Here it is! My new story-Alison and Dylan Goldfarb! This one is a Channy-believe me, there will be Channy. Hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 1-The Past

Sonny's POV

Dear Dylan, I told my Mom to write. I remember when I was six and she told me I had an older brother. Let me explain. I was six years old when my Mom walked into the room. She grabbed me lightly by the hands and sighed.

"Sweetie," She said, "Alison, I don't know how to tell you this…"

"What's wrong, Mommy?" I asked, confused.

She sighed, "You have a brother."

"A brother!" I squealed, "I always wanted a brother! Where is he? Can I see him?" I ran around the room, ecstatic, looking for this brother of mine. My Mom stopped me and took a deep breath.

"No," She said, "You can't meet him. Not yet anyway."

"Why not?" I moaned.

"He lives very far away, Alison." She told me (I was Alison at that time, my nickname "Sonny" had not yet been given to me by my best friend Lucy).

"Where?" I asked. "The North Pole? With Santa? Is he an elf?"

Mom chuckled, before saying, "No, he lives in California."

"Where's that?" I asked.

"It's a state; you'll learn when you're older."

I sighed, "Can I talk to him in some way?" I asked, and Mom smiled.

"Why don't you send him a letter? I'll get some paper, and you can tell me what you want to say, and I'll write it for you." I smiled at this. I was really excited! I could really contact my long-lost brother!

After 2 hours, we had finished. I asked my Mom to read it out loud.

"Dear Dylan," She read, "Hi. My name is Alison Munroe, I'm 6 years old and I just found out I'm your sister. I know; cool right? I always wanted a brother, and I want to meet you some day. Mom says you live in California, is it nice there? I've heard of it…it's a big cool state right? Good weather? Mom told me that…wait…Mom's telling me I'm losing my point. Where was I? Oh, yeah. I'd love to meet you some day! It would be really fun! Love, your sister, Alison xxx

I giggled as my Mom finished and asked if I could sign it. My name was scribbled along the bottom and my Mom promised to send it to him the next day.

"Do you think he'll get it?" I asked, and my Mom smiled.

"I'm sure he will," She said, before sending me to bed.

He did get it, because the next week, I got a letter. Mom came in to the living room, where I was watching a kiddie's show and smiled.

"Look what arrived in the post for you!" She smiled, "It's a letter from California!"

I squealed, "Dylan!"

I leapt over the couch and ran to see the letter; my Mom opened it and read it out loud:

Dear Alison, Hi, I'm your brother, Dylan Goldfarb. Well, not really, my Dad's writing it. Well, he's our Dad, I guess. I'm 7 years old, so I'm older than you! Have you started school? I have. It's fun. Is school fun in Wisconsin? Dad told me that we used to live there with you, but now we live here. It's kinda weird. Oh well. I'd love to meet you some day, my friend Skylar at school has a sister, and I was jealous of him. Now I have you, and I'm very happy! I told him yesterday, it was funny! Anyway, I hope you're having fun where you are. Dylan

"Aw," I smiled, "My brother seems nice."

"Yes, he does, sweetie," My Mom smiled, "Yes he does."

Two years went by, of sending letters and postcards and pictures, and I was starting to get to know my brother more. I still hadn't met him, and was eager to. But my Mom would always come up with some excuse and we'd stay where we were, in Wisconsin.

Dear Dylan, I wrote-I could write a bit now (A/N: Sorry for the bad spelling, but Sonny's only young here and can't spell much, k? Good! Continuing…), Hi. It's cold here in Wisconsan, Mom told me it rarly snows in Calafornea. Sory if my speling's not so good, but oh well. I'm only 8. Anyway, I'm still realy missing you and wood still like to meet you!

I have a nickname now! My new best frend Lucy gave it to me, but I don't want to tell you becoz you might get confused. So you can still call me Alison, OK? Love, Alison xxx

Next week, I got a letter saying (A/N: Again, her brother is young, so can't spell very good), Dear Alison. I'm writing my own letters too now. I'm in 2nd grade! I've had so much fun resently; my frend Skylar and me were playing soccer (A/N: So you know, I'm British. Writing "soccer" is tough for me) in my garden and I was telling him abowt how cool you are becoz you rite me letters. He's realy jelous, even thow he says he's not, I no he is! Anyway, I have to go now, skool time. Bye! Dylan xxx

Years went by, of sending more letters, and soon I was 12 years old, almost 13. Dylan's birthday was coming up so I decided to send him a letter saying happy birthday. I made him a little card while at school and inside wrote; Dear Dylan. Happy 13th Birthday. Hope you get everything you want. Love from Alison xxx

"What you writing?" Lucy asked me.

"A birthday card to my brother, you know the one?" I said.

"Oh, the one you've never met!"

Yeah, I still hadn't met him. Lucy had 4 siblings in total-2 brothers and 2 sisters-and she saw hers everyday. I hadn't met mine once, and I still wanted to meet him.

The thing is though; maybe he no longer wants to meet me. I got nothing back that time, and at first I was worried. Mom called my Dad, asking him what was going on. Dylan and I had never talked over the phone-we liked our little tradition.

"Is he OK?...I see…You can't make decisions like that!...Yes, I understand this will be big for him…No, I won't let her see it…I won't! She won't want to watch some cheesey drama show!...Goodbye, James." My Mom hung up the phone and looked to me.

"Is everything OK?" I asked.

"Sonny, everything's fine," Mom confirmed, "It's just…Dylan's got a lot on nowadays. I'm sorry, sweetie. Maybe he'll send you something soon."

He never did. In the end, I gave up. No more letters, no more postcards, nothing. I stuck to my comedy-which landed me my dream at So Random. But then, one day, I finally heard from Dylan again…and it wasn't what I expected at all…

So? What do you think? Next time you'll find out who Sonny's brother could be...and it's weird...

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