I don't own Danny Phantom or any of the characters. They are doing a life Sentence to their original owner. Enjoy underneath the mistletoe.

'It is bad enough that Skulker is attacking me, but it doesn't help that Star is here with me. With her here I can't go ghost without revealing my secret.' Danny thought while running.

'He won't transform. Good now I will finally get my trophy. Oh what the hell why not make it two.' Skulker thought as he chased after Danny and star.

'Oh god why is this happening to me? I know I have never seen that ghost before so why is he after me as well?' Star asked herself.

"I knew you were a freak, but did you have to attract this ghost while I was around you?" Star asked.

"That is it children run you are making this more fun for me!" Skulker said as he fired his rockets.

'I know I can dodge those but Star can't. If she asks how I did this later I will lie.' Danny said as he picked up star bridal style.

"Fenton what are you doing, and when did you get this strong?" Star asked.

"I will answer you later when we aren't being chased by a ghost after our heads!" Danny said as he continued to run at faster then normal pace.

"Isn't that sweet you are making this too easy." Skulker said as he went ahead of them and blocked Danny's patch.

"End of the line whelps time for you join the rest of my collection." Skulker said with a sinister smile on his face.

'I have my thermos on me, but it will only work on the real Skulker. I need to figure out some way to get his head off.' Danny thought to himself.

"Oh well, at least I won't ever get dumped by a girl like you did with Ember." Danny said instantly striking a nerve with Skulker.

"Damn you, I dumped her not the other way around whelp!" Skulker shouted.

"I mean I don't blame her for dumping you. I mean for the ghost zone's greatest hunter you leave a lot to be desired." Danny said continuing to piss off Skulker.

"Danny what are you doing? I isn't smart to piss of the ghost who is going to kill us." Star whispered to Danny.

"Just trust me on this one." Danny said while pulling out the Lipstick laser.

"Skulker don't come any closer or I will take your head off!" Danny said causing Skulker to launch.

"You are funny child. However, since I am going to finally get my trophy and then some I will humor you. Come on child hit me with you big bad lipstick." Skulker said laughing.

"Whatever you say just remember you asked for it." Danny said as he took his best shot at Skulker, and Successfully hit Skulker in the right spot taking his head off.

Danny then grabbed the real Skulker out of the cyber armor, and sucked him into his Fenton Thermos.

'I can't believe it. I actually beat Skulker without going ghost.' Danny thought to himself with pride.

'I can't believe it The Fre... I mean Fenton actually beat that ghost and save me. I guess he has been in training since the last time.' Star thought to herself.

"I am so glad that is over, Star are you ok?" Danny asked.

Star for the first time in her life was speechless. But who could blame her. The boy she always called a freak, a loser, and totally beneath her just save her life from one of Danny Phantom's stronger foes.

"What is the matter Star? Cat got you tongue?" Danny asked for Star to finally speak.

"Danny you saved my life. How did you know were to hit him with that laser and how do you know so much about ghosts?" Star asked.

"My parents are ghost hunters. They keep files on all the ghosts that they fight. I sometimes read them just in case something like this happens." Danny said lying.

"I guess that coming from a family of ghost hunting freaks isn't a bad thing after all." Star said in a semi nice tone.

"I know the deal at school it is like non of this had ever happened. You are the A-list girl and I am the unpopular geek." Danny said in a normal tone.

"Danny there is one more thing I need to do before we go our seperate ways." Star said as she came closer to Danny.

"What is that Star?" Danny asked.

"Nothing but this." Star said as she went in and kissed Danny on the lips.

"Ok not that I am complaining, but that was that for saving you?" Danny asked.

"You are standing under a mistletoe silly, and freak or not I believe in holiday tradition." Star said as she walked away from Danny.

Fenton works 15 minutes later

Danny came through is window and changed back into his human self breathing slowly.

'Star you had to remind me it was that time of year again.' Danny thought to himself only to hear a ringing from his cellphone.

"Hello who is this calling me?" Danny asked.

"Hello to you too Danny. I have to ask why did you get home so late?" Sam asked.

"I had a run in with Skulker that is why." Danny answered.

"So how did you beat him this time?" Sam asked.

"I beat him using taunting him about his failed relationship with Ember, hit is head with the laser lipstick, and the finally sucking him into the Fenton Thermos." Danny answered causing Sam to Gasp.

"You didn't use your ghost powers? Ok Danny I know you are good, but there is no need for you to be showing off." Sam said still shocked.

"I would have if Star was there. Skulker came after me, and for fun he decided to include Star. I had to go out of my usual character to save her. I just hope she keeps her word and act like nothing is different." Danny said in a worried tone.

"Well unlike Paulina Star isn't as dim as she is. So I doubt she will put two and two together. As for what you hoped I don't think she will risk her A-list spot to become friends with you." Sam responded back.

"Well I will meet you at the Mall in an hour with Tucker. Don't be late unless you run into a ghost." Sam said as she hung up the phone.

Stage out