Title: 50 Moments
Summary: Fifty moments in their lives.
Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! belongs to Akira Amano
Pairing: 7227 (Hint of 69—you know…)
Warning: OoC (On Tsunayoshi's part, believe it or not…), Rated for suggestiveness.
Note: Following the KHR fandom naming, Normal!Tsuna is 'Tsuna' while HDW!Tsuna is 'Tsunayoshi'. Also, you'll see from moment number 1 that Tsuna and Tsunayoshi have separate bodies. When drabbles are set after cannon (amywhere in the _YL region), Tsuna usually handles the paperwork while Tsunayoshi handles the rougher, more combat stuff.
50 Moments
01 – Freak
Of course, Tsuna freaked out when, after Reborn used him for yet another experimental bullet (courtesy of the Vongola Famiglia Weapon and Tech Department™), his Hyper Dying Will self somehow managed to separate from him.
02 – Protect
"Working hard, huh?"
"They never seem to disappear…! I just wanna burn these papers already."
"Then Gokudera will have to redo them. And Reborn will most likely murder you."
"But... Y-You'll protect me, right?"
03 – Abnormality
When one very unfortunate and (possibly) brainless Mafioso carelessly remarked how Tsunayoshi was so 'abnormal' (read: freak), the poor Mafioso didn't even get a chance to dodge when one very pissed off Vongola Decimo gave him a punch in the jaw that sent him flying into the nearest furniture.
(Tsuna got a lecture from Reborn afterwards for breaking his hand, but the brunette decided that it was worth it. It was also worth to note that Tsunayoshi had never felt so proud of his other self.)
04 – Sampling
"W-What did you– I mean– did you–"
"–I just took a sample, yes."
"...From my lips?"
"...D-Do you want to take a-another sample...?"
05 – Coin
"So it's decided; Heads, we will go on a date and you'll let me kiss you in front of your Guardians."
"...And if it's tails...?"
"That won't happen, but I'll entertain you. None of the aforementioned will happen."
"...You're going with this either way, so go on."
"Here we go then."
" ..."
"Let's go find your Guardians then."
"W-Wait, T-Tsunayoshi...!"
06 – Coma
The next thing he knew, Tsuna was staring at him with wide opened eyes before breaking into a long rant of how he had worried his other self to death with his three-week coma and that he was the stupidest idiot on Earth to have done something as stupid as taking the attack an–
Tsunayoshi barely managed to lift a finger to stop him and croak out an apology.
Tsuna broke down.
07 – Night
"You're supposed to be asleep. Meeting tomorrow, remember?"
"I feel cold…" Pause. "Come back to bed with me?"
"Of course."
08 – Fashion
For someone who was practically himself with a stronger personality, Tsunayoshi was ridiculously fashionable, Tsuna noted with a deep blush as he watched said brunette approached wearing a hooded orange jacket opened to show the almost skin-tight plain black tee underneath, matched with grey jeans that were held up with a white studded belt along with simple belt chain for accessory. Tsunayoshi smirked knowingly and proceeded to kiss his other self senseless.
09 – Quarter
It was a quarter past four in the morning when Tsunayoshi got back, battered and bruised, yet Tsuna was there to greet him, perfectly awake and full of relief.
10 – Table
When Tsuna declared that the dining table was the most sacred thing in all of Vongola and no one is to ever defile it, Tsunayoshi and Mukuro couldn't help but smirk, ideas already forming in their minds.
(Tsuna and one other rather pissed off boyfriend promptly banned sex for a month. With success, too.)
11 – Urge
"D-Did you just k-kiss me...?!"
"Had an urge to."
Shift. Kiss.
"Had an urge to."
"Well... since we're all indulging on our urges..."
Pause. Smirk.
"I'll be indulging on my... other urges now."
12 – Medicine
Tsuna groaned as he massaged his temples gently. Trust Tsunayoshi, of all people, to be stubborn about taking his medicine.
13 – Goodbye
"Goodbye...? No!"
"I'm leaving and nothing's going to change that!"
"Well, I'm not letting you leave."
"Stop being so stubborn! I have to leave... now. Goodb–"
"–Don't say it…!"
"Dammit, Tsunayoshi! I'm going to be late for school! Now, be good and wait for me at home. Goodbye!"
14 – Orange
It was dark.
More accurately, it was complete darkness, with no source of light anywhere. At least he knew the reason though; he was blindfolded and tied to a chair. How cliché, he thought. There was nothing to do, so he waited. And waited. And waited. And when the blindfold was finally pulled away, hours later, the first and only thing that registered in his mind was bright orange, burning into his eyes.
15 – Jeans
"Why is Mukuro lying unconscious in your office?"
"He passed out. Must be the heat or something."
