"Are you sure you should let us babysit Lawliet?" I asked Isabel "Why should it be a problem?" She asked "Me and Flynn haven't been out forever since we've had the baby" I sighed into the phone "Well you retard I don't think you should let someone married to a serial killer watch your child is all" She made an irritated clicking sound with her tongue "I thought he was in jail still" She said in a voice that almost sounded as if she were scared "No, I used up half our savings to bail him out. That's why we had to sell the mansion and convertible, I mean did you not realize that I live in an apartment now?" I said in an annoyed voice, for a grown adult Isabel could be really naive.
"Of course I've realized! I just didn't know that you bailed him out is all~!" Isabel shouted defensively "Well it doesn't matter nowI just don't think your kid should come here no matter how much I love him" I responded calmly "So you're saying you don't trust your husband?" She asked "Of course not!" I shouted "I just know that we're bad influences on him. Anyway BB wants to talk to you" That got her to hang up the phone and leave me a lone, BB was my husband and he also happened to be a serial killer, sometimes is was annoying when he gets arrested but I still love him. Oh and Isabel is one of my only friends, we act like we hate each other, so I really don't know why we talk and hang out but still. She's married to a thief named Flynn and she's also a thief, she has a five year old son named Lawliet whom I absolutely adore, I used to babysit him before I had the cash to bail BB out but now I think it'll be too much of a bad influence on the little one. Also BB hates Lawliet so it's the best for all of us that he's not alone with him.
I sighed to myself again, BB was still asleep in bed and I had to go shopping for us with what little money we had left. I said bye to my cat, Kira, at the door and went to the garage to get my shopping cart, technically I'm not allowed to have cats at the apartment but what the owner doesn't know won't hurt him. Why do they call them apartments anyway? I mean they're together not apart! I should have BB kill the idiot who came up with that stupid name. I made it to Stop&Shop and wheeled my cart in and went to the food aisles, I got strawberries, Apple Jacks, some jam, bread, ice-cream, chocolate, cookies, and apple sauce and went to the cashier to pay. I smiled happily, I was almost a cashier, that would've been completely awful, instead I became an author and am allowed to make more money for bails.
"Is this all?" The cashier (John according to his name-tag) asked, I blinked in disbelief "Well of course it is, if there were more I would've given them to you!" I raised my voice a little, which is necessary when dealing with people like him. "Geez I was just asking" he said in a hurt tone and bagged up all my food and placed it in my cart "Hope the rest of your day is swell!" He shouted as I started to wheel my cart away from his area "Hope yours isn't!" I shouted back before I walked out the doors and started to walk back to my apartment.
About halfway back home I bump into Flynn "Oh hey" He greeted "Hi" I mumbled, truth be told I didn't like my friend's spouse very much but what could I do? Well, honestly I could do quite a lot but that would make Isabel hate me and I already have enough people doing that. "So I see you've been shopping" Flynn pointed out as I see his hand idly reach for the carriage "Steal anything and I'll chop your head off and cook it into a pie before serving it to your wife and kids" I warned and his hand moved back toward him "Ami! I would never think to steal from you!" He said, pretending to sound hurt, I narrowed my eyes at him "You better not" I growled and steered the cart past him and back to the apartment.
I place my cart back in the garage and pick up the bag so the strap is around my wrist before getting into an elevator. I live at the fiftieth floor and therefore it's a very long ride up, when I get into my little home the first thing I see is Isabel sitting on my couch next to BB with her son on her lap, "What on Earth are you doing here?" I asked her angrily "I came to see if you were home, you weren't, why not?" She demanded, obviously afraid of the one I chose to wed "I was just out getting food, relax" I tolled her while rolling my eyes. "Well, you have to watch my Lawli for me! Everybody else is busy!" She sounded desperate.
A/N teeeheeheee lame cliffhanger