Saito and Louise's life after the end of the 3rd Season. No crappy new characters added! Just a comical extension to the great anime series! What will the couple do when Saito's status is already high enough for acceptance of Louise's family? With the complicated love affairs already taken root, calling it a love triangle just does not suffice!

Disclaimer: I do not own 'Zero No Tsukaima' and/or 'Familiar of Zero' nor any of its characters or contents. This story is only based on the original storyline and by no means am I to profit from writing this.


There are some scenes of this chapter where it may seem a little graphic. But please read on, as there are NO pornographic scenes in this story.

Notes from the Author

I actually didn't receive many reviews for my last chapter… perhaps it is due to a lack of interest or worse… I am a crap writer.

If that is the case then I'll probably end this story here. And write about the infamous book that Siesta is always reading. 'A Maid's Afternoon'

Chapter 02 – Siesta's Vengeance

There was no grand reception for Duke and Duchess Valliere, as they had come in secret to the Tristain Academy of Magic. It was in accordance to Louise's wishes that they had come for their visit so discreetly, but they had accepted without hesitation. Although the presence of Eleonore has already stirred up more attention than previously anticipated, the Duke was still uneasy about letting his youngest daughter to marry the Commoner-turned-Knight of Tristain. They were in the guest's lounge and had no servants to serve them, hence Eleonore called for the service of Miss Siesta and 'Miss' Saita.

{The face of that maid looks so familiar. Is she Seista's distant relative? But she looks more like Saito's sister than Siesta's cousin.} Louise thought to herself as she looked on as the new maid was serving Cattleya a cup of tea. Louise was surprised to see that Saita suddenly looked down Cattleya's blouse and started to blush. {No doubt she is related to that perverted Inu-Saito!... did she get summoned here from another world too?}

{This is such a bad idea! The bra I got on is really giving me a rash!} Saita thought to himself in his maid costume as he tried to take his eyes away from Cattleya's wonderful bust.

"Where could that boy have gone off to? If it was not for my youngest daughter's wishes, I would not be here!" The duke shouted, obviously annoyed for the fact that he had already been waiting for over half an hour.

{Now is my time to save Saito!} Siesta thought, doing her best to cover for him. She bowed down and addressed the duke. "My sincere apologies to interrupt Lord Valliere. Saito had told me that he was called by the princess for a mission and would be gone for an unspecified time."

Everyone was shocked. Especially for Louise who had feared for what the Princess could have called Saito for. Louise had always felt that the princess had wanted to separate the two of them especially giving her so much palace duties as of late after receiving The Royal Mantle. Now that Henrietta had called him out without anyone's knowledge, it was suspicious indeed.

"This is unbelievable! Preposterous!" The Duke exclaimed, obvious angry with the new turn of events. He rashly held out his wine glass to Siesta. "More wine!"

Siesta hurriedly served the Duke while he went on to express his frustration. "Here we have come from our residency and that pompous princess called him away! And here I thought I was going to give the boy our blessings and so our youngest can finally marry!"


The words pierced Siestas soul like a knife. Her hands went weak as they seemed to have endured agonizing frost. The wine jug in her hands emptied itself onto the Duke's crouch and it seemed that her whole world had shattered. Tears streamed down her cheeks as her eyes burned with shock. Her vision blurred and then darkened as she fainted onto the Duke's lap.

"!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"My Lord! What's going on! Take that commoner from your lap this instant!" The Duchess shouted. Her black aura silencing all in the room including the Duke. "You!" She pointed at Saita. "Accompany my husband and get those stained clothes off him!"

"EEE?" Saito cried out as he just recovered from the shock of the Duke's proposal. His jaw dropped when a dirty image of the naked duke polluted his mind. "MEEEEE?"… "I mean meee…..?" Saito corrected himself by using his female voice once more.


Siesta woke up on Louise's bed with tears still in her eyes. She looked up to realize that the room was dark and saw Louise's silhouette by the window staring at her. The white rays of the moon hid Louise's face well, but all Siesta could tell from looking is probably a satisfied smirk on her enemy's face. Siesta looked away in disgust and forced her words from her seemingly broken, burning chest. "It seems like you've won."

Unknown to Siesta, Louise had been saddened by the fact that Siesta had to find out in such a painful way. Instead of a smirk, there was a look of sadness on her face. Louise was silent for a while as she thought about Saito's attraction to Siesta. She could only see the innocence and love that Siesta had for Saito but could not forsake her own feelings for the same man. Louise had brought Siesta to her room specifically to comfort her. But hearing Siesta's resentment towards her she couldn't bear to say the words she had originally intended.

"You have been out for a few minutes. My father's change of clothes are on the table. I had his servants to bring his luggage to my room earlier. Take it to him in the guest rooms." Louise's tone was cold, her face expression-less. She wanted to be alone so she walked towards the door to get away from all this. Not only did she need to account for Saito's sudden disappearance to aid the princess but also Siesta's break-down. She was frustrated with trying to accommodate others. {When you came back Saito!... I am going to Kill that BAKA INU!}

Siesta watched Louise go out the door. She has calmed down a bit now {I am only a commoner maid after all. What can I expect in this world run by nobles?}. She composed herself once more and took the Duke's change of clothes from the table. But there was a pink veil that glittered in the luminous moonlight that caught her immediate attention. She gasped as she realized what it was. {Could it be a love potion?}

{Yes! I cannot lose like this! Louise cannot take care of Saito-sama like I can! Always hurting him this way or the other. I will have to give him the potion so that the Duke will see that he is in love with me too!}


Saita probably would have preferred to have gone to hell rather than to help a man change. But in order to survive the night, he would have to endure this hardship. Layer upon layer, Saita was made to remove pieces of clothing for the Duke until the ultimate challenge came. It seemed that even the counts underwear was soaked in wine. Saita froze with look of ultimate dread across his face, his hands shaking and was on the verge of fainting all together.

