I'm sorry I haven't been very active with this. I've been busy with so many things and the recent Gossip Girl episodes haven't exactly been that good or inspiring.
This fan fic isn't so easy to write either.
Anyone know Christofer Drew, The Maine or We The Kings? I saw them a few weeks ago. They were so amazing. Can I just tell you all how attractive John and Kenny are in person? Oh and Chris was such a sweetheart! Can I tell you all about it? No? Sorry.
I'm hoping you guys haven't given up on me because I haven't given up on you guys yet.
Serena gracefully slides down on the plush chair next to Blair, clad in shimmering light blue colored lingerie with a silver mask covering her dazzling eyes. Her fingers are wrapped around the base of a bottle of gin as she giggles at their reflections in the mirror. She places her long slender legs on top of the brunette's lap. "Oh my G-g-od, B." she hiccups. "I fucking love-" Another hiccup. "-you and champagne."
Blair laughs at her best friend. "Oh God, S." she says, pulling the bottle away from the blonde. She presses her glossy lips agaisnt the cool tip of the bottle and feels the gin fill her mouth. "I'm getting married." she breathes out in disbelief. She's not sure if it's really true, she wants to slap herself everytime she thinks about it just to be sure it's real and not just one of her fantasies. "I'll be gone from here, S. I've found it. I've found love."
"Because we're gon-" a hiccup. "-gonna run away." the blonde pauses for a minute as Blair takes another gulp of gin. "You can-" she hiccups again. The lights around them appear blurry. The brunette feels like she's floating. "You c-can't get married to him."
"Why can't I?" she pouts, the music starts the other girls fly around the room in a sudden flurry. She doesn't want to move just yet. "It's Nate were talking about, Serena."
"Shhhhhh." she giggles, her finger pressed against her ruby lips. "You don't love him because you love me. You're going to get married to me." the blonde whispers softly.
"I wish I could," It's not a lie. Serena had taken her when nobody else had, with Serena she was herself. Not the proper lady everybody wanted to make her out to be, she was anyone she wanted with the blonde.
"You will." the blonde urges, dropping her toned legs onto the hardwood floor. "You love me more than that Natie boy, I can tell you that," she smiles giddily, obviously trying to contain more giggles and hiccups.
"You're my best friend." Blair smiles brightly, gulping down the last of the gin. It's true. It's fucking true, Serena was her best friend. Not Penelope or Hazel, it was Serena.
"I know I am." she hiccups, standing up. Blair watches Serena sort of shimmy under the blinding lights of the empty dressing room, she moves in a drunken way with her sunshine hair flying around her face. It reminds the brunette of being nine again, Blair laughs. "I'm your gorgeous blonde friend who you love for-" she hiccups for the tenth time. "-fucking ever." she says proudly, pulling Blair up with her cold hands. "Now we gotta go to the show because Kati and Iz are here and they wanna upstage us and they can't."
They're both drunk and out of their minds when they rush out to the cabaret's dance floor, only wanting the high of the alchohol to hit them slowly and the thought of mistakes to make them numb until tomorrow comes. It feels like there is no tomorrow and Blair wants to be reckless for one last time (or maybe for the first time). She searches the crowd to find him, the handsome boy who wanted to know her name. Maybe she'll tell him this time and maybe she'll let him touch her. No, no. This time she will.
Chuck Bass. She whispers, it dances along and falls off her candy lips as she scans the room. The brunette fiddles with her pearls absentmindedly while her doe brown eyes look for his. She spots him in the same mask as the night before, he's with another boy whose whole face hidden under a glistening silvery mask, only showing a sea of blue eyes that reminds her of someone else's but it is just a small thought to her and she pushes it away. She sways her slender hips, spinning around as feathers and ruffles cover her all around. She glides towards him gracefully in a way only Blair Waldorf can, she smirks when he catches her in his arms.
"Hello." he whispers smoothly. "My boy, if you'll excuse me." Chuck says to the one with blue eyes. He does not say a word, only nods and walks away. "Maybe we can talk tonight, sweetheart?"
"No talking." she purrs, running her hands over his chest. His scent is no doubt same as the other night, it lingers around the air. She takes him in and tries to forget everything. "Just you and me."
His lips form a smug expression, he raises his eyebrow questioningly. "Oh? Will you tell me your name after?"
