Paulina and Felicia

I don't watch Phineas and Ferb on a regular basis but I could still think of this when I do watch it. Hope you like it.

Chapter 1: The girls.

Phineas and Ferb were sitting under the tree in their back yard. Summer break had begun once again but they didn't know what to do today. As they were thinking Isabella opened the gate and came in.

"Hey Phineas," Isabella said.

Phineas looked at the girl, "We're not doing anything yet Isabella. Maybe you should come back in a few minutes."

"No (laugh) silly, I wanted (laugh) to see if you guys (chuckle) wanted to come with me to greet my friends," Isabella said between laughing.

"Your friends?" Phineas asked, confused.

Isabella nodded and said, "Yeah! They're really nice and remind me a lot about you guys. One of them especially reminds me of you Ferb."

Ferb cocked an eyebrow to show he was confused. It was his normal look to ask a person 'why'.

"Do you want to meet them or not?" Isabella asked.

Both boys nodded. Isabella happily ran out of the yard with the boys trailing behind.

"Hey Isabella?" Phineas asked to get her attention.

Isabella stopped and turned around to the boys.

"If your 'friends' live here, then how come we haven't seen 'them' at school?" he asked, putting emphases on anything that had to do with her friends.

"Because they move to Paris during the school year and then move back during summer break," she answered.

Phineas looked to Ferb with a questioning look on his face. Ferb just shrugged in response. All of them continued walking until they reached a house with a moving truck in the driveway. A fashionable sports car was parked in front of the truck. Phineas and Ferb blinked twice.

"I thought she was talking about an imaginary friend or something," Phineas whispered to Ferb.

"Quite frankly, I thought so too," Ferb answered in his British accent.

They went up to the door and Isabella knocked softly. A woman with brown hair opened the door. Once she saw Isabella her smile widened.

"Hello Isabella. It's so good to see you again," she said happily.

"Hello Mrs. Freeman. The same to you too," Isabella said, "are your children home?"

Mrs. Freeman smiled even more and replied, "Well Chris is upstairs and the girls areā€¦"

She trailed off as something was broken up the stairs and followed by two female screams. Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Right there," she finished.

A girl with red hair, about Phineas's age, ran down the stairs chasing a pink platypus. Followed by another girl with green hair, about Ferb's age, went running after her sister and the platypus.

"Polly! Bad Platypus!" the girl with red hair screamed.

The girl with green hair grabbed the platypus just before it ran out the door. She tucked the pink platypus by the name of Polly under her arm and walked back to her sister. The red haired girl put her hands on her hips and scolded Polly.

"Alice (AN: pronounced a-lee-s), Lina!" Isabella shouted.

The girls turned their attention away from the pink platypus to see Isabella standing in the doorway with the boys. The girls, well mostly the red haired one, lightened up at the sight of her. A boy with blond hair, about Candice's age, came down the stairs to see what all the noise was about. The girl with green hair quickly handed the platypus to him and ran with her sister over to Isabella. The girls group hugged each other with smiles, or half smiles, on their faces. After they finished, Isabella went to stand by the boys.

"Guys this is Paulina or Lina for short," the red haired girl waved to the boys, "and Felicia or Alice," Isabella said while the green haired girl just half smiled at them.

"Girls this is Phineas," the shocked red haired boy raised his hand in greeting, "and, last but not least, Ferb," the taller of the two boys raised his hand.

"Good to meet both of you," Lina said.

"Same to you," Phineas replied, "so, Isabella? Is Alice the one who reminds you of Ferb?"

She smiled and said, "Yep."


"Because she has a British accent."

The boys looked at Isabella with very shocked faces. Even Ferb, who normally has a straight face, was in utter shock. The girls looked at each other with confusion. It made them feel like they had never heard of a girl having a British accent.

"Will they be alright Isabella?" Alice asked, making accent known.

This made the boys snap out of their trances.

"Guess she wasn't kidding," Phineas said to Ferb.

He nodded vigorously, realizing that he would not be the only kid with an accent. This made him smile happily.

"Well we'd better get going. Nice meeting you girls," Phineas said.

"You too. Hope to see you again guys," Lina said.

The boys left Isabella at the girls home so they could catch up with each other. The guys had nothing to say to each other. What could they say? They had pretty much just met their mirrors. As the entered the yard, Phineas broke the silence.

"Pretty cool! We just met our mirrors," he said.

Ferb couldn't speak. He wouldn't have anyway but this time he couldn't think of any words to say. And for him that was a first.

As you can see by all my stories I love to use OC's. If you don't like then deal with it.

Sparkly love from sparkleeyes20.