Jjnome: Hey :D
Kashino: I will strangle you.
Jjnome: I-I know I haven't been writing lately for u guys but um…. I am now! Don't hurt me! *cowers in fear*
Kashino: Hmph. I guess if I strangle you, you wont be able to write….
Jjnome: Th-Thnaks! *hugs*
Kashino: Get the hell off me!
Jjnome: lmao. I own nothing. *still hangs onto Kashino*
Kashino: Someone help!
When I turn around I saw him. Kashino. I feel happy yet sad at the same time to see him. I don't if I should be mad at him or talk to him like we used to.
"Y-Yeah. Just… I'm thinking a lot…"
"That's a surprise." He says sitting down.
"I'm kidding." He pats my head.
If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its your. If it doesn't, it never was.
Get out of my head lady! But I guess I can take her advice….
"Hey Kashi-"
"I found a plane that is taking some people to Paris for like a school trip. Amun said he could get us on the plane since he's good friends with the pilot. We can leave tomorrow afternoon." He leans back as cold breeze passes over us. I shiver. He puts his arm around me.
"Were you saying something before I cut you off?"
If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its your. If it doesn't, it never was
"No I wasn't. I was going to ask you about the plane situation and all…"
"Okay. " He gets up. "I might get some rest if I were you. Knowing you you'll wait until the last minute to pack up your things."
"Like you won't have anything to pack up!"
"Actually nothing since I never unpacked anything anyways."
"W-Well…" I think back to the explosion of stuff that was in my suitcase. "I won't take long either!"
"Okay, Okay. Fine. " I can hear him laughing as he walks down the hill. I sit on the bench for a few minutes before I get cold and walk back.
The words of the old lady will follow me for the rest of my life but I'm looking forward to what's awaiting me in Paris.
The next morning is hectic. I really want to spend the last day here in Egypt looking at the shops and stuff. So I have to pack. I ask Aloli for help and she gladly helps with my mess.
"There we go. Its all packed." She says. My suitcase is a little bulged but it works. We walk out to the front of the shop and ask her Grandma where Kashino and Amun were. She says they already left.
"Looks like we have to go find them." Aloli smiles.
"Here is the plane." Amun says to Kashino.
"Okay great. At least it's one way of getting back on track."
"I hope Henri-sensei isn't too mad about you guys being late."
"Well. We couldn't help our plane from landing here." Kashino holds his hand out for a hand shake.
"Quit being so formal Kashino. Or is it because your Japanese." Amun says hugging him.
"Ahem… It's been nice to get to know you Amun." They begin to walk back to the village. The sun is at its high point and getting very hot. Amun wipes sweat from his forehead.
"Same to you. And good luck with Ichigo. She's a great girl. A little clueless but a great girl." Kashino blushes.
"W-What are you talking about?" Kashino says.
"Don't try to hide it. I know you two have something going on." Amun gives Kashino a little push.
"W-Watch it you bastard!" Amun laughs.
"Ichigo is clueless. It may take a long time for her to realizes her true feelings for you. Heck, maybe neither of you know how you really feel." Amun pauses.
"Amun! Kashino!" Aloli and I scream as we come running down the dirt road. "We've been looking for you."
"Yeah. Kashi here just wanted to see the plane." Amun puts his hand on Kashino's shoulder.
"Don't touch me. Or call me Kashi!" The group starts to laugh.
"I am so hot!" Aloli yells.
"I have an idea. Since its their last day here… how about we take them to…" Amun says.
"Yeah. That is a great idea…" Aloli says smiling. "Come on Ichigo! Your gonna love this place!"
"You too Kashino." Amun says.
Kashino and I are dragged along the road until we finally reach an oasis.
"It's beautiful!" I say. I run up and put my feet in the water.
"Yeah. I guess we could have gone back for swim suits but its more fun this way." Amun says laughing.
Kashino stands in the back looking at Ichigo. She is laughing and splashing around in the water. "What a child." Kashino mutters with a smile. Amun and Aloli lead him closer and closer until he is behind me. They give a big shove and he falls over onto me. Amun and Aloli are laughing hysterically.
"I-I'm sorry I-Ichigo…." Kashino says. He is looking away but I can tell he is blushing. I push him off of me and dunk him in the water.
"Still clueless as ever." Aloli mutters to Amun. They jump in and join us.
Our last day in Egypt was amazing. After the swim we went back to their house and had sweet bread. Their grandmother is really going to miss us.
I feel sad leaving here. I've made so many new friends and had great experiences but Henri-sensei is waiting for Kashino and I in Paris.
"Come on Ichigo." Kashino holds his hand out and helps me onto the plane. We sit in the back since all the other seats are taken by the students. We buckle up and get ready for our trip in Paris.
Jjnome: You guys like? Eh? Eh? :D
Kashino: Kashi :/
Jjnome: I like it :P
Kashino: :/
Amun: Good bye guys!
Aloli: I hope you liked us and will miss us!
Jjnome: Oh you guys might have a purpose sooner than expected *chuckles*
Aloli and Amun: O.o
Jjnome: Review and Favorite! I love you guys so much! You inspire me to keep writing. Thank you. Thanks for being patient with me. I truly love you all :D