"Why did you suddenly pause maid?" The Duke blurted out casually. The stink of his alcohol breath filled the air with each syllable the old man blurted out. The duke has drunk another 4 glasses of wine since he was so upset for being soaked and his slurring of speech was really showing the fact that he could not handle his drink. He reached out with his empty wine glass. "More wine!"

There was a sudden knock on the door. {Thank GOD! I am saved} Saita thought as he quickly went to answer it. "Siesta?"

Siesta has come with the change of clothing, but little does Saito know that she has an alternative motive. "Well Saita-chan! Seems like you are going well. Please remove the Duke's final piece of clothing so that he can get changed!" She then whispered. "Unless you want me to reveal your secret?"

"EEEEEE?" Saito was shocked. "How could you make me Siesta?"

Siesta signaled him to proceed. {Seems like she is really angry with me this time. Oh why me?} Saito unwillingly turned around.

{Now's my chance!}. Siesta quickly poured the love potion into the closest glass she could find. Then with one hand Siesta grabbed Saita by his wig and spun him around while her other clenched to the glass, ready to force him to drink the potion. {Yes! Now after he drinks this potion, all I need to do is to expose him of who he is and the Duke will see him all over me and the wedding will be off!}


Suddenly the wig tore off Saita's head. (Siesta didn't expect this)

Saita fell backwards onto Siesta.

The glass on Siesta's other hand missed Saita's mouth

The potion in the glass splashed fourth

The potion splashed onto Duke Valliere's face

Unfortunately the Duke had his mouth open




As the dust settled, Saito sat up and slowly opened his eyes. His fall was broken by Siesta who was lying on her back, out-cold with her limbs fully splayed out. He found himself sitting in between Siesta's legs looking up to the stunned face of the Duke who had only a pair of underwear still on. Saito was soo surprised that he could not mutter a word, he had failed to realized that his wig had now torn off and his identity was finally exposed.

"You are that commoner!" Anger brewed in the duke's soul as his expression changed after being so overwhelmingly deceived and humiliated.

"EEEEEKKKKKKKK!" There was a sudden scream at the doorway where Saito turned to see the Duchess's horrified expression. The other on-lookers appeared (Louise, and her sisters) probably all drawn to the Duke's scream from earlier.

Eleonore; "WHHHHAAAAAA?" (Angry and surprised look)

Cattleya; "Oro?" (Blank and surprised look)

Louise; "…" (Jaw opened absolutely shocked look)

There was a sudden flash of pink that sparked in the duke's eyes as the dose of the potent love potion had taken its effect. "Commoner!" The dukes shout sent the attention of all who is present to fix on him.

"You are so beautiful!" The duke moaned out with tears in his glowing pink-red eyes. He reached down and grabbed Saito's arm to take him into his arms. The duke was stronger than Saito had antifipated as he tried to struggle free but was not able to budge as his hair was stroked passionately. "I thought such fantasies only existed in the 'A Maid's Afternoon'. But I can live it without any more… HESITATIONS!" The duke cried out as he moistened and rounded his lips to deliver a lover's kiss.


Saito's mind was screaming as hard as he was but he knew exactly what to do in such a situation. He trusted his knee into the Duke's groin. Then again and again until the Duke's grip finally loosened. Breaking free, Saito ran out the door screaming as he entered the hallway. The Duke was extremely persistent, being a military man, he was not a stranger to pain. With flaming passion, he picked himself up in an instant and was in hot pursuit of his fantasy maid.

With his cute skirt flattering in the wind, Saito ran with all his might, undeterred by the Chinese-burns that the brad had on his chest. His hot pursuer, in his underwear, glowed with daemonic flames as he bounced stride after stride after his prey, shouting compliments and moaning with anticipation (just picture him as Scarron with blond hair).



Saito slowly regained consciousness. His arms and legs were bound in the dungeon deep within the walls of The Academy of Magic. It was damp and dark. Suddenly, he was consumed by a intense sense of dread, like a thousand probing needles into his every sweat gland. The only door to the room slowly opened with a heart stopping creak, piecing what little sanity that was lift in him.

Dim silhouettes came in with flickering candles, but their lights were dim compared with the burning aura emitted by the two ghastly figures. Each had a barbed whip in hand.



"DIE! You perverted INU! "

And so the punishment of Saito began with Louise and Eleonore's whips as instruments. It would only stop after the two girls give up with exhaustion. Seems like such a possibility would come slowly indeed.


In the end, Tiffania used her magic to cure the Duke. The vile of love potion flew out the window of the room after Siesta added its contents into the wine glass. And so any evidence concerning the current event to be a drug related incident had disappeared.

Needless to say, the wedding would be postponed until the Duke and the Duchess had solved their marital issues. Especially after the Duke's numerous compliments on Saito's lovely maid costume during his time of insanity.

Next Chapter

If there is still interest in this fanfic, I'll probably base the next chapter on the Sleipnir Ball. I am not going to reveal who is masquerading as who until the very end. The Mirror of truth has since been repaired and the ball that ended early shall now run its rightful course. I haven't written about Tabitha yet so I'll probably have her take charge.

Since it is custom that Henrietta join the Sleipnir Ball, she would probably be in it also.