A/N: For RockerChick08. All mistakes are mine.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
The moment I offered her my blood in order to save her life, I should've known that things would change. She's a witch. I'm a vampire. No matter how interconnected and culpable her lineage has been within the supernatural realm, she's innocent in so many ways. I am the furthest thing from it and have worn the taint of my overwhelming passions and guilt like comfortable clothes for more than a lifetime.
I should've known.
But looking into my beloved Elena's tear-filled eyes, I couldn't NOT do anything. What Elena didn't know was that the few interactions I've had with Bonnie were enough to set me firmly enough in her life to champion her whenever I could. I gave her my blood, so that she could live. Looking back, I wouldn't have done anything differently, but damn Damon for not telling me about the repercussions of comingling our blood. Then again, he was in such a stupor over the loss of his penultimate woman, I can't really lay much blame at his door.
I gave her my blood.
There wasn't much that I was expecting beyond her physical healing. We bundled her up into Elena's car as soon as she was stable enough to be on her feet. After all she'd been through with the nightmares, hauntings, Damon-stalking, possession and near murder, I gave Elena tacit permission to let her in on the Salvatore secret. At this point, I think she more than deserved to know what's been going bump-in-the-night. Maybe alongside her grandmother, she could learn to better arm herself against the things that have been happening to her. Perhaps she could better control that nearly out of control power of hers, which randomly strikes out with more force than necessary when her emotions ran high. Maybe, the knowledge would better enable Elena to cope, having a confidante whom she could unload on, whenever we Salvatores got to be a little too much for her.
In hindsight, I realize that the change began almost immediately. Running on anger at Damon, despair for Damon, and fear for both girls, I didn't note it at the time. I recall now that as soon as she ingested my essence, there was a definite exchange of electrical energy, something like the completion of a current, resulting in a low-level humming in my subconscious. For the first time in my life, I think I was AWARE of another human being, on an almost cellular level. Of course, I paid no attention at the time; I just wanted Bonnie and Elena well…and then, well away from Damon.
After seeing them off, I turned to my brother. "Damon?" I inquired.
Damon finally stirred from his near-catatonia, searing me with hurt yet knowing stare. "You have no idea what you've just done, Stefan." He shook his head in disgust and sneered, continuing his accusations. "You STILL get the girl. I'm the one with the wholehearted and pure devotion and intent, yet you still get them all," he said flinging an arm out.
I frowned at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?"
Damon closed his eyes, his expression mournful. In a near whisper, he answered, "First Katherine, then the shiny Elena…and now her best friend."
I couldn't help giving him a double-take. "You mean Bonnie? I just gave her some blood to keep her from dying by your hand." I pointed in the direction of where the car had departed not long before.
"She was supposed to be MINE!" he roared. "I was supposed to bring her back from the brink. You just succeeded in cock-blocking me once again."
"What? I don't want Bonnie. I'm in love with Elena, you know that." I defended myself.
Damon laughed bitterly, getting to his feet. "Mark my words, brother: you may not want her now, but you're going to need to have her soon enough. Then where will your precious relationship with Elena be?"
More confused than ever, I followed him as he started walking out of the woods. "Explain, Damon." I demanded.
Damon gave the first genuine smile I'd seen on his face in a long time. "You'll need my help once all this starts going sideways for you. Until then, I wouldn't wan to ruin the surprise for you."
After that ominous statement, he sped away, leaving a trail of fog in his wake.
I shook my head at his predictions, chalking them up to be no more than an immense outpouring of the anger, disappointment and grief his was going through. Heading out of the woods, I decide to check up on Elena and Bonnie.
If you enjoyed it and would like more, I'd love to hear from you! Otherwise this fic gets an audience of one and goes back in the vault.