Author's Note: This is my first fanfiction, so I'm sorry for any OOCness and how sucky this story probably is. Just to clarify, this story will end in Romano/Spain and England/America, but with tons of Spain/America/Spain fanservice. The characters listed are based upon who dominates most of the chapter, not necessarily the pairing.
Main Pairings: Spain/America/Spain (it's more of a bromance), England/America, Romano/Spain
Side Pairings: Prussia/Canada, Italy/Germany, Japan/Hungary/Japan, temporary Prussia/America and France/Spain
Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia, Russia does.
For once, all was calm in the normally raucous world conference room. The Bad Touch Trio was missing (which basically means no one's getting molested, except Russia), Romano was too upset to call anyone a *insert food product here* bastard, and America didn't once say the word hero. What brought these strange events on, might you ask?" The first two will be explained later, but the last all started last night.
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Alfred's POV
America sauntered up the steps to England's house, planning to grace his boyfriend with his heroic presence. Just as he was about to slam the door open he heard a horrible, gruesome, never before heard sound. England giggling.
"Oh I love you guys soo much. Especially you Charlie." England said, and America could practically hear the smile in his voice. Suddenly, a foreign emotion took hold of him. It wasn't jealously, of course not, it was merely his hero senses kicking in, because England would only say "I love you" to him. Come to think of it, he never has (the time he was a shota does not count; no one can resist a shota). That merely solidified the fact he was probably being tortured by this Charlie person. As America stylishly kicked the door open he immediately tackled the first person he saw (and the only other person there), England.
America looked down to see that he was indeed, straddling the furiously blushing Brit, blissfully unaware of the lewd situation he was in (he was obviously too busy looking for the villain, he is not dense).
"This is no time for you to panic England! Just calm down, the hero will crush this Charlie person." America replied with a mega watt grin and his awesomely brave pose.
England's (massive) eyebrows furrowed in confusion, before he mentally face-palmed himself. How could he not introduce his boyfriend to Charlie the Unicorn and all his other magical friends? He was a gentleman for faeries sake! England cleared his voice, and a fond sparkle lit his emerald eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce you America, this is Charlie, Flying Mint Bunny, Tinker Bell..." England continued to list off his magical friends as a realization dawned onto the American, a blush lighting his features.
"Uhhm, England?" He said timidly looking down.
"Yes America?" The Brit asked, mentally cheering at the fact that it looked like America was going to apologize.
"It's that time of the month again, isn't it."
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America was shortly kicked out afterwards, and the next day during the meeting, he was deep in thought wondering how exactly he was going to apologize to England, a serious frown firmly placed on his normally boyish features. He gazed wistfully at the emerald eyed Brit standing at the front of the room, ranting about something unimportant, like the global economy. "If people just became one with me, we wouldn't have this sort of problem," America thought to himself, completing forgetting about apologizing to the Briton. "We could all have hamburgers every day. Speaking of hamburgers, I think I saw a McDonalds in the lobby! I think I'll order 76 Big Macs, wait no England told me to go on a diet, maybe only 69-"
America's train of thought was broken as an extremely sexy and loud voice pierced the air.
"So I put my hands up, they're playin my song the butterflies fly away-"
America glanced casually at the caller ID, and seeing it was Tony, immediately lifted his grave mood.
"Hey Tony I made this new movie it's called Cowboys vs. Aliens, you should definitely check it out-"
America was once again interrupted as a firm yet slender hand grabbed the phone in his hand.
"Why. The Bloody Hell. Did you interrupt me." England said lowly, slipping into his infamous pirate voice.
"I have to go now Tony, love you." America said casually, snapping the phone shut while choosing to ignore the now tense atmosphere, and the various nations staring at them.
"Answer me right now Alfred," England growled, getting even angrier.
