Liberty: ok first of all call me Libby got it!

Bell: and call me B, got it.

Libby: second of all we're new so no flaming

B: yeah and if you do we'll hunt you down and flame you

Libby: Uuhhhh….no we won't

B: you might not but I will

Libby: ok whatever. Third of all the Powerpuffs are witches and the ruffs are vampires.

B: and the Powerpuffs have turned bad

Both: Ok so with that let's get on to the story

Normal POV

A red head girl was standing in her room mixing ingredients. She was very beautiful. She had pink eyes with long red hair that even Megan Fox would be jealous of. She also had excellent curves that matched c-cup breasts. She had been a Wicca for 3 years now and her and her sisters had gotten good at it. But she was the best at making the potions. Her sister Buttercup was the best at saying the chants and her sister Bubbles was great at flying on the broomsticks. On the other hand Blossom was the worst at that.





-the blood of a virgin


Once the witch put all of the ingredients in, there was a big hot pink smoke coming from the cauldron

"Yes finally it's done" the young Wicca yelled "thorn go get my sisters."

A black cat with the most magnificent ruby eyes dashed away into the old house to find the green and blue witches. Blossom had put a spell on the cat so it would understand what she was saying. Blossom new that her sisters were bad at potions so she decided to use a cat to do her biddings.

"What is it Blossom what is wrong!" Buttercup came running into the room with her cat Dusk at her heels. Dusk was also a black cat with forest green eyes. Blossom put a spell on Dusk as well as Bubbles cat Luna. Luna was a Black she-cat with ocean Blue eyes.

"Nothing is wrong Buttercup; I've finally finished the potion."

"You have!" Bubbles cheered as she ran into the room "that's so great now we can use it against the vamp…I mean night killers." Bubbles smiled nervously

In the magic world even vampires were considered the most cruel and vicious out of all the magical creatures plus the ruler was a vampire. And blossom found a way to stop him. The three witches had already gotten rid of werewolves which where next in line for power. Once Blossom got rid of the vampires her and her sisters would take control of the magic world and mortal world. Witches would finally get the credit they deserved.

"When are we going to use it?" Buttercup asked

Even though she was a witch now she was still the same old tough Buttercup she has always been. Bubbles was still the sweetest. Blossom was still the leader and the smartest.

When the girls where 13 an old witch gave them her powers. The old witch did not wish to live any longer so in order to die she had to give up her powers and the puffs where the first ones she came across. The girls had changed dramatically over the years. Buttercup had mid-back length hair. It was still midnight black. She still had her lime green eyes as well. But now she had really good curves with c-cup breasts. Buttercup's breast where bigger then Blossom's and Blossom's where bigger than Bubbles, but all the girls had c-cups. It was true Buttercup looked more like the traditional witch but honestly Buttercup didn't mean to do that; she just always liked black and green.

Bubbles still had her golden blonde hair. She still wore them in pigtails but her hair was longer and only some of her hair was in pigtails. She still had her Baby blue eyes. She may still be the sweetest of the three but she never shed a tear any longer. She had the best curves out of the three.

"Well first we have to drink it."

"Why Blossom?" the blue witch asked

"Because we'll have to get close to the night killers in order for us to slip this into there…." Blossom gulped the continued "there food."

"By food you mean Blood." Buttercup was still very obnoxious as well

"The pink and blue witch looked at the green one in annoyance

"Once they drink it they will die automatically."

"But why do we have it drink it?" Bubbles asked again

"Because it will keep us safe and alive." Blossom stated

Buttercup's POV

"Here, drink this." Blossom handed me and Bubbles a glass and filled it with an orange liquid. Bubbles was taking little sips. She still hasn't learned after three years that potions never taste good. I held my nose and gulped it down. I felt weird, almost different. I looked at Bubbles. She looked at me and gave me a smile. Yup, same Bubbles. She still looked the same, her blonde hair, white fangs; baby blue eyes…wait white fangs. I ran over to a broken mirror and looked at my-self. I was starting to look pale and when I smiled I had fangs.

"Blossom! Why do I have fangs?" I shouted at her

"Because, they will think we are one of them so they won't eat us."

I wanted to kill her but I knew I couldn't mainly because me and Bubbles wouldn't be able to deal with the night killers without her.

I just walked back to my room to find that Dusk had gone back to the room and was taking a nap on my bed. She was purring in her sleep and I think she was having a dream. My room was pretty awesome; it had a twin sized bed with a neon green comforter. 2 of my walls where painted black while the other 2 where green. I had a small wooden vanity with pictures of the professor and me and my sisters all together. I had a walk in closet which held all of my clothes. And then I had a dresser that had shorts, undergarments, and Ect. I looked outside my window and found a full moon with bats flying in front of it and it looks like Luna and Thorn went outside for a late night snack. I think Dusk might have heard them because she woke up jumped off the bed and ran outside.

In the spot that Dusk was sleeping at a tiny spider was walking around. Usually I would have been scared of them but now I understand and respect them. The old witch that gave us our powers also gave us amulets. Mine was a Spider, Bubbles was Crescent moon, while Blossom's was a bat. We each had an amulet the shape of these things. Mine was also black with a green outline, Bubbles was silver with a Blue outline and Blossom's was dark purple with a pink outline. The witch said that we should where them all the time because we will be invincible. I don't ever wear mine because I was invincible before and I still am, plus it's her fault me and my sisters are like this. It's her fault I can't ever see the professor again, and it's her fault that I always have an urge to kill a mortal. I used to save them but now I just want to torture and kill them.

Sometimes I even Miss Mojo, the way he never gave up. It was fun fighting him and I always enjoyed it. And that spoiled Brat, Princess. She got on my nerves the most but now I just miss her. And I really don't want to admit it but I Miss Ace and his gang the most. I still don't know what I ever saw in him, but whatever it was it sure had me hooked. I guess I miss him the most just because he was my first crush. And then there was the Rowdyruff Boys. Brick the leader, Butch the crazy one, and Boomer the stupid one. They pissed me off so damn much, but Butch always made me laugh because he would start twitching every time he got excited or just wanted to punch something. I always hated them and I still do but those morons always new how to have fun and make people laugh.

-well that's it for the first chapter-L

Yeah so how did you like it?-B

-don't forget to review-L

Yes, yes, yes. Review, view, view-B

-Well bye-L

Adios amigos-B