A/N ~ This was my donation chapter for Fandom4LLS. I'd like to thank the organizers for asking me to participate. I would also like to thank Illicit Writer for creating the ultimate banner for Days at a Time for me. Beautifully done, and in record time. She's an amazing artist!
My usual cheerleading team of msj2779 and sshg316 pre-read and beta'd for me. Squishes and thanks to both. :D
And a zillion thanks to my faithful readers, and those still pimping and rec'ing DLT, along with these random DaaT chapters. If you haven't read this one yet, hope you enjoy this EPOV chapter!
Daddy Days
As much as I love my job, some days are just brutal. This was one of them. Every Friday, I went solo in my shared practice, which meant I was hopping from one exam room to the next the entire day. Bella was in the habit of bringing me lunch on Fridays, but I worked through lunch this time since she was leaving tonight for a two-day job. I don't think I had more than five minutes to myself all day, and even then I was dealing with paperwork. There was a rush of flu patients – always fun – several immunizations for very uncooperative children, and the lab was having technical issues. None of the tests I needed back were in until the very end of the day. Bella was edgy enough with leaving us for her weekend wedding shoot – me being detained at work was not a good thing.
All three of my girls rushed me at the door when I finally arrived at home, but instead of being overwhelmed, all of the stress drained out of me. This was what I lived for.
I promptly kissed all three beauties after kicking my shoes off. I picked Juliet up for her snuggles as Bella gave me the rundown on everyone's schedule. Again. It wasn't necessary, of course. I had my Post-It notes detailing everything I needed to know about the girls' meals and sleep times, as well as Bella's itinerary. I listened anyway, nodding when necessary. When she was finished, we traded girls so she could say goodbye to Juliet.
My two girls and I waved goodbye as Bella backed out of the driveway, heading out for the wedding in San Diego. She was due at the family dinner and was staying over for the morning shots with the bride before the ceremony. Yes, I loved my job. And yes, I loved my family. But I adored Daddy Days more than anything. Spending special time with only my baby girls was something I looked forward to. This time, I'd get an overnight! I was feeling downright giddy about it.
Bella had already fed the girls, but they sat with me while I ate – Juliet in a booster chair beside me with some sorbet and peach slices, and Nicole on my lap, fingers mashing away in my rice and peas.
"Are you feeding Daddy, Little Lolly?" I made a show of sucking on her fingers when she'd lift them up to show me her mess. Her lollipop mouth was stretched into a big gummy grin. She was drooling a lot lately. She'd be starting to teethe soon.
I pushed my plate out of reach when she discovered it was more fun to throw the rice than feed me. "You're getting a little too excitable for my liking. And your sister has rice in her hair. Is that nice?"
Juliet giggled when I pulled a piece out to show her. "No peas, Nicololly!" The Lolly name had stuck, not only because of her habit of sucking her mouth into a tiny 'O', but Juliet had struggled with saying Nicole. She could handle Lolly, but she was stubborn and wanted to master 'Nicole'. It came out in a ramble of both names. I loved it!
"Juliet doesn't like peas, Nicole. What do you think? Are they yummy? Or do they look better in her hair?"
Both hands flew to her hair to check for peas, and I burst out laughing. She was frowning at her baby sister, and I had to admit, she had her mom's death glare. Nicole simply laughed and thumped her hands on the table excitedly.
"You're safe, Sunshine. No peas."
I washed Nicole's hands off in the sink. Juliet then occupied her while I cleaned up the table and attempted to sweep sticky rice. I gave up on that, opting to let it dry out and take care of it later. It'd be gone by the time Bella came home – she'd never know.
I got down on the floor to play with them for a while before bath time. Their favourite game lately was build and destroy. Juliet had an extensive collection of building blocks, and she would construct towers while Nicole smashed them down. She'd get hands and feet into it – though, mostly feet. She was indeed a little kicker. Juliet was a much kinder big sister than Rosalie was. If I had purposefully destroyed something Rose had built, I wouldn't be alive to talk about it. Juliet handled it with grace. It was her idea to turn it into a game. I liked her attitude – knock down my construction, sure, but don't you dare put peas in my hair!
