Chapter Three
Author's Note: The Darby translation of the Bible is the version the Hellsing Ultimate English dub director said that it was what they used for the Bible verses in Hellsing Ultimate.
Gwen dressed quietly, cleaning the blood off her shoulder. She walked out of the room. She made her way out to where the other members of the Hellsing Organization were waiting for her. Ben had been in a long discussion with Sir Integra and was already waiting for her.
"My new butler has arrived today, nice to have more help," Sir Integra informed her. Gwen looked up to see who it was.
The door opened and in walked Cooper of all people! He was dressed in a fine English suit and looked every bit a butler.
Ben actually started laughing. "Cooper, a butler?! This was the job you were telling me about?!"
"You shouldn't laugh Ben, not only has Cooper been trained in the arts and mannerisms of a butler. He's also a master vampire hunter. The reason he has this job is that he's of the Dormez family, and they, like Alucard, has served the Hellsings for Generations."
"But that's not his last name," Ben pointed out.
"It's his mother's maiden name," Integra explained.
"So how'd you get this job when you're such a nerd?" Ben asked.
"My Granduncle, Walter used to tell me his World War II stories. I told him that I wanted to have a cool job like that and he said he'd keep that in mind. I didn't think anything of it until I managed to hack the Hellsing Organization's database, I saw his name mentioned and when she contacted me, I told her who I was. She said she'd give me proper training and that I'd become a master vampire hunter. But as far as hunting goes, I've gone out on some missions, but not a whole lot."
Gwen turned the corner and walked in.
"Cooper? When did you get here?" she asked, staring at her blonde friend.
"Oh, hi, Gwen. Well I did come here because this is my work, but I also came to deliver some weapons. I heard the legendary vampire Alucard is here and they asked me to make him something special."
"Cooper, how nice to see you here," Alucard said, Kevin's voice was once again present and Cooper seemed surprised. "So you're Walter's replacement. The Angel of Death rides once more."
"What's he talking about?" Ben asked. "You're too nice to kill things."
"Not when it comes to the family business Ben. Alucard is inside of Kevin. Hmmm, so that's how you survived, I heard about what happened to you. Well anyway, I brought you your new gun."
Cooper brought out a very large handgun. Ben's mouth dropped open.
"I want one of those!"
"Ben!" Gwen scolded.
"I don't care, it's awesome!"
"This is an exact replica of the Jackal, your old gun. Everything about it is the same, so you should be happy," Cooper handed him the gun.
"It's perfection, Cooper. I never thought I'd see it again, but you are truly a genius. Oh yes, I can't be happier about it," Alucard grinned.
"Can I hold it?" Ben asked a little too eagerly.
"Sure Tennyson," Kevin said, handing it to him. Gwen watched as her cousin fell over.
"Wow, that's heavy." Ben handed it back to him with both hands.
"Hello Master," a voice spoke up.
"Seras," Alucard acknowledged, nodding. Gwen was surprised to see the girl, who could have been in her twenties, walking up to him. Seras was strikingly beautiful, and had a figure that many women would covet. Gwen gasped; the woman was missing her left arm. It was completely gone; instead a strange shadow was in its place. She'd never seen anything like it. Gwen noticed that her left eye was covered by her hair, but when she looked up she apparently had both eyes, except they were read like Alucard's, she was clearly a vampire.
"It's strange to see you in a younger body master, I'm taller than you are," Seras teased him.
Kevin smiled, "My physical appearance means nothing to me. I find all of this amusing." Seras knew the look of amusement on her master's face, the boy did resemble her master slightly, but he always changed his shape when Alucard took over and took the appearance she was used to seeing. She turned politely to the two cousins.
"I'm Ben Tennyson, it's nice to meet you," Ben introduced himself. "Call me Ben."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Seras Victoria," she said politely shaking his hand. She seemed amused, "You remind me of him, except you don't have an accent."
"Oh, who?"
"Captain Pip Bernadotte, he is a very dear friend," Seras smiled. "Shall we go? Cooper tells me you know a lot about aliens. I'll be with you in a minute."
