[Wow. Been a LONG time. I'm working on like, three stories at a time so I'm being slower than ever… haha….. SG has taken on quite the new view. Personally, this was how I wanted it from the beginning, but I got sloppy. So here's to the new SG, hope you guys like. There are things that are going to stay the same, just in better detail. And thanks a WHOLE lot to everyonet, especially Miss Akina. You keep me writing.

- Kozi]

I was up to my knees in sewage, the reek of the place burning my nostrils. There would be nothing to give us away down here; I could hear him sloshing about in the muck around me long before I could see him. I felt along the concrete wall, my dying flashlight barely enough to brighten the darkness. The smell of blood and decomposing corpse overwhelmed me and I ended up having to brace myself against the wall and breathe in short bursts to conserve the thought of repelling the stink with my mind. Mind over matter, they say.

"Calla, hurry up." Beyond Birthday. Impatient as always.

I simply nodded, knowing he could barely see me – and I highly doubt he could see my face – and trudged forward, grasping his arm weakly. "How can you stand this?" I gasped, the corpse smell choking me. Even after – what, a year now? – I couldn't handle the smell. And the sewers were only adding to my nausea.

He didn't reply, but lunged the body over his shoulder; cleanup time.

I grabbed the large kitchen knife sitting on a slab of broken concrete that rose up from the liquid muck, then the scalpel and the almost rusty forceps.

"What were you trying to do?" I had been on guard, like usual.

At first, it was quiet, and I sighed in frustration as he continued to ignore me. When he stopped and turned his head to look back at me, I peeped and forced my gaze to stare at the black around my knees and not the crimson orbs that frightened and mesmerized me. That damn spell he could cast that scared me more than anything else.

He continued onward, "I wanted to see if you could expose a heart without killing someone."

My stomach churned with my uneasiness. "Did you s-succeed?" An image floated about in my mind, the nausea making an unwelcome return.

"Nah. I must have clipped an artery or something." His dark velvet voice gave a small echo against the sewer walls. He stopped at a opening that lay behind a layer of metal bars. "Come here."

I could hear insects scuttling as I pushed ahead and the utensils clanged the wall, making my stomach jump with the eerie quiet being so disrupted. He took them away rather forcefully, a lot more than necessary considering I would have just handed them over. "Help me shove it through." I bit my lip and took the head and shoulders first, pushing through, the cut away skin making the most vomit-inducing sounds as that slid between the bars. As soon as the body flopped on the other side, splashing the vile water and waste onto my stomach, the squeaking of rats began on the other side, as they scattered.

The cold air seemed all the worse as it settled in on my now wet abdomen, my body filled with cold chills immediately. "C-can we go n-n-now?" I crossed my arms and pulled them tightly against my chest, knowing warmth was very far away from me. My flashlight flickered, before it went totally black, my chills turning into small convulsions under my skin. I didn't like it this dark. I reached for him, but as I did I could feel and hear him move past me, back to where we had come down in the first place.


"Let's go." That was all. I leaned against the wall, before slamming my flashlight into it, it only flickering once more before giving out again. I whined, having lost him already, the only thing left was the faint sounds of him moving through the waste.

"Beyond, please!" I whimpered, trying my best to move along and failing miserably. I was scared to move. I placed my hand on the wall again, bracing myself, when something round beneath it jerked and scuttled out from under my head. I jerked back, a scream ripped from my throat, echoing horribly in the underground corridors, and felt myself falling.

Long bony fingers wrapped around my arm and kept me up, my free hand flailing to grasp the wall, my already broken nails scraping concrete painfully. He put my on my feet and left me, once again. I reached for his shirt and felt the thin fabric brush my fingertips before disappearing, and I didn't wait to be left behind this time. I stayed rather annoying close, at least in my opinion, making sure he was always in range.

My stomach growled, but the thought of food only sent me reeling on a wave of nausea with the sewer smell still enveloping me. Beyond had said nothing on the smell whatsoever, and I wondered what his actual limits were, did they exist.

I bumped into his back as he started climbing up the ladder, my hands fumbling for the nearest wrung I could grab hold of. As it was when we climbed down, it was rusty and hard to grip, a lovely combination. I climbed with hesitation, the icy air freezing my body from the stomach down. I could hear him push the casting onto the street, rain following suit in thick sheets onto my face and hair. The rungs became slippery, and I climbed awkwardly, careful not to fall into the mess beneath me.

Beyond pulled me up once my head was above ground, and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders to steady myself. Ah, the air had never been sweeter. I inhaled in large amounts several times, clinging to Beyond for no reason. He smelled like blood, and a strange earthy musky smell emanated from him. His arm had left me, leaving me dangling uncomfortably, and I dropped to my feet.

