Disclaimer: I don't own GLEE or its characters though I wish I did.

Author's Note: NEW STORY! Based off of the song 'Erase Me' by Kid Cudi & Kanye West. Great song= inspiration for another angsty fic! The first chapter is short and kind of sad but I LOVE me some Rachel/Artie friendship! BEWARE OF SOME FINCHEL ANGST! But it'll always end up happy :) THEY ARE ENGAME AFTER ALL! Set in the new year! THANKS AND ENJOY!

She feels even more excluded and hated than usual when she walks into the buzzing cafeteria to see the tables full of students. No one wanted her. She usually doesn't care what everyone else thinks but now that he doesn't want her, nothing else matters.

She catches sight of the Glee Club's table and her chest tightens when she sees the harmony. She doesn't belong there. She never has.

Supressing the sobs that are on the horizon, she walks by the table quickly, hearing all signs of laughter fade. Hushed whispers are exchanged and she can't help but glance back only to meet his eye. His cinnamon eyes are guarded and his perfect face is a mask of detest as he glowers back at her for a long moment before scoffing and turning away. She swallows the thick lump in her throat, hastily leaving to find an empty table. The snickers that follow her make it harder to keep it together as she sinks into a seat a vacant table, her back facing theirs.

Do not cry...do not cry...don't you dare cry she scolds herself, feeling the tears well up and her face get hot. She's surprised she still has tears to shed.

The impact of something hitting her in the back of the head makes it that much harder as she looks down at her tray to see a chunk of bread that had been thrown. She turns in the direction of where it came from, seeing Santana smirking while the rest of the table -full of her teammates- cackles. She turns around quickly, trying to tune out her vicious insults but failing when she hears his distinctive laugh, loud and mocking.

Why is the whole world against her?

She knows she did wrong, she knows she's not a good person but she could never do this to someone. She hurt him and she took responsibilty for it. She lost him and her passions as a result. But the universe wasn't done torturing her.

She clamps her eye shut tightly in attempt to stop the tears from falling as she takes a deep breath, trying to convince herself that she's stronger than this.

"Hey Artie, where are you going?"

There's no response as she warily opens her puffy eyes, glazed with tears and turns her head slightly to see him wheel up with a soft smile. "Hey Rachel" he greets in a friendly tone, gently pushing a chair out of the way so he can wheel himself into the position beside her. He places his lunch tray down beside her and smiles at her again, causing her jaw to drop open in shock.

She can feel the stunned eyes of the Glee Club on their backs as Artie takes a bite of his apple, ignoring the silent calls for him to come back to the Glee table. She sends him a questioning look as he grins with a shrug. "I didn't feel like being a total jerk today" he says causually.

She chuckles, the sound strained and foreign as she turns back toward her food. They eat in silence for a few moments, her own thoughts deafening as she chances glances at the boy who eats with a certain pride.

"You don't have to feel responsible for me" she murmurs finally, breaking the silence. "You don't have to join me for my hours of shame."

"I want to" he replies calmly. Her heart pounds unevenly as she remembers when he said those words, so softly spoken and making her feel so loved. "Besides, I'm sick of them...you deserve better."

It's quiet again as she processes his words. She still feels lonely but she's not alone. The touch of warmth she feels through the ice cold gaping hole in her chest makes her smile slightly with a whispered "thank you."

"Don't mention it" he says idly. After a beat fo silence he turns serious. "I'm sorry."

There's no need for an explanation because she knows he's apologizing for so many things; his own faults and the unacknowledged mistakes by the whole Glee Club.

And he's apologizng for Finn.

She swallows thickly, managing a small smile of appreciation. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it."

AN#2: ANGST! This is gonna be deep people...just a quick, short intro!

Next ChapterL who knows? i don't ;)