"Sure," Ben smiled.
"Please go wait with Cooper, I'll be with you shortly," Seras shooed the teen hero out.
"Seras, what happened to you?" Gwen asked. She was startled by the draculina's appearance. She was missing one of her arms and though it seemed that she had both eyes, one of them was concealed under her hair.
"I was a police girl in Cheddar Village, vampires attacked me, but my Master saved me, and he brought me here to the Hellsing Organization."
"Why did he pick you?"
Seras looked at Gwen, "Because I wouldn't give up. Those who don't give up are entitled to their time to trample upon the weak."
Alucard had said something similar to her.
Gwen nodded, "What happened to your arm?"
"It was cut off by a Nazi vampire, Zorin Blitz," Seras replied. "It's not something I want to think about."
"Vampire Nazis? Are you serious?" Gwen asked. It sounded crazy.
"Alcudard showed me some of his memories. It was horrible."
"It seems that Master is fond of you, both of them," Seras gave her a smile. "Come on then, Sir Integra has a meeting with the Vatican."
"Why?" Gwen asked, curious.
"We Protestants aren't the only ones who hunt the Un-Dead; they do to, the Iscariot Organization."
"Not that whole Catholic VS. Protestants thing, I thought that was just Ireland."
"No, it's not."
Seras and Gwen joined the others and headed to a museum.
Integra looked at her watch. "They're late and I don't like it."
They heard footsteps approaching them.
Gwen heard a voice speak up, "And out of his mouth goes a sharp two-edged sword, that with it he might smite the nations; and he shall shepherd them with an iron rod; and he treads the wine-press of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty."
The figure was dressed in the robes of a Catholic priest; he was carrying two long swords, their blades gleaming in the light, and walking towards them in an ominous fashion.
"And he has upon his garment, and upon his thigh, a name written, King of kings, and Lord of lords. And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that fly in mid-heaven, Come, gather yourselves to the great supper of God, that ye may eat flesh of kings, and flesh of chiliarchs, and flesh of strong men, and flesh of horses and of those that sit upon them, and flesh of all, both free and bond, and small and great."
"It can't be, Father Alexander Anderson, the Paladin of the Iscariot Organization is dead!" Integra exclaimed in surprise.
Heheheheheheheh!" Alucard laughed. "I wonder who this is then, we all saw him die! I can't wait to fight him again!"
"What is he?!" Gwen asked, shocked, her family usually attended Mass on Christmas; this was unlike any priest she'd ever seen. "What kind of man of God kills people?!"
"Gwen, I don't think God has anything to do with these people," Ben told her.
"We are the servants of God, and the messengers of His Justice. We are the instruments of His divine wrath on Earth. We are called upon to cleanse His Kingdom, bringing ash from the flesh of Thine enemies." He brandished his swords, causing them to spark, "PRAISE TO OUR LORD!"
Suddenly, the Ultimatrix spoke, "Genetic Code Identified, genetic clone of a human male."
"A clone? I see. The Major was a cyborg," Sir Integra looked at him. Her eyes stern and unwavering. "And I thought I'd seen everything."
"Sir Integra Hellsing," Father Anderson's clone smirked. "I may be a copy of Father Anderson, but I will surpass him! I will kill that monster, that vampire!"
The clone launched a dozen bayonets into Alucard before the Tennyson cousins could blink. Cooper stepped between Anderson and Integra.
"Don't worry about me, Anderson's the one who should run, Seras, make sure he doesn't leave."
A large shadow surrounded the building. Suddenly a man appeared in the midst of it. "So they brought back the crazy priest eh? That's interesting."
"Who is that?" Ben asked.
"That is Mr. Pip Bernadotte, he's my familiar," Sera explained to the Tennyson cousin.
Ben was surprised. "So is he your boyfriend?"
"No time for chitchat kid, I got work," Pip told him.
Pip looked over and saw Gwen.
"Oh, so this is the new girl, Alucard's host's girl, she's pretty, he has good taste I'll give him that. We'll have to catch up some time eh Mon Cher?"