He crouched down and pushed the casting back over the sewer opening, then stood and stretched, making a small grunt as he did. We were both in dire need of a shower, though I was sure I was more concerned about that than he was.

"Where are we off to now?" I was being pelted by icy rain, and I pulled my hood over my head (now that I remembered that I had it), though it didn't help much.

He looked around for a few moments, a lot longer than I preferred, turning in several circles as he checked the buildings around us. Staying in an abandoned building with no heat wasn't welcomed. Nor was having to walk about in this rain.

Beyond turned to face me once more and eyed my skirt with an emotionless face, my eyebrow raising. I took a step back, knowing that I would have had to have had a fifteen minute running start before I could even get away from him. His gaze returned to a run down hotel that peeked over other buildings a block off.

"That one shouldn't be too bad." Awe, he was thinking of me for once. "You'll be sleeping on the floor though." Spoke too soon.

I sighed, not really caring by this point. I just wanted sleep. I would probably freeze like I had been the past couple of days, but beggars can't be choosers. I wasn't sure by what he meant by "sleeping on the floor." A hotel – even a dead one – would have some beds, right? He stalked off in its direction, and I followed, giving his back a scrutinized glare. He was probably just messing with me. He tends to enjoy doing that.

Of course the door had several wooden planks nailed into it.

Beyond stared at it, as if contemplating, and before I could suggest something else, he leaned back and his foot slammed into the door, shaking the planks loose. I fell backwards in my surprise, letting an "oomph!" escape my lips. I looked up at him in shock as he did it again, but nothing actually gave way. I pulled my bag strap over my head and left it on the ground.

I scrambled back to my feet and latched my fingers around one plank, pulling as hard as I could. He did the same with another, but he was having a lot more success at his strength level. I put my foot on the metal door, trying to give myself more leverage, but the rough wood that pressed and scraped against my skin made me wince. His gave way, pulling mine off in the process, and the force sent me to my back in a blur of color, rain, and darkness.

I lay there on the concrete, a small pounding at the back of my skull. I had to keep my eyes shut for the rain, and I raised an arm to block it some.

My eyes widened from the small glance I got, and I rolled out of the way as a large plank with nails sticking out hit the spot where I previously lay. I got to my feet again, "Y-you almost killed me!"


I frowned and glared at his back again, before his head turned slightly and a smirk followed. "Now now, little Calla." My eyes met his, and the crimson orbs glinted mischievously. I huffed in annoyance at his amusement, and he continued to leer at me creepily as he made his way inside. I retrieved my bag before heading inside, myself.

Everywhere there was overturned furniture, and the ones that weren't, were covered in a sheet of plastic. There was a thick layer of dust that had settled over everything. My nose itched and the silence was uncanny. I bit my lip, and looked at Beyond, who was already heading upstairs. I followed, looking around my environment. Just in case. He kicked open another door and went inside. I looked at the number on the door for reference.


Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

I shook my head at the man's ridiculous notions. He tossed the mutilation tools on the table and I dropped my bag onto the floor next to the one of double beds in the room, before grabbing the tools and heading into the bathroom.

I spotted a towel shoved into a corner in the bathroom and picked it up. From what I could see, it seemed relatively clean. Not wanting to really think about it, I turned on the faucet in the sink and ran it under some – Thank God – clean water. I turned the other handle and prayed for hot water. I wouldn't say hot, but it warmed up to a comfortable level.

I peeked my head out the door frame, "We have warm water." It worked for me. He didn't acknowledge me and continued to stare out the window. I took the towel and scrubbed dried blood off of the forceps first, curling my lip slightly. I had never been entirely squeamish, but I didn't like the thought of seeing someone's chest split open.

Once I had gotten them "clean", I let them all fall into the sink. I was becoming more and more aware of the smell I was covered in, my stomach churning again. I hadn't bothered to look until now, and a thin filmy green-grey muck had settled on my knees.

I shut the door and peeled off my clothes, gagging as my socks stuck to my skin. I fidgeted with my shirt, trying to keep the bottom half as far from my face as possible. As I pulled it over my head, the smell struck me in the face like a metal baseball bat and I gagged once more.

I climbed into the shower and turned the water on full blast, a yelp of shock sounding when icy water met my skin. I stopped caring about three seconds later.

I ran my nails up and down my legs, scrubbing the muck off the best that I could. The water slowly warmed, but only to a lukewarm level. Nothing comfortable. I raked my fingers through my hair, scrubbing my scalp to the point of pain. I rinsed my hair to the best of my ability without shampoo.

