A/N: So, it's been so long since I've updated this story, that I had to go back and reread it to figure out what I was even doing. While doing so, I realized how horrendous this story was: typos, plot holes, you name it. SO. I'm currently rewriting it all. Mostly spelling/grammar errors (*cringe*), fuzzy wording, and some background stuff that just doesn't make sense and Idon'tknowwhatIwasthinking. Nothing drastically different, but I'll be changing enough that you may want to go through and reread. I'll post another A/N with the next new chapter for those people who don't feel like going through it all again. I'll post the new chapters in semi-quick succession.
"What, you're not even gonna say 'hello' to old Uncle Jet, Katara?"
Katara stopped her progress down the school's hallway. Her best friend, Suki, had also halted next to her and cringed, and was now throwing a piercing glare at something not far behind Katara's back. Katara closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, willing herself to force the violent inclinations that came along with thoughts of Jet to evaporate from her mind.
She turned to face the tiresome boy, scowling deeply.
"What do you want, Jet?" She snapped. "Don't you have a life other than harassing people?"
"Ahh, there we go! I knew you were too polite to ignore a buddy! But why so angry? I'm only trying to make friends!" He widened his eyes innocently, before raking his eyes not-so-innocently over Katara. "And you are definitely a friend I wouldn't mind having all to myself." He waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
Katara rolled her eyes and shifted her weight to her other hip, conveying her annoyance. "Get out of here, you creep. Go ruin somebody else's day."
Jet cocked one of his thin dark eyebrows. "Feisty. I like it."
"Is there a problem here?" A loud voice came came from behind her, making her jump. Katara turned to see her older brother, Sokka, and his best friend, Zuko, walking over to join them. She didn't let the fact that Suki straightened up her back and pushed out her chest upon Sokka's appearance go unnoticed.
Sokka continued, using his manliest and most threatening voice. He understood, at least vaguely, how Katara felt about Jet. "Because I'm sure I can sort things out for you."
Katara glanced over to see Zuko glowering menacingly at Jet, and did a double take.
Jet shrugged, his hands shoved down deep in the pockets of his dark jeans. He had his "signature scumbag smirk", as Suki liked to call it, plastered on his face. "Nope, no problem here, boys. I was just talking to my friend, Katara here, and-"
"I am not your friend!" Katara practically spat, whipping her head toward him to shoot daggers into him with her eyes. Under normal circumstances, she was a sweet, friendly girl, but she had a temper and Jet somehow managed to push every one of her buttons, purposefully bringing out the ugliest side of her.
"Well, sounds like my baby sister doesn't want to talk to you." Sokka put his arm around Katara playfully, yet protectively. She knew he wasn't a fan of Jet and his reputation with the other 11th grade girls, either.
Katara shrugged off his arm from around her shoulder. She had had enough of this. "Goodbye, Jet." She started to turn and back away, but Jet rarely knew when to stop.
"What, no goodbye kiss? You used to love kissing me goodbye."
She angrily whirled around, completely intent to kick him in a particularly sensitive area, but she didn't get the chance.
Zuko's tall, lean frame was looming threateningly over Jet. Jet's look of confusion matched Katara's equally thrown-off expression. Zuko was a year older than Jet, and she knew he trained heavily, dedicating himself to martial arts, lacrosse, and soccer. Jet was on the school's football team, but he was always a bit of a slacker, never taking things to seriously, mouthing off to coaches and making enemies out of the other players. And where Jet had just enough stocky muscle to fill out some of his gangly build, Zuko had long, defined muscles and a graceful way of moving that made Jet seem tiny and insignificant in comparison.
"I think it would be best if you and your over-inflated ego walked away now, Jet, before I do something you'll regret." His golden yellow eyes peered down, sharply focused on Jet's, as the smaller boy backed up into the wall of lockers, shrinking and cowering, attempting to distance himself from the suddenly dangerous-looking senior boy in front of him.
"Yo, man, chill." Jet's voice cracked as he tried to remain cool and unfazed. "I'm going!"
He muttered "freaks" as he made his way quickly down the hall, allowing himself to throw a precautionary glance over his shoulder. Suki growled audibly and his pace sped up noticeably.
Katara saw Zuko's body tensing and relaxing, probably in an effort not to run after Jet, as the offender disappeared around a corner.