"Nous parlerons plus tard, Monsieur Bernadotte," Gwen replied.
Pip laughed, "Damn, she speaks French, even more fun!"
Kevin got up, rushing straight at Anderson as the priest tried to cut off his hand with a blade. Kevin caught it and absorbed the metal, coating himself in it. He smirked.
Oh, this is fascinating, you can absorb things, oh, I'll have so much fun with this! Alucard was immensely interested in his host's powers. Kevin absorbed metal from the Jackal and struck the Paladin of Iscariot across the face.
Kevin formed a blade with his powers and stabbed Anderson through the heart. "Is that all? Don't leave me hanging."
The priest's response was to cut off Kevin's right arm, the Osmosian vampire retaliated by firing the Jackal and filling his enemy with more holes than the Tennyson cousins would have thought possible.
Ben and Gwen were about to jump into the fray when Sir Integra stopped them. "You won't interfere, you're frail and mortal, they're monsters, let them deal with each other."
"I don't care, I don't work for you, I'm stopping this now!" Gwen screamed a she slammed her fists down into the floor, using her Mana to shatter it. Ben had been prepared to fight but Gwen beat him to it. Mana surrounded both opponents, separating them.
"That's enough!" Gwen glared at them.
Alexander laughed, "You expect me to take orders from a Protestant whore?"
"I don't practice Christianity for your information," Gwen smirked. "I just want you to stop."
"I hear people coming in, can't finish this fight yet," Anderson scowled.
"This isn't fun anymore, I'm going back to sleep," Aloucard slashed away her barrier.
Anderson glared at the girl, "I won't forget this!"
"It seems this conflict has been postponed," Sir Integra frowned. "No thanks to you, Gwendolyn."
"Please remember, I don't work for you!" Gwen snapped. Gwen used her powers to fix the floor.
'I will remember what you've done lovely, naïve Gwendolyn," Alucard smirked. He was already devising payback for lovely Gwen's meddling.
Gwen lay in her bed in a deep sleep. She shifted her weight restlessly.
Get up, Gwendolyn. Get up and come to me.
Gwen rose and made her way down towards the basement. Alucard was awake, Kevin was asleep. He looked amused as Gwen moved closer to him. Alucard bent down and kissed her lips sweetly.
"I could use a quick drink, and you are…delicious," he bit into her gently, soothing her with his hands. Oh, it tasted exquisite, but he would have to keep control of himself, he didn't want to kill her by accident.
"Alucard?" Gwen asked, voice sounded very calm, a little too calm, he noted.
"Yes Lovely Gwendolyn?"
"Who do you think I am—Lucy Westrinra?!" Gwen performed a martial arts throw, slamming Kevin's body to the ground, waking Kevin from his sleep.
"I know you see me as a playtoy, but keep this up and—" Gwen formed a pair of Mana bayonets, placing them at both Alucard's heart and throat. "—I'll decapitate you and run you through, I know you can recover so it won't bother you, I don't care if Kevin is your host. I'm not playing your mind games!"
Gwen felt her body gripped by his strong hands and tossed nonchalantly into a nearby bed. He didn't move; he just kept watching her, giving her his ghastly smile.
"And that, little girl, is what makes me love you more!" he growled softly. "If you want to kill me, then do so and don't hesitate!"
Kevin woke with a start, "Gwen, what's going on?"
"He got me to sleepwalk, and he bit me," Gwen explained.
"You bastard! You don't get to grand theft me when I sleep to do what you want with my girlfriend again!" Kevin screamed mentally.
"I only tease her, she won't die you fool!" Alucard scowled. "I do as I please!"
"You don't get to decide that Alucard!" Gwen seethed.
Gwen saw the body kneel down before her in a humble gesture. "I'm merely a humble servant, both to my master, and the woman my host loves."
"I don't appreciate being teased!" Gwen glared. "Especially when my blood is involved!"
Unexpectedly Kevin's voice joined Alucard's. "Now Gwen, you aren't going to stay mad at me forever are you?"
"No, I'm not angry with you Kevin," Gwen sighed.