"If you're good." she smiles, taking his hand. She leads him into the now dim dressing room. The music from outside is slow and sultry, she pushes him onto a sofa and grins. "How many women have you been with, Mr. Bass?"
He pulls her by her hips in one quick motion, her knees between his thighs, his hands tracing circles along her back. "Oh, i've been with many." he tells her slowly. "Truthfully, i've never seen anyone as gorgeous as you."
"You are a very convincing liar." she rolls her eyes. "Has anyone ever told you that?" Her fingers play with his dark brown hair as he smirks.
"I am, truly." he nods slowly with a chuckle. "Alas, this time I am telling you the truth." She doesn't believe him but lets the subject go, his lips are warm on her bare skin. She closes her eyes and lets him touch her. She feels the alchohol make it's way down, she's warm and she doesn't want to think at all.
"Have you ever fallen in love?" she asks, tossing her arms over his shoulders. She's not sure why she asks it but she suddenly wants to know. Chuck leaves more kisses along her collarbone, she can feel him smiling as his lips meet her skin.
He laughs at this as if it were a cruel joke. "Love?" he says in disbelief. "Love is a petty thing. It is trivial, there are much more things of importance that money can buy."
"That is an atrocious thought, Mr. Bass." she grins, pulling his tie slowly to make his lips meet hers. Their tongues dance, his hands find the small of her back. She shivers at his touch.
"Have you not heard?" he pauses to take off his mask. "Atrocious is my middle name." his eyebrows are raised as if she was the last one to know, his eyes glisten under the dim orange lights.
"But you must believe in love." She's on a high tonight. Love is exactly what she feels right now. She's too happy. Maybe it's because she's engaged or maybe it's Nate. "Isn't it love that makes the world go round?"
Chuck pulls off his tie, she unbuttons his shirt in a quick huff and waits for an answer. "It's not. I do not believe in such."
"I do. It's wonderful." Blair tells him slowly as the boy kisses her neck, she breathes.
"I thought you didn't want talking?" he mutters before pressing his lips agaisnt hers. She can't breathe. He's too good.
"I need to know why you don't believe in love." she pulls away, her curls fall over her eyes. Chuck lips fall on her collarbone, his hands move to her thighs. "Did somebody break you?"
"You don't have to know." he growls in her ear as he rips off part of her chemise. "Let's just get caught up in the moment."
"You talk too much." she whispers as his kisses trail lower and lower. She lets out a moan. A giggle comes from the corner and it's Serena's. Blair knows it's Serena's.
Chuck pulls away, her drunk best friend stares at her with those sparkling eyes. She's with the boy, the other boy Chuck was with and Blair can only assume they've chosen the dressing room for their own bussiness as well.
She falls onto the floor. What had she been doing? This was reckless, this was something Serena did. She was Blair Waldorf, the woman Nathaniel Archibald had asked to marry him just a few months ago. She had built her name in society and watched it fall into pieces. She was going to make a comeback and this was not how she wanted it to happen. Quickly, she pulls her clothes-or whatever she was wearing before-on and scurries out as she mutters a weak 'Sorry' to Chuck and Serena.
The night is young, the stars twinkle overhead as Blair runs away from the glowing lights of the cabaret. Water splashes under her feet, the decadent lingirie looks nothing under the dim streetlights in the ratty New York alleyway. Realizing her actions, Blair pulls off her mask and leans her back onto the cool cemented walls. She was stupid, no wonder Nate had chosen not to speak to her. She was pathetic.
The brunette lets out a huff and hugs her knees tightly. The rain pours above her, soaking her china doll features and lace bodice. The sound of footsteps move closer and closer, the boy-Chuck Bass-had followed her out. She stares up at him, squints her does brown eyes and groans.
"You don't owe me." she tells him snarkily.
"I never said I did." Chuck rasps as he tries to catch his breath. He looks at her and sits down next to her.
"Why are you here?" she asks, pulling away from him. "If you are here to finish whatever it is that happened here-"
"What is your name?"
"You are not going to give up on that, are you?" Standing up, she groans. "I'm afraid you won't be needing since you already seen through my mask." the brunette sighs and walks away. He does not follow this time because why would he follow somebody as pathetic as Blair Waldorf?
This sort of short and honestly, I'm not too proud but it's summer break here and I'll have more time to write! Yay! :-) Reviews are always nice. :-)