"...Your office is air-conditioned. And it's on... eighteen degrees."
"He's probably too cold then. Tsunayoshi?"
"Do not wear those jeans ever again."
"I thought you liked it. I believe you said it made me a hell lot sexier."
"Yes. I still think that."
"...Tsuna, have I ever told you how utterly ravishing you are when you're jealous?"
"Well, you are." Grin. "Ditch the paperwork and go out with me?"
16 – Tomatoes
"I don't like tomatoes."
"It's full of water –sticky water, mind you– and it breaks apart as easily as glass."
"The juice is part of why it's good! It may be sticky but it tastes good! It's healthy and can be used in a variety of ways!"
"The 'variety' of ways all stem from it being smashed into pieces in the first place! That's just painful and cruel!"
"...My ancestor and my alter-ego-slash-boyfriend. This is so wrong..."
17 – Furniture
Despite his saint-like status, Tsuna enjoyed the look of horror on Mukuro's face way more than he should when he kindly informed his male Mist Guardian that the table he had chosen in the library had been involved in one of his and Tsunayoshi's... wilder escapades.
18 – Pudding
Tsunayoshi sulked and pouted when he was thrown out of the bedroom for the next two weeks. How was he supposed to know that the chef had saved that pudding especially for Tsuna?
19 – Flight
Every once in a while, when Tsunayoshi decided that Tsuna was just too stressed, he would force Tsuna to stop working and the two would head out to fly in their domain.
20 – Childhood
"…Ne, Tsunayoshi?"
"Does this mean that you have no childhood or that we share the same childhood?"
"…Where did this come from?"
"Don't know. Just… suddenly popped up, I guess. Don't dodge the question."
"I suppose it's more of… I do not have a childhood. The first time you awakened your Dying Will was when you were fourteen, after all."
"N-Nothing. It's… well, it's just a little sad that you don't have a childhood."
"I may not have a childhood, Tsuna, but the memories I have now and the ones I continue to make everyday are more than enough."
"I'll work harder to make more memories with you, Tsunayoshi..."
21 – Listener
Surprisingly, Tsunayoshi is the more popular choice when one needed a listener to rant the stresses of the Mafia life to. Then again, anyone who does not have a death wish probably have half a brain to not bother their beloved Boss who has to deal with never-diminishing paperwork and all the destruction his very capable, but undeniably destructive, Guardians bring on a daily basis.
22 – Cold
"That ought to teach you about accepting my Guardians' challenge to a snowball fight."
"You're being rather cold to –ah-choo!– your ill boyfriend."
"…Tsunayoshi. You are not guilt-tripping me into kissing you and then getting the cold with you."
23 – Fairness
In all fairness, Tsunayoshi had it coming; what with him demanding some 'alone time with Tsuna' at breakfast with the Family.
24 – Partition
Back when they were first separated, Reborn had forced them to sleep in the same bed. Tsuna had insisted vehemently on a partition and Tsunayoshi had grudgingly compiled. The partition only worked for two nights before Tsunayoshi tore it off with a snarl and wrapped his arms possessively around his other self before promptly going back to sleep; leaving one red-faced, and very much awake Tsuna.
25 – Shoulder
Tsunayoshi loved Family Movie Marathon Nights. It was held every Friday night, and each week, one Guardian would be allowed to choose three movies for that night. Gokudera, Yamamoto, Lambo and Ryohei's choices of movies –documentary, baseball, animation and boxing respectively– often had Tsuna laying his head on Tsunayoshi's shoulder, a contented smile on his face as he laced their hands together. Mukuro's, however, often had Tsuna clinging onto Tsunayoshi's arm for dear life as he buried his face in his shoulder while trying to block out the screams.
(Tsunayoshi didn't dare to tell Tsuna he sometimes preferred Mukuro's choice of movies over the others. He wouldn't want to be kicked out of the bedroom, would he?)
26 – Swallow
"Dammit, Tsuna! Don't do this to me now!"
"He isn't swallowing!"
"Oh no… If Boss isn't swallowing, then–"
"–Don't say it, Chrome!"
"Tsuna! Just swallow the damn thing already!"
"Wait… He… He's…"
"Jyuudaime swallowed!"
"What's left is to hope it works."
"…Nngh… Tsu… na… yo… shi…?"
"Tsuna…! Damm… If you scare me like that again, I swear…!"
"So… rry…"
27– Bold
Before he could regret, Tsuna took the medicine in his mouth and smashed their lips together. Startled by his other self's boldness, Tsunayoshi couldn't help his gasp of surprise and Tsuna took the chance to slip the medicine through. Just before Tsuna could pull away, Tsunayoshi reached out and grasped the back of Tsuna's head, deepening the contact, smirking when Tsuna accidentally let a moan slip.