Once the layer of film had left my body, I shut off the water and stayed in the corner of the small shower, trying to conserve heat.

I heard the door creak open.

"I found towels in a closet downstairs."

I peeked my head out from behind the curtain at him. "Any blankets?" He nodded and left, leaving the door wide open. The towels were also out of my reach from behind the shower curtain. Jerk.

I jumped out and ran over to the door, slamming it shut. I tried to lock it, but there was none.

Cold air sank into my skin and I shivered and wrapped a towel around me, keeping it up by holding my arms down over it. I wiped the condensation off the mirror and stared at myself. Green eyes, messy black hair, fish-belly white skin, and chapped lips. Oh, yeah, I was a keeper. I raised my fingers to my lips, feeling along the lower one at the scabs and broken skin I had yet to rip off. Old habit.

I dried my hair with another towel and opened the door, stepping outside to even colder air. "Jesus." I muttered. My spare clothes in my bag were also drenched. I set them all out on the carpet, hoping to make it easier for them to dry. Beyond was kicked back in a chair with his feet on the small end table.

"Aren't you going to take a shower?" Red irises leered at me.

I shrugged and climbed onto the bed closest to me, noting his "you're sleeping on the floor" comment again. I sighed and wearily pulled myself into a sitting position. Before I could ask, a dark blanket hit me square in the face. Thanks.

I sighed as the blanket provided needed warmth. Not much, but just enough. I curled up underneath it, closing my eyes. The mattress was the most comfortable thing I had slept on in days. I could hear a clock ticking somewhere.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick –


I blinked as hazy, dusty dusk light seeped in through the windows.

Beyond was doing something in the bathroom. I could hear him moving about in the small space.

I sat up and stretched, moving stiff arms and legs, and swung my legs over the side of the bed. It took me a few seconds to remember that I was stark naked beneath the blanket. I fumbled around, searching for the towel, before just wrapping the blanket around me. I must have slept all day; it wasn't even daylight when we had gotten here.

I stepped over to my clothes, and picked them up. They were relatively dry. I pulled them on, glad to be wearing jeans again, and sat back down.

I leaned over the foot of the bed and pulled up my bag, dumping its remaining contents onto my lap. What I was looking for came down first; a copy of What Alice Knew that was falling apart at the seams. Beyond had given it to me for my birthday last year, saying he never understood such an uninteresting waste of pages. How he ever came across it, I would never know. I opened to the dog-eared page, my little mark on most.

"Dinner was served. Mrs. Smith paid no attention to the diagram, so the forks and spoons were in the wrong order. Mr. Smith, breathing heavily and limping (he had both asthma and gout), began pouring the wine from the right. The soup was brought in; it was tepid and was followed by trout that had not been properly deboned. Katherine felt obliged, for the purpose of safety, to warn the guests to be careful, and the prospect of bones in the fish set Henry's nerves on edge. He had once been at a dinner where an elderly gentleman had choked on a chicken bone, and the idea of a choking death in the presence of Jack the Ripper struck him as particularly infelicitous."


I glanced up realized that Beyond now stood at the window, staring out once again. I closed my book, and shoved it back in my bag. The rain had let up for now. I sat on the floor and pulled on my shoes—white beat up sneakers that didn't look like it would make it much farther.

Without a word, I picked myself up and headed for the door, scoffing at the B13 room number again. I ran my fingers through my hair, knowing I probably had a severe case of bedhead, and running around most likely didn't help it.

There must have been a thunderstorm; the air was filled with that lightening smell. I personally, had a rather fond attraction to it. It smelled clean. I closed my eyes and sighed, inhaling deeply afterwards. It was lovely. I kicked a few pebbles on my way into the street, keeping an eye to make sure no one noticed me. The cold nipped at my face and fingers, and I shivered. Quite the passerby floating around. I cursed inwardly as I noticed a few police hanging about as well. I escaped onto the sidewalk, looking like God knows what as I crept along the large wooden fence that blocked around the alleyways.

I looked around as if interested in everything, so that I didn't come off as lost, or in need. I stepped inside a store to my right, the warmth almost choking the settled ice in my lungs.

I coughed, the jolt causing a small headache to form. Jesus, I was a mess.

I looked around, heading through the aisles. A woman appeared from a back room and asked me if I needed any help. I let out a squeaky "no" and continued my search. After a few moments, I peeked my head over the aisles separating me from her vision.

"A-actually, do you have a m-map?"