I promised her an extra-long bath for playing so nicely. She was a much bigger fan of the water than Nicole was, for sure. She had a Noah's Ark bath set that she happily played with for as long as we'd permit, so I used this as my opportunity to fold laundry. I emptied the drier while the water ran, bringing the full basket into the bathroom with us. Nicole happily chewed on a toy in her chair on the floor, Juliet splashed away with her toys, and I sat on the toilet – folding and stacking into another basket like a pro. I knew I'd need some towels to mop up the floor, so I had a full pile ready on the counter. She smiled at me impishly when I completed my task.
"No spills, Daddy!"
"Oh! My, my! You did do very well, Sunshine! We need to wash your hair so it's all pretty for tomorrow. We don't want any rice growing in there, do we?"
Staring up at me with the most serious expression, she shook her head. "No rice, Nicololly!"
I was attempting to soothe her and reassure her that the rice would not grow in her hair when the phone rang. Bella had promised to call when she arrived in San Diego. I brought it into the bathroom with us, chatting while I set Nicole up in her chair so I could get some hair-washing in. I had the phone cradled between my ear and shoulder while I scrubbed softly. I relayed the details of our evening so far. Bella was feeling homesick already.
"It's not like that first time I left Juliet, but it's still bad," she informed me. "I had to pull over just before the city. My boobs decided they missed Little Lolly."
I chuckled softly. "Did you treat everyone driving by on the highway to a free show? Wish I could be so lucky." Building blocks were all right, but Bella's boobies were probably my favourite plaything.
"I can cancel… come back home and you could get lucky."
"Ugh! Don't tease me! Besides, you want to do this, Bella. You love your work. You'll be happier once you get into it. You won't even notice that it's an out-of-town job."
"Oh, I'll notice when you're not snoring beside me tonight."
"Call back and I'll snore for you," I taunted. I would, though. I'd do anything for Bella.
"Mm-hmm. Right. Bet you'll have two other girls in bed with you…" Her light laughter warmed my heart.
"You know me so well. I've got a brunette and a redhead here already waiting."
"Bet they're gorgeous, too."
"Knock-outs. Now, go do your thing and don't worry about us. We'll miss you, but go have some fun, baby. Go work!" I finished rinsing off Juliet's head and encouraged her to say it with me before we said our 'I love yous'.
"Go work, Mummah!"
The pouty lip came out when I told Juliet it was time for her to get out of the tub. It was always my undoing, but she was getting pruney, so I hauled her out anyway. "Your toes look like little raisins, Juliet! I may have to eat them!" The pout was replaced with giggles as I nibbled, and then she helped me get Nicole ready for her bath.
"This we'll need the towels for!" I announced as I held a naked Nicole over her baby tub. Despite the smaller tub being placed inside the regular tub and only containing a couple of inches of water, she always managed to soak me and the floor. Her feet never stopped!
Juliet nodded and draped one over herself so her pyjamas wouldn't get wet. Smart girl.
Typically, Nicole woke up around five, when I'd be getting up for work. She would normally go back to sleep for a few hours after a feeding. I had corralled them into my bed, so when she woke, I took her out to the living room so we wouldn't wake Juliet. That was it for her. She decided not to go back to sleep for me. Showering would be rough.
I contemplated calling my sister to ask her and Emmett to come early. Every Saturday, we took Juliet to a playgroup and I didn't want her to miss it. Today, they were going to put on a little show for the parents. Rosalie wanted to watch, and Bella wanted all of it recorded, so they were bringing their baby and joining me and my girls for the day. I decided against waking them. If their son, Masen, was sleeping, more power to them. Nicole was guaranteed to get cranky mid-morning after missing her sleep. We didn't need two fussy babies out with us.
Breakfast was a disaster. Juliet wanted eggs, and if we could get her to eat anything other than rice, meatballs, and cold cereal, we did whatever was necessary. If my Sunshine wanted eggs, she would have eggs. I snuck tiny bits of spinach and ham into a soy cheese mixture for omelettes. In the meantime, Nicole decided she wanted food, too. Bella was into this homemade crap, buying organics from Whole Foods to make her own baby food. I loved her for the effort, but really, was it that much different than the jarred foods? The jars that were clearly labelled? Bella had a system for the small containers of food in the fridge, I knew it. I had even written her instructions down. Where was that sticky note?