America forgot to respond as he finally took in England's appearance (sheesh people, he knew how to read The Atmosphere, Prussia lent it to him when Germany gave it to him for Christmas). The Brit's normally polished appearance didn't seem to have any faults, but if you looked closely you would notice a slightly wrinkled sweater vest, and an untied shoe lace. As his gaze travelled upwards he could see faint bags under England's eyes. America concluded it was probably due to him reading some old geezer book late into the hours of the night, which is what he usually did when he kicked America out of his house. Of course, America wouldn't read some book; he would read a fanfiction about how heroic he was! "Hmm…" America mused to himself. "I wonder if that fanfiction where my sidekick Spain and I rescued our tsundere princesses, England and Romano by NOTASTALKER-JUSTAFRYINGPANLOVER69 was updated…? Speaking of Romano, he's awfully quiet-"
"AMERICA LISTEN TO ME YOU BLOODY GIT! IF YOU THINK THIS TONY IS SO IMPORTANT THAN THIS RELATIONSHIP IS OVER!" England screamed, his eyes full of anger and a hint of jealously as he stormed bitchily out of the conference room. America was too stunned to react to this sudden turn of events. He moved to follow England but somehow, he couldn't. This was the third time this week England dumped him, and a hero can only apologize so many times. It was always "America you're such a slob, America read the bloody atmosphere etc. etc etc." Everyone seemed to think he would ignore all the insults thrown at him, which he did, but ones from the man he loved hurt the most. America decided he would just take some time to think about things (he was actually following England's advice of not rushing into things), as he exited the conference room in a different direction from England, muttering various insults under his breath. "I am a hero, no matter what England says," the American said to himself, strolling the streets of London. "Screw that atmosphere book too, it didn't help at all. Why did Prussia give to me in the first place? Speaking of Prussia, I might as well go to some bar with him to forget about this mess." America whipped out his phone, and immediately started texting:
TO: In_ur_Mom's_vital_regions
FROM: the_1337_hero
Hey Prussia you wanna go to a bar tonight?
TO: the_1337_hero
FROM: In_ur_Mom's_vital_regions
That unawesome prick dumped you again didn't he? Mein gott Alfred, this is the second time this week!
TO: In_ur_Mom's_vital_regions
FROM: the_1337_hero
Actually, the third. Now do you want to go to a bar or not?
TO: the_1337_hero
FROM: In_ur_Mom's_vital_regions
Kesesessese ok Alfred, but I'm bringing some friends along
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Arthur' POV
As Arthur gave his speech, he couldn't help but notice that bloody American staring at him thoughtfully, a frown on gorgeous features. He blushed lightly, and he decided to be the responsible one and apologize, that is until some dreadful Miley Cyrus song started killing his eardrums.
"So I put my hands up, they're playin my song the butterflies fly away-"
The American then had the nerve to answer it, and the person he was talking to was named Tony. "Oh no," England panicked to himself, recalling that fanfiction he read last night by an author called I_keel_fucking_limeys. In it America cheated on him with a guy who happened to be named Tony. He suddenly got very angry, eyebrows twitching dangerously.
"Why. The Bloody Hell. Did you interrupt me." England said, not noticing his pirate side taking over as he grabbed the phone.
"I have to go now Tony, love you." America said casually, failing to catch the hurt look on England's features. "No," England thought, "I can't show any sadness." England then successfully put a mask of pure unadulterated anger of his face as he growled, "Answer me right now, Alfred."
America just stared at England, no childish retort or frantic apology. A bubble of fear started to rise in England's throat. Was America planning to break up with him for this Tony? England then did what he did best, screaming like a tsundere.
When America failed to respond the Brit stormed classily out of the conference room, expecting the American to follow him with an apology on his lips. When he didn't, England knew what he had to do. He had to… apologize. Little did he know that Tony wasn't the problem, but a certain Spaniard.
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Author's Note: I know this is my first story, but I can guarantee anyone whose reading this that it will be finished. Stay tuned for next chapter, it's Romano and Spain's PoV.