AN: I threw this together because it has been haunting me. Un-beta'd. Will probably write part two when I get off work.

Happy Holidays everyone!

I don't own the characters or Glee

Quinn was surrounded by her mother, her grandparents and her adoring boyfriend on Christmas Eve and all she could think about was him. She hated being so damn drawn to him still, but she couldn't help it, he was and always would be the father of her child.

Sam was the quarterback, cute, attentive, respectful, and her mother and grandparents loved him. So why didn't she? She'd tried, she really had, but he didn't spark anything more than a forced smile when he said the dorky-cute things that made the other girls giggle. Her eyes were always drawn to another boy in glee, one that donned a Mohawk and had recently been in juvie.

What was wrong with her? She had the perfect guy wrapped around her finger, but all she wanted was the wrong one.

Puck was relaxing on the couch in the living room watching A Christmas Story. He'd end up watching it another three or four times, but it was one of the few traditions he had, especially since he didn't actually celebrate Christmas.

He played with his phone, sliding the keyboard back and forth. He was getting bored of Santana. Sure she was a warm body, and she was willing whenever, but there was no challenge. He scrolled back up from her name and looked a few contacts above her – Quinn.

He tapped her name and hit "Send Message". The message screen promptly appeared. He typed Hey and erased it three times. She was busy. She wouldn't talk to him at school. She had probably blocked his number. If he was going to text her, it had to be something better than "hey".

Quinn's phone vibrated in her cardigan. She contemplated ignoring it, but it could be important.

She looked at the phone with scrunched eyebrows.

Puck: Remember this time last year?

She did. Very well. In fact, it was all she was thinking of when Sam had his arm resting on her thigh during dinner.

Quinn: How could I forget watching that stupid Christmas Story movie more times than I can count?

She knew what he really meant, but she couldn't bring herself to admit there was ever anything more than sex that ever happened between the two of them. Especially since she was so happy (content) with Sam.

He should have expected that response. She'd been denying and ignoring the major events of the entire past year.

Puck: A year ago today I felt her kick for the first time.

Her heart skipped a beat when she read his message.

She looked up at the chandelier in the dining room, remembering the events of a year ago. How she was living with Puck, resting against him watching A Christmas Story for the first time that night. Feeling the baby moving, she grabbed his hand out of excitement and pressed it to the baby bump. When he didn't feel anything, she pressed his hand a little harder until the baby girl finally kicked him.

She was caught up in her memories when her phone vibrated again.

Puck: I miss her. I miss you.

Shit. He didn't mean to send the last message. He wished there was some kind of cosmic undo button, there was so much he would take back. But there wasn't, and she had probably just read that.

Quinn: I can't do this. I'm with Sam.

Since he'd already gone there, he might as well make it worthwhile.

Puck: He can't give you what I have.

Quinn: Are you drunk?

He had (surprisingly) respected the fact that she was with Sam the entire time they were dating. He hadn't tried to make a move; he'd barely spoken to her. It wasn't fair that he was doing this to her on Christmas Eve, with her boyfriend's arm around her.

Puck scoffed. She thought he was drunk. Great.

Puck: No I'm not drunk. I'm trying to be honest. It's the holidays and shit.

Quinn: Not tonight.

Puck: What better time?

Sam asked who she was texting, she said it was Brittany. Now she was lying to her boyfriend. She made a mental note for a New Year's resolution to stop that, though it was also her resolution for 2010.

Quinn: I'm getting ready to go to midnight mass. I have to go. Turning my phone off.

She hated the way he rattled her, even over text. He knew what to say to get to her. She wasn't even sure Sam knew what her favorite color was.

Puck tossed his phone across the couch. Now this, this was a challenge.