"It should be on the fridge! That's where a sticky note pertaining to food should go," I grumbled as I went to check out my note center. Bella insisted on me using the bulletin board by the garage door for all my notes, tired of seeing them scattered around the house. It seemed like a small concession. Times like this, it really sucked. There had to be fifty, or more, sticky notes attached to the board. Huffing in quiet frustration, I began pouring over them.
Nicole screamed from her highchair. Juliet had the TV on. Loud. Baby Einstein: Neptune Discovers Water, by the sound of it. I could play Handel's rendition on the piano much quieter than she had it blasting from the TV. Normally it was soothing. Today, I wanted to pull my hair out. "Sunshine, could you turn that down, please?"
No response. Nicole screeched out from the kitchen. "Coming Lolly! Just a sec! Daddy's looking for something… Juliet! Can you please turn that off and go talk to Nicole for a minute?" My voice was raised; it had to be in order to be heard over the raucous sounds in my house at the moment.
Nicole screeched again. Handel shut up. And Juliet bellowed. "Daaaaadddddy!"
I dropped all notes and ran into a kitchen of billowing smoke. "Shhhh-ugar!" I grabbed an oven mitt to remove the smoking pan on the burner and tossed it into the sink while I threw the windows open. The smoke detector went off.
Of course.
Nicole wailed, and Juliet took over screeching. Then the phone rang.
"Shit!" I turned abruptly to my girls. "Sorry, girls. Daddy's upset. You didn't hear that." I grabbed the phone and ran to open up the patio doors to let out some more of the smoke. It was the alarm monitoring company.
Of course.
"Yeah, yeah… everything's fine here! I'm just cooking. My wife's away. I'm making breakfast. My baby's crying. The TV is on. It's a disaster." I raked my hand through my hair. "No, I don't need the fire department. Thank you. I need a drive-thru. Clearly. I'm not normally this useless. I make a mean omelette, honestly. It's just, the baby was up so early, and Baby Einstein can be soooo… ugh. I'm just not in the mood for it. And my daughter wanted eggs… which I can do –" I realized the person on the other end was trying to get my attention, and I stopped rambling.
"Password? Uh… yeah. Just a sec…" I ran back to my notes. No, I wouldn't have that posted. Think, think! Juliet started tugging on my shorts. "Just a sec, Sunshine. Daddy's trying to remember the password. I do know it. I have a really horrible memory. Ask my wife."
"Eggs, Daddy!"
"When I'm finished here, Juliet. We'll make more eggs. Why can't I remember this? Oh god! What happens if I don't –"
"Daddad! EGGS!"
"Eggs, I know! In a –" I slapped my forehead and picked up Juliet with a huge grin. "Eggs! The password… it's 'scrambled eggs'! My two-year-old has a better memory than me." I chuckled, embarrassed. "I'm really sorry to have disturbed you with this. I'll be more attentive."
Disconnecting the call, I smothered Juliet with kisses. "You, my Sunshine, are a life saver! Smarty pants!" She wiggled around in my arms as my morning scruff scratched her soft skin.
As it happens, she also knew what Nicole was supposed to have for breakfast, and how to find it in Bella's carefully stacked fridge. She was happy to wait five minutes until I could feed Nicole some of her cereal and fruit mixture before attempting another omelette. By the time it was ready, Juliet decided she wanted Cheerios instead.
When I gave her a look of exasperation, she bit on her lip and scowled at me. Mini Bella sat at the table. I knew once Bella had her mind set on a food, there was no changing it. Juliet was no different. I poured a bowl of Cheerios and set it in front of her, taking the omelette for myself. I longed for real cheese again – not this soy crap. It didn't melt properly. Tasted like… nothing. Nicole slammed her hands on her tray, ready for more food herself. One spoon for her, one forkful of crappy fake-cheese omelette for me. She was going to town on her pureed breakfast, I wondered if I should open another container. Scraping the bottom, her mouth was still opening wide for more, so I grabbed another from the fridge. Did it really matter what mush it was?
She grabbed hold of my omelette while I was up. It was closer to scrambled eggs with chunks of spinach and white shit in it when I stared down at my plate. Juliet's Cheerios were looking better by the second. I popped the lid off the new container, and so help me, I don't know how or why, but it opened sideways. The contents flew out and across the table. Some landed in the Cheerios. The rest, in Juliet's hair.
"Daddaaaad!" she wailed. "Peas!"
That's when the doorbell rang. Fuck!