"Sure do, hun. Give me a second." She disappeared into the back again. I turned in a full circle. Grape jelly, apple jelly, apple butter, ah, there we are. I opened my back and shoved in several jars of strawberry jam. They were small anyway. I also threw in some chips and what I'm assuming to be jerky, and stuffed it in as well.

I peeked up over the aisles as I reached for some cookies, but she reappeared and I went to the back and grabbed a couple bottles of water before heading back to the counter.

She eyed me, "That all?" I nodded and pulled some cash from the back pouch on my bag. Hey, stealing was much easier then wasting money we'd need on something else.

"Five-forty." I fumbled with the money before slipping six ones onto the counter, muttering for her to keep the change.

I took the items and left, wobbly with full arms. I tried putting the map in my bag, but I ended up dropping everything. The water rolled everywhere. I put two in my bag, which was bulging by this point, and I carried two, one in each arm. I liked these bigger bottles anyway. They lasted longer. No one said anything to me as I passed them by. It was still extremely cold, and the chilled plastic in my hands helped none.

A cop passed me by, and if he spotted me, he looked lean enough to tackle me before I thought about running. I lingered in the front of the entrance to one of the alleyways before looking around. Wrong move. He noticed me.

He started towards me, at a leisurely pace for himself. "You lost, kid?" I shook my head. Think fast. Think fast!

"Hurry!" I pointed behind him, "Help her, help her!" He turned, and I took off, my feet slamming hard into the ground. Lame, but effective. The water and my bag weighed me down some, but didn't convince me to slow my speed.

I could hear him yelling behind me; "Get back here! Where you going, kid?"

I made some quick turns, before a dead end hit me. "Shit!" I had always found cursing rather tasteless, but this situation felt like it was in dire need of it. I didn't know how far he was behind me, but the safer way seemed to venture back onto the street. However, that would attract unwanted – LOTS of unwanted – attention. I threw my bag and the bottles over the fence, before lunging up and taking hold of the top.

Splinters immediately dug into the creases of my fingers, and my feet scraped against the wood to get me up. As soon as the top line dug into my abdomen, I threw myself over the edge, landing flat on my back.

I felt like coughing up a lung at that point, as the oxygen left me. I lay there, panting in short bursts, struggling to get up. Pain wracked my body as I stood. I suddenly held my breath and listened.

Nothing. Either he gave up or went the wrong way. Or was waiting.

I didn't like that.

Beyond was going to be pissed.

I scooped up my items and kept running for the building. It was in view, but I made it to a different side than when we had entered. Luckily for me, it wasn't boarded up. I, not having any hands to do it myself, slammed my foot into the door. It creaked in metallic pain, but remained strong. I wasn't the heavy weight champion myself, and I certainly wouldn't get in anytime soon on my own. I dropped my things, rolled up my sleeves and huffed.

I can do this… I can do this…!

I ran into the door with my shoulder, yelping as it gave way completely and I fell to the ground. I must be some ragdoll for God's comedy or something. My expression curled into a scowl and I jerked my sleeves down and tried to regain some dignity for myself. I slung my bag over my shoulder, and picked up one of the bottles; the other I kicked to the foot of the stairs before I bother to retrieve it from the ground.

Nine steps. I counted as I went.

B10. B11. B12. B13.

I pushed open the door with my knee. "Lucy, I'm home!" I said rather dryly, before a small glint of sunlight reflected the tools on the table. There was something wrong. It looked like something was missing…

The knife… ? Ding. Ding. Ding.

A crushing force blasted against my throat and did everything but seal off my windpipe completely. The back of my head met the wall with enough force that I saw stars. My nails clawed at the hand, before the black spots cleared in one area long enough for me to register.

"B-BEYOND! STO—" I choked. I couldn't breathe, the pounding in my ears increasing, my heart pounding so hard that it drowned out my headache. I could feel cold metal lash against my cheek, warm liquid seeping down after. I was going to die… I was…

He released me, causing me to sound like a fish out of water for air. My face stung, the dots still going strong, dancing heedlessly across my vision.

I sank to the floor. He just… didn't know it was me… yeah…

I counted the seconds in my head. I imagine he somehow did too.


He turned to face me, the dying light flickering across the predator's features. His eyes met mine, and his tongue swept across the blade.

Our staring contest came and went.

DISCLAIMER: What Alice Knew: A Curious Tale of Henry James and Jack the Ripper belongs to Paula Marantz Cohen and her wonderful writing. Beyond Birthday belongs to Tsugumi Ohba, Takeshi Obata, and of course, NISIOISIN for novelizing our beloved serial killer.