"Ugh, I can't stand him!" Sokka said, after Jet was gone.
"Tell me about it," Suki agreed, rolling her eyes. The two locked eyes and quickly looked away, blushing.
Katara had missed the exchange, though; her attention had stayed on Zuko, fists clenched tightly at his sides. He still stood with his back to the three of them, glaring off in the direction Jet had retreated. Sokka and Suki noticed him as well, eventually.
"Dude, Zuko…he's gone," Sokka said, after an awkward moment.
Zuko replied with a dismissive grunt and continued to grimace down the hallway. Sokka's eyebrows scrunched together. "Whatever, dude," Sokka shrugged, turning his attention to flirt with Suki.
Katara stepped a few feet forward so she was standing beside Zuko. She reached out hesitantly and lightly laid her hand on his forearm. This small touch snapped him out of his trance and got his attention; his eyes shifted from nothingness to Katara, his hard expression softening as he looked into her large blue eyes.
"Thank you," she offered quietly, offering a small smile with a tiny upturn of one corner of her mouth.
He mimicked the movement with a slight twitch of his lips. The expression did not reach his eyes, but he had tried. Katara had known him long enough to know he tended to be very quiet, so she knew to take this gesture sincerely.
"What was that about, Zuko?" Sokka's question broke them out of their silent exchange. Katara sneered inwardly. For some reason she found herself wishing that she could have continued to gaze into Zuko's mesmerizing beautiful eyes a little longer. She wasn't sure why she felt like this, but she did. She shook her head slightly, brushing it aside for the moment.
"Uh…I,um-" Zuko's glazed flickered from Sokka to Katara for a split second before sputtering, "-you know, I-I just d-don't' like Jet…I guess." He finished awkwardly. He had transformed from looming intimidation to muttering self-consciousness in a matter of seconds.
"You seemed really angry, though…" Suki joined into Sokka's interrogation dutifully. "Weirdly protective." She tilted her head while looking at Zuko, as if daring him to answer her.
"Yea, weird." Sokka questioned skeptically. "What's up with that?" It was hard to get a word in edgewise with Suki and Sokka teamed up.
Zuko growled and finally burst in. "I told you! I don't like him. Katara didn't do anything and he gets of on harassing innocent girls. It really pisses me off. I'd like to punch that stuck up, self-entitled son of a bitch right in the face," Zuko snarled. "It's not okay to mess with her and he's not going to get away with it!" Zuko's voice had gotten so loud that he was nearly yelling, and the angry flicker had returned to his eyes.
No wonder Jet had took off so fast; Zuko was pretty scary when he was angry.
The other three stood with their mouths agape. Katara, still standing next to him, had leaned back a bit and had cocked one eyebrow. She had never heard so many words pour from his handsome mouth at one time, let alone spoken with so much emotion. When he did speak, it was usually laced with defensive sarcasm. Belatedly, she inwardly cursed herself for thinking of Zuko's mouth as "handsome". What was wrong with her?
Zuko met all their confused looks, snapping back to reality, and realizing that the rest of them had heard his monologue as well. A sheepish look graced his face, and he slipped back into his awkward, docile, self-doubting self. Katara frowned.
Nobody had anything to say. After a moment filled with strangled silence, Zuko murmured, "I guess I'll just be going to class now…" before speeding off down the hall.
After he was gone, Sokka shook his head slowly. "He is one strange kid," he laughed.
"Maybe that's why you get along so well with him, " Suki said playfully, with a smirk. "You can relate so well."
Katara saw Sokka stick his tongue out at Suki and prepare to refute her statement before she tuned out their constant bantering once again. She had more important things to concentrate on, like thinking about Zuko's strange behavior. He had never acted in such a way before. Not once.
And, maybe not so coincidentally, why was she suddenly realizing that Zuko was drop dead gorgeous? That is, if you liked the quiet, brooding, intelligent, dark-hair-falling-in-their-eyes sort of thing. Which she begrudgingly admitted that she did.
The bell rang, warning the students that their next class would soon start.
"See you guys," Katara murmured, before heading off to her next class. She had Honors Economics with Zuko. She walked slowly, giving him some space to collect himself. And, although she didn't like to admit it, she needed some time herself.
The last ten minutes had affected her oddly, leaving her feeling…different.
If you want to read the rest of the story, remember to put this story on Alert. :)