It was the longest winter Narnia had seen in a long time. Not since the White Witch had the winters seemed so long. Yet here they were, more than thirteen hundred years after the Pevensie's defeated the witch, and once more the country was under winter's icy grip.
The wind was so sharp it threatened to chop off noses and ears and any other pieces of skin that the people were careless enough to leave exposed. It was all very pretty but one couldn't appreciate it when it was so utterly cold.
After helping Caspian plant his arse on the throne the four original monarchs had decided that he was clearly going to mess things up and therefore they should hang around for a bit to show him the way things should be done (aka, boss him around and generally show him that he would never be as good as they were)
Of course they hadn't told Aslan that when they discussed it with him, and he'd agreed that maybe it was best if they stuck around to show the new boy the ropes, as Edmund had put it. Peter's version was much less kind.
It was so horribly cold, everyone felt it, even the creatures with thick fur pelts couldn't help shivering every time they set foot out of doors. Indoors wasn't a great deal better, mind, but at least there were plenty of fires in the castle for them to huddle round and lots of blankets to wrap up in.
Lucy had decided that the warmest fire in the castle was the one in Edmund's library, so that was where she was to be found most days. Edmund was usually there too and although they weren't the best of friends they'd agreed that if they were to share this space they should at least call a truce until the snow siege was over. Remarkably it lasted and they had managed to stop bickering, which their siblings found a blessed relief for the usually bickered every minute of the day.
"Do you think we should tell them?" Lucy asked as she shivered her way into bed.
"What? That not only are we getting along during the day, but we're also spending the nights in bed together? Yeah that'll go down well."
"It's not like they'd mind too much." She snuggled down against Edmund's side comfortably.
Edmund wrapped his arms around her smaller form and pulled her close. "Peter would have my head and you know it."
She looked up at him, eyes big and faux innocent. "If he does I'll hold a really nice memorial for you."
"Ha, ha."
"Sorry. Besides he can't judge. He's sleeping with Caspian."
"He is?"
"I thought everyone knew that."
"I didn't."
"Come on, it's the worst kept secret in Narnia."
"I thought that was us."
"No, sweetie, we're the best kept secret in Narnia."
"Oh crud. It's not what it looks- Susan? Why aren't you running for Peter to come and massacre me?"
Gentle Queen Susan laughed lightly. "I just came to check you had enough blankets. Sensible idea actually; bunking up like that. Peter and Caspian had the same idea."
"You're not mad?"
"The only reason you're snuggled up is because it's such a cold night. Location is down to the fact that Lucy's room is always so much colder since she broke the window. Also the fireplace doesn't draw properly in there. There's probably snow in that room."
Lucy giggled and Edmund smiled affectionately at her.
"Since you're all set, I'll bid you goodnight."
They returned it and she left.
Outside the door Susan sniggered.
"How dumb do they think I am?"