A/N: Okay, here's the happy ending. Enjoy and thank you so much for all the reviews, they really do encourage me to keep writing. :-)
17th January (Monday Morning):
The team filed into the bullpen in dribs and drabs with Jack the last to arrive. Sitting at his desk, he fidgeted in his chair as he tried to find a comfortable position.
"You okay, Sparks?"
"Fine" He shifted again, stretching his back while alternately rotating his right shoulder and rubbing his neck.
"The Doc did give you a clean bill of health, right?" Bobby persisted worriedly.
"Yes Crash, I already told you. I can show you a copy of the medical report if you like."
"Nah, that's alright. I believe you." He studied his friend and then grinned broadly.
"Please don't tell me you've been bench-pressing those 300lb weights again."
"It wasn't 300lbs." Jack sighed in exasperation. He'd hoped that particular incident had been forgotten.
"Actually, I think 300's a bit of an insult." Myles commented as he joined the conversation. "I'm thinking 135 tops. Did the lovely Sue come to D.C. this weekend or did you go to the Big Apple?"
The women giggled, grasping his insinuation immediately but the two new trainees just exchanged confused glances.
"Well, Sparky, which was it? Inquiring minds need to know."
Jack was saved from any further torment when Dimitrius entered the office. "Good, you're all here."
"What's up D?" Lucy asked curiously.
"We've received information that one of those sleeper cells we've been monitoring seems to be waking up."
"That can't be good." Bobby observed.
"Counter-Terrorism is sending over their Senior Analyst to brief us in a couple of hours."
"Oh joy, a lecture on how to do our job by a Special Agent wannabe."
"Come on Harvard, Ray what's-his-name isn't that bad."
"In fact, he's so good you can't even remember his last name." Myles snorted.
"Rubbish, it's on the tip of my tongue. Begins with a P. Sparks, help me out here."
"Don't look at me. I couldn't think of it two weeks ago."
"I rest my case." The Bostonian stated smugly.
"Anyway," D continued regaining their attention. "I need you to put together everything we have so that we can compare notes when he arrives."
"Not a lot to show for two years work." Tara sighed.
"We'd have more if Jack ever gets off the phone." Bobby complained throwing a piece of screwed up paper in his direction.
"Sorry, gotta go... seems they can't manage without me."
"In your dreams, mate..."
"I'll talk to you soon, bye."
"Don't tell me, let me guess... Blonde, about 5'7"... Has a friend called Levi?"
"No Myles, completely wrong, as always."
"Then who exactly, was more important than finishing your work?"
"If I heard you correctly, you asked me not to tell you."
"Oh, ha-di-ha-ha..."
"He's got you there, Harvard."
"Everything ready..?" D asked re-entering the bullpen.
"Yep, not that we have very much," Jack replied for the group, dropping his notes on the desk with the others and then sitting back in his chair gingerly.
"So we're all here but where is our wise and wonderful pen pusher and lecturer?" Myles asked.
"Running late... Oh..." D stopped as his cell rang "...on their way, apparently."
"Their, way..?" The Bostonian continued to grouse. "They're travelling in pairs now?"
"Safety in numbers..?" Tara suggested.
"One to talk and the other to carry the files?" one of the trainees offered.
"Actually, you're not far wrong." D confirmed as a familiar four-legged figure entered with a file in his mouth.
"You've got to be kidding me!" The taller newbie laughed.
"Levi, my man..! What are you doing here, Buddy?" Bobby asked as the dog walked over to Jack and gave him his cargo. Both Tara and Lucy squealed in delight as Sue walked in behind him, carrying even more folders.
"Sue, what are you doing here?" The petite blonde agent asked excitedly.
"I've come to brief you on the latest terror threat."
"You came all the way from New York for that?" Bobby queried. "No wonder you're late."
"No... I came from another part of the building but I was delayed."
"What happened to Ray er... erm..?"
"That's him."
"Obviously the P in his name is silent." Myles smirked, receiving an annoyed stare.
"Excuse me?"
"Never mind Sue, it's not important."
"It is to Macusak."
"If you don't give it a rest I'll fix it so no one remembers your name either, mate. So, are you in D.C. permanently now?"
"Yes. Ray wanted a change of scenery and I wanted to come back here..."
"For the not-so-attractive scenery..." Myles observed, pushing his luck a little more and earning a scowl from Jack this time around.
"So between us, we convinced the powers that be to let us swap."
Lucy ran over and gave her friend a hug. "Welcome back. If you need a place to stay, I still have your room."
"Thank you, but..."
Levi barked loudly, feeling somewhat left out.
"And you Buddy," Bobby bent to give the Lab a scratch behind the ears.
"Okay folks, can we please get back to work now? I'm sure Sue will be only too happy to catch us up with all the news later." D interrupted. "It's good to have you back, by the way."
"It's good to be back." Sue turned to the evidence board and finally noticed the two new additions to the group. "Oh sorry, I didn't see you there."
The Supervisor beckoned them forward. "Sue, this is Ray and Ted, they're our new trainees."
"And you must be Sue Thomas." Ted smiled and offered his hand. "We've heard a lot about you from these guys."