"Master," Seras' voice spoke through an intercom, "We're going out on a mission. Sir Integra's orders."
"Very well," Alucard said, Kevin's voice once again resonated with his.
"By the way Alucard, I will be training to kill you in my sleep," Gwen glared at him as she walked ahead of him.
Gwen could hear him laughing.
"Heheheheheh! Hahahahaha!" Alucard rumbled. "She's such a fascinating creature. Hmmm…"
They headed out to a village; Sir Integra informed them that it was overrun with ghouls.
"Gwendolyn, please remember, these ghouls are no longer people," Integra told her sternly. "They cannot be cured or changed back to what they were. So kill them, and feel no guilt."
Ben didn't like what they were doing either, but he'd seen what a vampire could do, and he had to accept it. "Don't worry Gwen, she's right, they're not human anymore, and if there's no cure, we have to do this."
"I don't like this, but I don't have a choice," Gwen sighed. She summoned her Mana and formed a pair of machete chainsaws; she'd seen a picture and figured they would be good weapons to wield against the Un-dead.
"My girl has a vicious streak! I like it!" Alucard laughed. Gwen glared at him.
Alucard went in front and the Tennyson cousins followed behind him. Gwen noticed that the ghouls lumbered towards them. They were a lot like zombies. Kevin raised his hands, firing his guns with ease.
"There won't be enough left for us!" Ben complained.
"Don't worry Tennyson, you can have these!" Kevin scowled. A group of ghouls rushed at them.
Ben slammed his hand down on the Ultimatrix. "Armadrillo!" He slammed his drill through the nearest vampire's head, drilling a massive hole into it. Blood sprayed everywhere. Suddenly, a large stream of razor wire came out of nowhere and ripped dozens of them to shreds.
"Cooper?!" both cousins exclaimed, shocked to see him there.
"Yeah, it's me. Thought you could use the help," Cooper smiled a little.
Gwen attacked a vampire that came rushing for her neck. She swung her machete, slashing through the creature's neck, fending off another with the other blade; she hacked off its arm.
Ben morphed into Chromastone and blasted a group of vampires, making sure to headshot them. He quickly changed into Cannonbolt and barreled over them, crushing their heads.
Cooper used his powers to create a powerful gun, he fired them at the ghouls, catching any that managed to escape his wires. Alucard saw the host vampire fleeing and gave chase.
"Where's Alucard?" Ben asked.
"You don't worry about him, I'm sure he'll do fine," Cooper told him.
"I don't want to think of what he's doing," Gwen shuddered.
Kevin walked down the hallway nonchalantly. He approached the host vampire. "So you're the bigshot Alucard, Helling's pet. You won't be once I fill you full of holes!" The vampire fired his gun. Alucard decided to test his host's powers and absorbed the metal, easily coating himself with a metal shield. He tested the power to shift his hand into a blade and he smiled fiendishly. Oh yes, his host was making this fight so interesting.
The nameless vampire picked up a sword. He charged Alucard, who fended off his blows with ease. There weren't usually good swordsmen among the undead. Alucard slashed at him effortlessly. Their blades met as he assumed the offensive.
"But now I can test my host's powers, this should prove to be a truly great pleasure!"
Alucard shape shifted Kevin's body to form a blade with his hand, with one swift strike; he impaled the creature through its heart. He hoisted it up, laughing maniacally.
"Such an interesting host, I made affine choice choosing this Kevin Levin, not only is he as powerful as I hoped he'd be, but he hides his true nature under the surface, and his girl, she's also fascinating, why she'd choose someone like him…well, you and I both know that deep down inside, we're both monsters!"
"You're such a disappointment; I wish this could have lasted longer. At least Anderson is back to entertain me." Alucard decapitated the vampire and walked back to Gwen, Ben and the others. "It's over, my Master."
"You're enjoying yourself, far too much," Ben looked at his best friend.
"I can hardly wait for this new Father Anderson; perhaps I will be defeated by that man, like those men, in that long forgotten time…"
Gwen was curious, she wanted to ask Alucard about them, but she supposed it could wait until they returned to Hellsing headquarters.