
I sat in a hazy grey of my own sadness, trying to keep the tears at bay but soon allowing them to spill over, caressing my cheeks, and then plopping onto my shirt.

"No" I whispered, No, No, NO, NO! Goddamnit NO!" By the end I was screaming, looking up into the sky, I knew only one thing, Dimitri my Dimitri didn't love me. I had to get out of here as soon as I can. I cant deal with seeing him it will hurt to much. I trudged back to my room to retrieve my belongings, but was only stopped by the one person who was always there for me, the one person who could make me stay.

"Hey Adrian, I smiled hopefully.

"Little dhampir, what the hell happened to you?" he worried, clearly referring to my tearstained face, knowing that I never cry.

"Nothing" I mumbled, turning away from him, my life, and everything that I loved.

Three months later and I'm doing what I….well what I do, which is kill strigoi. I've taken upon my new residence in Baia, Russia, living in a small apartment. But now that apartment is quiet and unoccupied as I roam a club in search of saving a poor soul who has fallen in the traps of their newest captor.

Im wearing black strappy shoes and a tight lacy dress which barely covers my ass and hugs my chest in a way that it makes every guy turns toward me with hungry eyes. It goes nice with my tan skin and hair so dark its possible it might be mistaken as black, which has now grown so that it reaches my waste in dark, glossy waves.

As soon as I enter I feel nausea start to take over and instantly realize that people were not exaggerating when they say this is THE strigoi hotspot. In an instant I am on the dance floor, blending in with a guy in front of me and behind me, both extremely good looking and grinding me but I don't mind I won't be here for long.

I spot a male strigoi lurking in the shadows of the club, flirting with his choice of the night. I keep my sharp gaze on them until they both get up to leave I follow them the to a dark alleyway. Original I think just like in the movies I silently laughed

I heard a small scream and that's all that it took before I emerged from the shadows and stepped forward stake in hand.

"Hey honey don't you should be playing with someone who can give up a fight" I smirk

"Oh look who we have here, if It isn't miss Rosemarie Hathaway"

"Save the formalities", I snarled "we won't be needing them much longer seeing as how u will soon be dead"

"Feisty bitch, I like that"

I licked my lips seductively "Anything you'd like baby but first shouldn't we be getting rid of our company" I say gesturing towards the girl who I now notice has been very quiet.

"No I don't think we should" he said playfully,"2's company but 3's a party and o do I like my parties"

"Well sad for you I don't"

Before he knew what was happening I lunged at him making him drop his hold on the poor girl.

"Run" I yell towards her. Thankfully she got the message because she was outta there, running faster than I've ever seen a human run before.

He snarled, bringing my attention to the obstacle on head. He was definitely taller than me by a good couple inches and probably outweighed me by 100 pounds but all that extra stuff made him slower than me. With speed that he wasn't expecting I reached out and punched him catching him in the nose, making him stumble a few feet back as blood started to pour out of his broken nose. I wasn't too concerned seeing as it would heal in a couple moments anyway but I had to take this distraction as an advantage so I pulled out my stake and slammed it right into his heart, killing him instantly.

Damn I thought he must have been just turned or I really fucked up his nose. Either way I saved a life and that was all that mattered. I start up the not-so-familiar street and realize that when I followed them I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings which now has made me lost.


I start back to the way I came (hopefully) and am soon back to the club. But before I can walk through the doors….



I turn around slowly and am immediately studies with the eyes that made me leave or well not the exact same eyes but ones that are VERY similar.

"Viktoria" I breathed

".GOD! Rosemarie Hathaway do you know how worried we have been about you! Dimitri calls every night to see if we have found you or if we have any idea where the hell you've been! I mean seriously how can you just pick up and leave without leaving so much as a note?-

She would have went on and let me have it but she sees my pained expression and stops.

"Rose? Rose, what's wrong?"

"Dimitri?" I breathe

"Yes Dimitri. No especially Dimitri! Rose you not being there is killing him. He is literally falling apart with worry over you. Especially since he doesn't know where the hell you are or if your alive!"

Hearing that, hearing that wonderful news makes me fill with joy "He cares about me!", but at the same time makes a part of me just snap.

"Dimitri is falling apart! DIMITRI IS FALLING APART?" I roar, drawing the attention from some passer-byers " O my god! Dimitri Is fucking falling apart! Wow ok well be sure to tell him that I hope he finds his missing pieces and buys some pretty goddamn good tape to stick himself back together, because I am NOT coming back. No way in hell am I going back there so he can hurt me again!"

"What do you mean he hurt you?" she whispers.

"Vik after he was turned back into a dhampir, he praised Lissa like she was a God, not at all acknowledging that I'm the one that made it possible. For Christ's I mean I love Lissa to death but her part was the easiest of all, but no it doesn't matter that I broke into probably one of the most guarded places in the world or that I had to release the person that tried to kill me and my best friend before, or that I had to track down a person that was nearly impossible to find, o and let's not forget that through it all I went out of my way to make sure that he knew that I loved him and that I cared about him, but nope I guess I wasn't good enough because in the end he told me he didn't love me and after all that all that I went through to be able to hold him in my arms again he was gone, just gone. " by the end I couldn't even keep going I was out of breath, unknowingly breaking into sobs.

Viktoria was standing there her eyes full of pity and sadness. She embraced me in a hug and for once in 3 months I didn't resist. We stand there in front of the club, me sobbing with her arms around me stroking my hair, for almost an hour. But then I become aware of what Im doing and suddenly jerk away, surprising Viktoria.

"I c-cant, i-I'm s-sorry but I cant." I stutter.

"You can't what?" she asks.

"I can't be here with you" looking around wildly, probably looking like a frightened deer, "o my god I have to go, I have to go, I'm sorry but I can't stay"

"No rose please!"

But I'm already off running as far away as I can from her and what just happened. Running as fast as I can hoping that i can stuff the emotions that have been leaking within me to the back of my mind.

Back in my apartment, I take off my dress and sink into a bubble bath hoping to wash away everything. Until the door tumbles down.