and stolen surgical knives;

He'll cut off your head and rip out you spine;

Your family's next, he's already done mine;

Santa Claus is going insane;

He ate his reindeer and skinned all the elves;

He stuffed their little bodies and put them on shelves;

Santa Claus is going insane;

He can see you at long distance, he has a sniper scope;

If you think you can dodge his bullets you're smoking too much dope;

He's on a rampage and must be stopped;

Dial 9-1-1 and ask for SWAT;

Santa Claus is completely insane

Santa's on heroine and LSD,

Amphetamines, Cocaine, and PCP:

Santa Claus is totally insane!

Hidan finished and took a bow. Tobi had passed out at about the third line. Everyone had shocked looks on their face and some had passed out

with Tobi. With a laugh he left saying his dad taught it to him and he would never forget it for as long as he lived.

How did you like it? Pycho, right and he wrote it in 2006 at 11:45, Dec. 24. Yes, I Know. How do I Know this? He wrote it on the paper he wrote the carol on. He's crazy like that. So have a merry X-mas. And Please leave reviews as presents.