It feels like your heart is being ripped from your body so slowly that you feel the force enter your body, cutting the skin, ripping through the muscle, breaking the bone, grasping your heart, squeezing it so as not to lose said grip and pull so slowly out that even your screams drown out before the pain is over. The tears fall from your eyes burning like acid down your cheeks, they hit your hands and arms and the burning continues. Your head is so lost you don't know if it'd be better to just end it all right now or push through because when she's happy your happy, right? You shake when you talk to her, its not really noticeable but you know your shaking because when its over and she walks away you feel sick and you end up sick for minutes in the bathroom, acid tears rolling down your face again. You start to get angry, you nearly throw something at her, and the look of hurt she gives you kills you. You start to tear apart every moment you've spent with her, figuring out why you got these ideas of mutual like in your head. You know the inevitable is coming, you'll have to see him, talk to him, hug him, shake his head, it feels your heartless chest with rage. Then you give up, you live your life as a heartless being, because she's happy, and you could never ruin that. That's how it is when you love your best friend.