Moyashi-neechan: Finally. I'm back! XD *sigh* Sorry for the very very late update. A bad case of flu shot me down a couple of weeks ago. After that a tower of school paper work fell on me. It took a long time before I was found by the Muses and Plot bunnies underneath the rubbles of papers and Glee (Yes. THAT "Glee").
Anyways... WHOA! Aww... guys. Thank you for your reviews. I'm so happy that the story is keeping you all interested so far. I'm really really happy. Thank you all so much. =3
VamBrimm212: "Do dolls eat or sleep?" Hmm... Good question. No worries. I'll incorporate the answer in the story, so keep your eyes peeled. XD
Again, sorry for the late update. Enjoy the new chapter~
Took Under His Wing
The scent of corn and bread and chicken wafted inside the carriage.
The sounds of chatter, rain, and frying filled the air.
Then a light melodic laughter stood out among the cacophony.
Yeegar felt himself smile.
It's nice to hear a child's laugh every once in a while.
After the quick battle against the Akumas,
He asked the children to stay with them for dinner.
The little girl looked so happy at the invitation.
The boy…
Showed no reaction at all.
That gravely disturbs him.
Giving one last stir on the soup
And one last check on the chicken,
He asked Thierry to help him set the table
While Road chatted with the other finders gleefully.
Yeegar felt a little bit sad.
The world is unfair.
If what he assumes about the girl and the boy is correct.
Such a cruel fate for someone so young.
The food was laid carefully in the table.
All of them took a seat.
The little girl sat on the chair beside him.
The old general frowned.
"Noe, take a seat."
He addressed the boy,
Standing motionlessly behind Road.
The little girl shook her head.
"It's all right. Noe, is always like that."
"He doesn't like to sit when eating?"
Thierry asked her.
Road shook her head again.
"Noe never eats."
Yeegar's eyes narrowed at the information.
The wheels on his mind kept turning,
Bringing his thoughts to unpleasant conclusions.
No matter.
He can figure it out later.
They must be starving already.
Dinner first.
Leaving the awkward statement in the air,
The General and the rest of his unit said grace
Before indulging themselves with the food.
He then noticed Road's sudden lack of enthusiasm.
She was painfully quiet.
Her food was untouched.
Her eyes were downcast.
Her face…
It looked…
His heart almost stopped for a second in shock and fear.
Then he blinked.
Then it was gone.
For a fleeting moment,
He knew
He was sure that her face showed…
"General, is there something wrong?" Thierry asked.
The call snapped him out of his thoughts.
Everyone stopped eating.
All of them looked at him with concern.
Even Road.
"I'm fine. I was just thinking. Go on, finish your meal."
He told them with a smile.
It's just a trick of the eye.
That's it.
Nothing more.
Dinner was finished without any more instances as that.
Two of the finders went out of the carriage to function as look-outs,
While one remained inside to do the dishes.
This left the General, the girl, and the boy in an important conversation.
Yeegar started.
"Do you and Noe have anywhere to go?"
The little girl avoided his gaze.
She snuggled against Noe.
She was uncomfortable with the question.
The sight broke his heart a little bit.
He can tell it by their clothes.
Street children
"We… we will leave soon."
The girl mumbled.
"Don't worry we won't stay for long. Noe and I-"
"Are welcome to stay with me."
He cut in swiftly.
He won't cast them out.
They don't deserve such cruelty.
And if they really are Accommodators…
The Akumas…
I won't leave them.
He faintly remembered his students.
If he leaves the two children,
They will die just like them.
I won't let it happen twice.
He smiled warmly as Road stared at him with wide violet eyes.
"The two of you are more than welcome to stay with me."
"It might be a bit rough since I always travel."
"But I think it will be better for both of you to be with me."
She gripped the boy's hand.
Her eyes still wide open.
Disbelief could be seen all over her face.
The old General felt sad.
Had these children never received an act of kindness before?
Road finally stammered out.
He answered firmly.
Her face broke into the brightest smiles.
She yelled "Thank You!" and "Thank You!" as she hugged him.
Then she let go.
And then she hugged the stone-still boy.
"We can stay Noe! We can stay!"
She told him excitedly.
Yeegar felt a sense of joy and relief.
Road was really happy.
Even though, the girl was happy.
The boy…
He's still blank.
He's face showing nothing.
He didn't even blink.
It was very disturbing.
"I'm glad that you seem to like staying here."
Road beamed at him.
"Thank you!"
He chuckled at her never-ending gratefulness.
"You're more than welcome."
The girl yawned.
He smiled.
"Now, I'm sure you children are very tired."
She yawned again.
"It's time for you to sleep."
Road rubbed her eyes.
"A-all right."
He was about to prepare a make-shift bed for them,
When he saw her took Noe's hands.
They then sat in a corner.
The boy pulled the girl into a hug.
Road snuggled close against him.
Violet eyes soon closed for the night.
He felt a twinge of pity.
They must have live on their own for a long time,
If they always sleep like that.
He took a big, thick blanket from one of the small cupboards.
He was about to cover the children with it
Cold steel gray eyes glared at him.
Yeegar backed away a little.
Noe hugged Road tighter,
It was disconcerting.
It was frightening.
He really needs to hear the children's story tomorrow.
Moyashi-neechan: Road has quite a silver tongue. Why? Stay tuned~