"Should I be worried?"
"No, it's all been good."
"Oh, you're the deaf one." Ray observed as six sets of eyes stared at him.
"That's right." Sue confirmed, ignoring his rudeness. "But if you remember to face me and you have anything relevant to say, I can read your lips, so there shouldn't be a problem."
Instead of doing as he was asked, he turned to Ted and put a hand in front of his mouth. "What's next? A blind Field Agent?"
Jack stood and took a step forward but Myles cut him off.
"As your Training Agent, might I suggest you learn some manners? Ms Thomas was a valued member of this team for over four years and instrumental in the capture and arrest of many on our most wanted list including Arif Dessa, the Prince of Terror himself. And if you want to remain a member of this unit, you should show the respect both she and Levi deserve and maybe one day, with a lot of hard work, you'll be half as good as she was."
The man turned beet red while Jack, Bobby and Sue looked on in astonishment. "Yes Sir. My apologies, Ms Thomas..."
Sue nodded. "Actually, it's Hudson."
"Excuse me?"
"It's Sue Hudson. Thomas is my maiden name."
"What?" Both women screamed at the same time and ran over to hug her again.
Myles looked at Jack incredulously. "You two are married?"
"We are." Jack confirmed.
"Way to go, Sparky!"
"Then maybe I should have let you deal with Junior here."
"No, you did fine. I probably would have shot him."
After a seemingly unending round of congratulations D called them to order again. "Could we please get on with this briefing? I'd like to get it over before my kids start having children of their own."
"Okay, I think that wraps it up for now." Dimitrius announced looking at his watch. "And coincidentally, it seems to be time to eat. What do you say we move this to a local restaurant and then Jack and Sue can tell us just what happened over Christmas and New Year?"
"Sounds, good to me..." Bobby agreed.
And us," the rest of the team concurred.
"The first question I want answered is 'why didn't you tell us?'" Lucy looked more than a little put out as she turned to face Jack.
"I wanted to see if you could figure it out for yourselves." He shrugged.
"And how exactly, were we supposed to do that? It's not like you've got it tattooed on your forehead." Bobby asked.
"And I don't see any ball and chain." Myles added.
Jack held up his left hand so everyone could see it.
"Where did that come from? I swear you haven't been wearing it all week." The Aussie objected and Sue looked at her husband accusingly.
"I haven't taken it off since you put it there, Sweetheart" he reassured her.
"And you call yourselves F.B.I Agents?" Sue grinned and shook her head.
"Maybe it's time you all went back to Quantico for retraining." D commented dryly as they put on their outdoor clothes.
It was then that Myles noticed the two trainees standing to one side. "Are you two bookends coming?"
"We don't want to intrude." Ted answered for both of them as Ray stood dumbstruck, still trying to figure out how much damage he'd done to his career prospects by insulting the Team Leader's wife.
"You're both part of this unit, unfortunately for the rest of us, and since we're going to be seeing a lot more of Sue and Levi in the future, it might be nice if you made an effort to get to know her better before rushing to any judgements." He pinned Ray with the full Leland glare.
Bobby came over and tapped him on the shoulder. "As I recall Harvard, you didn't give her much of a chance when she first arrived. In fact, not for quite a while..."
"Yes well... once I'd got her trained she was a lot more promising."
"Once you got her trained?"
Myles looked around the room. "Is everyone ready?"
"You go on ahead. I need a private word with Sue." Jack called from across the room.
"...A word." Bobby queried. "Is that what they're calling it now?"
Jack watched them leave. "So, Mrs Hudson... How would you like to fulfil another fantasy of mine?"
"Another one... Just how many do you have?"
"Quite a few, actually..." He perched on the edge of his desk and pulled her into his arms. "How do you think I managed to get through all those years of working beside you without being able to touch?"
Sue smiled at him, her fingers playing with the hair that brushed his collar. "So, what's this one?"
"Sweeping you into my arms at the end of a briefing when everyone else has left..."
"And this..." His mouth closed over hers in a long, fiery kiss. "There's more, much more, but I'm not sure the middle of the day is a good time." He closed the gap between them again but a loud voice from the corridor stopped him in his tracks.
"You coming, Sparks?" Bobby appeared in the doorway. "Aww, geez mate, be fair. You two have the rest of your lives to do that and we only get an hour for lunch."
"Okay, okay..." Jack reached up and across to grab his jacket and let out a groan. "Ouch."
"Still hurt?" Sue asked worriedly.
"Yeah, a little..."
"A little..? He's practically been crying in his coffee all morning."
"I have not! Don't listen to him!"
"I didn't hear a thing. Sorry." She apologised as she helped him get his arm into his sleeve.
"So, what happened, mate?"
"It was my fault." Sue confessed miserably.
"Don't tell me Myles was right after all?" The Aussie grinned.
"Trust me Sweetheart, you don't want to know."
As they walked out to join the others, Jack began to explain. "Well Crash, it all started with a giant teddy bear, a Golden Labrador and a step ladder..."
o-xxx-o - The Happy Ending - o-xxx-o