I grabbed a dishrag and wiped what I could off of Juliet. She was mortified and doing the silent cry. I picked her up in one arm and dislodged Nicole's tray one-handed to unstrap her. I ran with a girl in each arm to the door.
"Good morn—ning." Emmett stood outside with Masen and a big grin. His eyes dropped as his brow lifted. "Always answer the door that way?"
Yeah, I was still in my boxers. Thank fuck it was Emmett at the door, not a random subscription peddler or someone needing my services. "We're… having issues this morning. I haven't even pissed… SORRY! You didn't hear that!"
"Is that smoke?" Emmett's nose wrinkled as he stepped in.
"Shut it, Em. Seriously. You don't want to know what I've been through this morning. Where's Rosalie?"
"Uh… about that. Rosie had some bad seafood. She's sick as a dog, dude."
"She's not coming?" Panic started to arise in me.
Emmett mimed violent puking. "Dude. It's nasty."
"Fu—dge." I dropped my head in defeat. I couldn't even let out a good 'fuck' when I needed to.
"You didn't hear that," Emmett teased as he tickled Juliet's chin and planted a kiss on Nicole's head. "Ew! What's in your hair, Juliet? You get into Daddy's hair goop?"
"Ha-ha, motherfu— Funny, Em. I told you we're having a bad morning. I'm gonna have to give her another bath. Can you take Nicole for me?" Realizing I was being a lousy uncle, I paused to give some attention to my nephew. "Hey, Masen! How's my little Star? Got smiles for me?" Masen had earned the nickname, Star, because at the age of two weeks, he began whistling in his sleep. He could do an entire concert. We'd spent hours watching him, and trying to pick out names of tunes to his nasal music. He smiled for me. He looked so much like Em when he smiled. He had his personality by the look of it, too. God help my sister.
After getting the peas cleaned out of Juliet's hair and the tear streaks off her cheeks, I let her choose her outfit for the day. A sundress. In January. We had a small battle over that and compromised, with Juliet agreeing to wear a jacket 'like Aunt Alice's' and accepting my insistence on tights. She did look cute.
I then had the world's quickest shower. It's not that I didn't trust Emmett – he was proving to be a much better father than I'd ever thought he'd be. But three babies were a lot to handle. I didn't want him to get burned out before we even left the house. My Sunshine would have to take me unshaven. There simply wasn't time.
We took my car. "It's a Volvo, dude. It's meant to house a crapload of kids." No other reason why I kept the car I detested. I still missed my old Fox, but I'd do the Volvo thing for my girls. If that didn't prove my devotion to them, I don't know what would.
When we arrived at the school that hosted the playgroup, Emmett managed to surprise and amuse me. He was ahead of me, only having one baby to remove from the car seat. I got Juliet out first and then went to work on Nicole. When I shut the door, I looked across at Em on the opposite side.
"Dude. Is that…?" I twirled my finger around, pointing at him.
"It's a baby pouch, Edward," he replied in all seriousness. "I can go hands-free! It's awesome!"
I quirked a sardonic eyebrow at him. "I'm aware of what it is, McCarty. What boggles my mind is seeing you in the very contraption you took great pains to mock me about. For months. Ring any bells?"
His cheeks reddened as his grin grew. "Yeah, well… I didn't realize… Besides, Rosie makes me use it. She's afraid I'll get distracted and drop Masen."
"Uh-huh." I slapped him on the back as we started across the parking lot. I was going pouch-free. Nicole was in my arms, and Juliet held both of our hands as she skipped along between us. "By the way, what is this thing you put on Nicole's head?"
"It's a hairband, Edward. Poor kid's got your hair! Juliet looks so pretty, I thought we could fancy up Nicole as well." He shrugged as if doing little girls' hair was any everyday occurrence for him.
"I don't put stupid things on your kid's head," I countered.
"It's not stupid. It's pretty."
"It's stupid. It makes her hair puff out around it. And the colour is wrong."
Emmett used his free hand to extract his phone, snapping a picture.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm gonna ask Alice what she thinks!"
I grumbled as we waited for the verdict and then did a victory whoop when she confirmed it was all wrong for my Little Lolly. It was in my pocket in a flash, and she looked much happier. I was even granted a slightly off-kilter grin as she stared up at me in appreciation. "I know, sweetheart. That's what Daddy is for," I whispered to her. "Uncle Em's half-bald anyway. What does he know about hair?"
