You ARE the Father

The audience sat in complete silence and anticipation as a cameraman handed a manila envelope to a middle aged, gray haired man. In an armchair sat a man with spiky auburn hair, his bangs covering half his face.

On the couch beside it sat a brunette teen boy. "Kratos," began the middle aged male host, taking out the paper within the manila envelope, "in the case of seventeen year old Lloyd... you ARE the father!"

The crowd began cheering as Lloyd stared in disbelief. "W-what?" He stuttered before glancing at Kratos. The mercenary merely shrugged while Lloyd looked seconds from spasms.

"I could have told you that." He said nonchalantly. Lloyd let out a scream that contained a long chain of 'H's as he fell from the cushy couch, twitching around on the floor in seizures.

"Is he going to be okay?" Maury asked.

A random ToS fangirl stood. "Yeah, give him a sec. He'll stand up and give an incredibly corny speech."

Short, stupid, but an idea I couldn't get out of my head nonetheless. Please review.