("Why, that certainly is–" "–Tsunayoshi. Shut. Up.")
28 – Creation
Groaning at the sharp pain coming from his sore bottom, Tsuna sometimes didn't know whether to curse or thank his ancestor for the creation of the Hyper Dying Will form.
29 – Waffles
"I want waffles!"
"I. Want. Waffles! The kind with strawberries and ice cream!"
"…No. I don't want to deal with you on sugar rush."
"But I'm suffering from sugar withdrawal! Low blood sugar! I might die!"
"Stop being so dramatic! No means no!"
"Hmph. Fine! I'm going to Mukuro!"
30 – Press
Tsuna pressed himself further into Tsunayoshi's back, his arms tightening around the other's waist like a bind.
"…Don't go...!"
31 – Privacy
Being Vongola Decimo and his alter ego respectively, Tsuna and Tsunayoshi pretty much had no privacy. So one day, when Tsunayoshi got fed up with not being to be truly alone with Tsuna without anyone watching, he snuck Tsuna out in the middle of the night, and the two disappeared for two whole days.
(The whole Famiglia was in an uproar as a result, but even Tsuna couldn't bring himself to feel guilty about it.)
32 – Cheat
"No fair! Tsunayoshi-nii cheated!"
"I did not!"
"You did! Your Hyper Intuition told you everything!"
"Hyper Intuition doesn't count! It's not like I can turn it off whenever I like!"
Tsuna made himself walk away, a laughing Vongola Primo in tow.
33 – Moderation
"Nnngh– Tsu-Tsunayoshi!"
"Haven't you ever heard of the –a-ahh…!–phrase, 'Good things come in small –o-ohh…– packages'? In other words, moderation?"
"…If that's your roundabout and elegant way of telling me your ass is sore, it's not working."
"Dammit, Tsuna –nnyahh!– yoshi!"
"Tsuna… Just shut up and enjoy this."
34 – Converse
No matter what they say about them pretty much sharing the same mind, it is still creepy to see Tsuna and Tsunayoshi seemingly converse without words.
35 – Ghost
Having his ancestor's ghost walk in on them making out like teenagers definitely topped Tsuna's 'most-mortifying-moment-in-his-life-list'.
("On the bright side, at least he didn't walk in on us going at–" "–TSUNAYOSHI!")
36 – Harmony
It is the duty of the Sky to be the harmonizer; the one who influences all, understands all, and accepts all. But at the end of the day, even the Sky needs someone to understand and accept, and Tsunayoshi is more than willingly to do just that.
37 – Entertainment
"Entertain me."
"Entertain me."
"And how am I supposed to do that?"
"Well, I have a few ideas... They all involve a bed and –OW!"
"Soooo... That's a no?"
38 – Strength
For some strange unknown reason, Tsunayoshi liked to display his superior strength by –quite literally– sweeping Tsuna off his feet.
39 – Breakup
"I'm breaking up with you!"
"You can't break up with me! We're not even going out together!"
"Fine! Then I'll go out with you, then break up with you!"
"How could– Wait. D-Did you just ask me out...?"
Tsunayoshi's only answer was a deep growl as he yanked on the front of Tsuna's shirt hard, smashing their lips together furiously. Tsuna couldn't bring himself to pull away.
40 – Conceal
Tsuna didn't know which was worse; the embarrassment he felt when Chrome offered to conceal the very visible bite mark on his neck or the mortification that the Vongola Decimo had walked around with a hickey all day.
(As in turned out, his rage at his boyfriend trumped the aforementioned two and Tsuna felt very satisfied to immediately assign Tsunayoshi on a three-weeks long mission. He wasn't the one who can't go without sex for three-weeks, thank you very much.)
41 – Sentence
"So, Tsuna. Reborn told me an interesting titbit today."
"...I know I'm going to regret this, but... What."
"Apparently, there was an incident during the Post-Inheritance party where a certain pineapple-head spiked your drink and you ki–"
"–Tsunayoshi. I swear it on my Grandfather's grave, that if you dare finish that sentence, I have and will send you on a three-month mission, effective immediately."
"–What was I saying again?"
"That's what I thought you said."
42 – Hotel
It was no surprise that, when the group got to the hotel, Tsunayoshi would ask (read: demand) that he shared a room with Tsuna. It didn't stop the Guardians from complaining.
43 – Activity
"You want to soundproof my room?"
"Your activities are getting loud, Dame-Tsuna. People need sleep."
"Soundproof, huh..."
"Dammit, Reborn! You just had to say it in front of Tsunayoshi, did you? And you! Stop getting any ideas, you pervert!"