"Hey, now!"
I cackled and gave my best friend a shove inside. He was taken aback at the chaos in there, and I laughed some more. "Not so self-assured now, are ya?"
The fucker adapted in no time. Being two of the only men in the place, women swarmed him as he offered glowing smiles and advice on breast feeding. Oh yes, he deemed himself quite the expert on the subject even though I was the one who'd taken a stupid class on it. My sister slapped him when he pulled this shit around her, but alas, Rosie was MIA.
"Em," I called out, tugging him away from his harem momentarily. "Can you take Nicole for a minute? The girls are doing a little dance thing today, and Bella wants me to tape it for her. I have to set up the camera and get Juliet settled in the group. You okay with that?"
He heartily agreed, shifting Masen a little off-center and taking Nicole in his arm. Nicole was older, but Masen was a tank. He was slightly bigger and had blue eyes and blond peach fuzz in contrast to my sweetie's red hair and green eyes, but the way they interacted made them appear to be twins. Emmett harvested another harem at the sight of him with two babies. I chuckled and left him to it.
Juliet was chewing on her lip and shifting from foot to foot. I wasn't sure if it was nerves, or if she had to pee. I stopped fidgeting with the camera to confer.
"Sunshine, if you don't want to do this, you don't have to. We can watch and maybe you'll feel better about it next time."
Her brow furrowed in her determined look. "I do it, Daddy!"
I gave her cheek a big kiss and told her how proud I was. I pointed over to Emmett to show her where I'd be sitting. As I approached him, I heard words I never thought I'd hear from him.
"Looks like I'm the mommy today! Edward's got our other one setting up for a dance – oh, hey! You're back! I saved you a seat. You okay with the camera, or do you want me to do it? I know you get all emotional and stuff. It might be shaky with you filming and crying simultaneously."
I looked at him, and the women with curious smiles, and then back at Em. "Thanks, I'll be fine. You're all right with both babies?"
One of the women bent down between us and stage whispered, "I just want you know that I think it's great what you're doing! Lots of couples are adopting a baby nowadays, but for you two to take three? Wow! You must have had surrogates, am I right? They babies look so much like you! It's funny though, one looks like yours, and the other is just like your partner! So sweet! Good luck, guys. I really mean it!"
"Thanks!" Emmett beamed brightly. I kicked at his foot and scowled at him.
"You do know she thinks we're a gay couple."
He shrugged, laughing as he cooed to the babies. I glanced at the women on his other side. They were all staring and still smiling knowingly.
"That's my daughter up there," I told them, pointing out Juliet. "And this one, too. The little guy is his. He's my brother-in-law." They nodded and one of them gave me a wink. "He's married. To my sister. My wife is away on business. She's a photographer. You've probably seen us here. Together. My wife and I."
"Stop rambling, Edward. Get the camera ready or you'll miss the first bit!"
The women chuckled and turned away. I swear I heard them say how cute our lover's spat was. This shit used to be funny – it's not like this was the first time people had thought we were gay. It happened to us quite often, just after we finished university. I have no idea why. We'd just laugh it off. Gay, straight, bi… sexual orientation made no difference to me. What people do in the bedroom is their business. It used to amuse me, but it was different now that the babies were involved. I wondered what Bella would have to say about it. Surely things would be weird when we showed up together. I was a little put off that they didn't recognize me from my previous visits anyway. Fucking Emmett.
"Easy, Daddy. You're getting that little line between your eyebrows."
I glared at my bro. "How do you suppose Bella will take the news? Are we sharing custody?"
He chuckled, nudging my leg with his.
"Don't do that stuff, Em! Seriously!" I hissed at him.
"Relax, dude. Bella will get a kick of it, I'm sure. She's cool. You're an uptight poo-poo head right now."
Emmett was full of surprises today. That comment cracked me up. I had to settle down fast when the music began. He was right; I was liable to be shaky seeing my little girl up there.
I took a wide shot of the group to begin with and then zoomed in on our girl. Juliet was staring at her feet, frowning in concentration, but when she looked up I could see her little lip begin to quiver. Oh no! Don't cry, Sunshine! You can do it! Look over here! Look at Daddad!