"You're forgetting that being born from you, you're the same~"
44 – Honey
It never fails to bring a smile to Tsuna's face when Tsunayoshi would come into his office at around one in the morning with a glass of milk with honey in hand.
45 – Studio
Having more free time on his hand than his counterpart, Tsunayoshi eventually got into drawing. And so when Tsuna converted one of the spare rooms in the Vongola estate into an art studio for him on his birthday, Tsunayoshi drew Tsuna into a bone-crushing hug, murmuring his gratitude over and over again.
46 – Least
"Kyo– Aahh!Kyouya and– nngh...! Mu-Mukuro are– oohh... des-destroying the– nngh... e-estate again!"
"Trust me, Tsuna–"
"N-Not there...! Ahhh!"
"–Those two destroying anything at all should be the least of your worries right now."
"You probably should be worrying about how to walk to that meeting tomorrow..."
47 – Cuddle
It wasn't too much of a surprise to the Vongola Family that Tsunayoshi was a cuddlier underneath the cool and smug exterior (whenever he was not dealing with Tsuna, that is). It still doesn't stop Tsunayoshi from going on a rampage when someone spread photos of the twin brunettes cuddling all over the Family. Tsuna was all too happy to let him.
48 – Panic
No, Tsuna did not drool when Tsunayoshi stood up amongst the panic and took off to take care of the situation calmly and coolly.
49 – Umbrella
When the news of Timoteo's passing came, Tsuna broke down in the pouring rain. When he finally found him, Tsunayoshi stood quietly behind Tsuna with an umbrella in hand, silently shielding the other from the crying skies.
50 – Calm
As the manifestation of the Hyper Dying Will form, Tsunayoshi was the epitome of calm. But when Tsuna fell before him, crimson blooming across the pristine white suit, Tsunayoshi was all too willing to let the calmness flee him, and the chaos to take over.
No06 – Coma: Basically, Tsunayoshi was out on a mission but came back severely injured. He fell into a coma in order to recover, which lasted three weeks (from Tsuna's rant), resulting in one very, very worried Tsuna.
No10 – Table: Should be pretty obvious, but if you want me to say it... Well, Tsuna was saying, in a more elegant way: No sex on the dining table.
No13 – Goodbye: Remember that OoC warning for Tsunayoshi? Yeah. This was it.
No14 – Orange: Tsuna was kidnapped, so he was waiting to be rescued. The 'bright orange' he saw is basically Tsunayoshi – bright orange Dying Will flames and eyes. (Usually I'd use amber to describe their eyes in Hyper Dying Will form, but I already used amber (the theme) in the X27 set.)
No15 – Jeans: The eighteen degrees is in Celsius, by the way. It's roughly sixty-four degrees in Fahrenheit.
No16 – Tomatoes: Anyone can guess the inspiration for this? Hint: It has something to do with countries and their voices. xD
No19 – Flight: It might be a little hard to digest but go along with me here: Tsuna and Tsunayoshi have separate bodies. Tsunayoshi is Tsuna's HDW form, but them having separate bodies does not mean that Tsuna can no longer go into Hyper Dying Will mode because at the end of the day, HDW is an 'upgrade' of the DW mode, which is pretty much the manifestation of Tsuna's will to die without regrets. So, this moment is basically them going into HDW mode and flying in the sky (Image what Tsuna was doing in KHR Ending 16, Canvas. Just flying off.)
No26 – Swallow: Tsuna was poisoned by something, and they were trying to get him to swallow the antidote. He wasn't able to swallow at first, but eventually managed to do so. The rest is just fluff.
No27 – Bold: Can be seen as a follow up to No12 – Medicine. Basically, Tsunayoshi was down with something and is refusing to take medicine. So Tsuna got a little… you know.
No38 – Strength: Yes. Tsunayoshi was carrying Tsuna bridal style.
No41 – Sentence: Anyone who is drunk in Vongola probably makes good blackmail material. Let's just say, Tsuna kissed someone when he was drunk and it turned out to be pretty mortifying for the brunette. Remember! Mission = Away from estate = No screwing around~ Oh, and FYI, in my fics, Tsuna sometimes refer to Primo as Grandfather. Grandpa will always be reserved for Timoteo/Nono.
No43 – Activity: What Tsunayoshi is saying is that... since he, HDW!Tsuna, came from Tsuna, and if he is apparently a pervert... that pretty much means that Tsuna is, too.
A/N: Exams. Exams. Exams. I so shouldn't be doing this right now, but I couldn't resist. Yes, peeps, I'm still doing 50Moments. But 50 drabbles per pairing is a little hard, especially when words are too random or not drabble-able. But I will persevere! ...Right. Time to get back to studying. Thanks for reading!