I fought to keep my pleas silent so I wouldn't ruin the recording for Bella. Emmett was bouncing the babies on his chest, trying to get Juliet's attention on us. All right, he could stay. I grinned to myself as it actually worked.
"Daddad! I do it!" Juliet hollered out with a wave as she bounced up and down with the other girls. They hopped and twirled and hopped some more. To them, it was a well-choreographed dance, to us parents, it was too precious for words. I hoped Bella wouldn't mind my chuckles on the tape. I tried not to, but it just couldn't be helped.
She was over her shyness when the music ended, pulling one of the other girls back onto the floor for a little freelance dancing. I kept the tape running for Bella as I focused on not being a pussy and openly crying. The women already thought I was gay, but according to Emmett, I was the daddy. I shouldn't tear up.
When I turned the camera off, I looked over at Em, who was misty-eyed himself. I couldn't resist taunting him. "You know, I'm gonna come to all of Masen's little league games and cry my heart out." I threw an arm around his chair, rubbing his shoulder.
"Don't you dare do that shit at a game!" he whispered in a hiss.
"Shhh! You two didn't hear that!" I kissed our babies – both of them – before taking Nicole off his hands. "Let's go get your big sister, sweetheart. She did so well! She looked like a princess up there! One day, that'll be you! Or would you rather play ball? You can do that, too! Or paint! Maybe you'll be an artist or a musician! A singer? Whatever you want to do, sweet Lollipop, I'll be here watching you."
Juliet threw her arms around us as I stooped to congratulate her. "Nicololly! Did you see me? I dance!" She did another spin for us, so proud of herself. I should have brought flowers for her. Hmmm. Bella didn't care for flowers with her allergies, but it would have been a nice touch for my Sunshine. Next time.
Emmett had to get Masen home for a feeding, but I wanted to check in on Rosalie. We stopped at my house to grab a bottle of Bella's milk for Nicole, as well as her mushy lunch, and proceeded on. Rose looked positively green when I went in to see her.
"Oh, muffin!" I emoted.
"Fuck off. I feel like shit, Edward."
"I know, honey. I brought you some chicken broth. Bella made it before she left. She puts it in Nicole's food." If it was possible, she turned greener than my eyes. "Too soon?"
Her tummy protested loudly as she nodded. I gave her some tablets to help eliminate the gas build up in her empty stomach, and kissed her head as she threw her arms around my waist. "Thanks, Fuckface. You're too good to me."
"I know it. Now lose the potty mouth. You've got a hungry little boy out there."
"Bring him in?"
I eased away from her. "No way. It reeks in here. Come on. I have to feed Nicole, too. We'll set you up on the couch. Air you out a bit. We'll bond with our breast milk and babies."
She rolled her eyes at me as I helped her stand. "I truly believe that if you could produce breast milk, you would, little brother."
"I know it." I laughed too. A pussy for sure.
Rather than going home for a repeat of the morning disaster, we hung out for the remainder of the day. Rosalie felt slightly better after getting some crackers and chicken broth down. I watched the babies while Emmett helped her have a shower. Juliet ate every morsel Emmett put on her plate at dinner time. And it wasn't rice or meatballs. Nicole didn't throw food at all. Masen ate his own dinner and then finished off the extras I'd brought in case my Lollipop was still as hungry as she was at breakfast. A tank. Just like his dad.
We settled in to watch Juliet's show before we left. Emmett was reclined, almost asleep with his goofy grin on. Rose sat beside me with Masen on her lap. Her head rested against my shoulder as she placed soft kisses on Nicole's head. My Little Lolly was nestled into my chest, head tucked under my chin, just as Juliet had liked when she was that age. Juliet bounced beside me on the couch as she watched herself on TV. She requested a replay so she could re-enact it.
Emmett was asleep by the end. Rosalie gazed up at me, so fucking content. She had a little colour in her cheeks now, and she looked beautiful with her baby boy. "I love our lives, Fuckface," she whispered to me. "Shhh! They didn't hear that."
Juliet finished her dance and clapped for herself. Always a little ham. Always my beautiful Sunshine. "I love our lives too, sis. Wouldn't change a thing."
A/N ~ Just wanted to mention that I will begin posting a new story soon. The Edward in my new one is very different from confident baby-lovin' Daddyward of DLT, but I do hope you'll join us and watch him grow as he discovers true love. Thank you ever so much for your support. XX ~ SR