
That was all he had to say.

Stella tightly clenched her teeth, her fists kept to her sides, trying to hold in all the words she wished she could tell Riven but knew better ways to let out her anger. She took in a deep breath, grabbed the new Spella McCarthy pocketbook bag her daddy got her, and walked over to Riven.

As soon as she was behind him, she calmly lifted up her bag and wasted no time smacking it right across the back of his head.

"Fucking shit!" He cursed out in pain as he felt something heavy, hard with spikes slammed against the back of his head, and then whirled around to meet the anger-blazed eyes belonging to Stella, which matched the same anger in his own eyes. "What the hell, Blondie? Are you trying to kill me?"

"Tempting." She said, rising up her bag again.

"Stella…" As much as Brandon would love to show Riven how much of an idiot and jerk he was being, it was still Christmas and he didn't want to things to get too out of hand.

Ignoring her boyfriend, she got up close to Riven's face and asked "Tell me this. Have you always been this much of an idiot or have you recently discovered this?"

"Listen here, you privilege, spoiled rotten little princess!" Riven growled; only three seconds away from giving Stella a Christmas punch to the face.

"That's enough!" Flora said as she got in between Riven and Stella, pushing them away from each other before things would really become ugly. "It's Christmas, you guys. It's a holiday for peace and good will."

Layla got up from Nabu's lap and shoved Riven hard by the shouder as she walked past him, taking out the ridiculous present he gotten for her best friend and whirled around to him while holding it up high. "Are you serious? A ridiculous stuffed animal?"

"What's so wrong with stuff animals?" he asked.

"Nothing…unless they're goddamn awful." Layla tossed the animal over to him, ignoring the death glare he was giving her.

"Riven, what was the song Musa was talking about?" Sky asked. "The one she gave you as a hint."

He shrugged, saying "That Christmas song by Mariah Carey. All I want for Christmas."

Once again, everyone around him was caught into a stun silence, absolutely dumbstruck with their eyes widened in shock, mouths agape, while wondering if Riven really was this dent. If anyone else had gotten the hint, they would have immediately gotten figured out the clue and gave Musa what she wanted for Christmas. But sadly Riven wasn't anyone else, and was really slow when it came to those kinds of details.

Tecna slowly shook her head, coming out from her shocked trance, and smacked the heel of her palm against her forehead, groaning. "Riven, are you really this dense?"

"What?" He demanded, wanting to know what everyone's problem was.

Flora frowned at him, thinking he was really being insensitive this year but also knew Riven couldn't help who he was. After all, it wasn't the poor guy's fault he had no clue on what girls liked and knew the wrong things to always make them angry with him. Taking pity on him, Flora placed a sympathy hand on his shoulder, turning his attention on her, and said "First, apologize to Musa. Because she's really upset and you hurt her a lot."

"Fine." Even though he was angry she didn't give him the type of reactions he hoped for her, he knew how much he hurt her and wanted to make things right.

"Second, listen to the song again. Really well and try to figure out the message Musa was giving you."

Since Flora didn't annoy him like the other girls did and she was sort of like the second closet friend girl he had, he decided to take her advice for the sake of everyone finally stopping with their glares and him figuring out where exactly he went wrong.

He was up in his room for the past two hours, listening to that song repeatedly over and over till he was sure he could sing it in his sleep. But as many times as he tried to listen to it, he still couldn't grasp the hint what Musa was trying to tell him. He understood the singer was talking all about how the only thing she wanted for Christmas was her baby, all that la la la stuff, but he couldn't get what that had to do with Musa's gift.

Unless…He thought as an idea came to him for a moment, but as quickly as it came, it was gone in an instant when he dismissed the thought.

As hard as it was figuring out what Musa was hinting, it was ten times harder trying to get Musa alone so he can apologize for what he said earlier. If there was one thing about Musa he both loved and found extremely irritating, it was whenever she was mad at someone she'd be too stubborn to hear them out, and when the person was given a chance to talk she made them work hard for it.

Unfortunately he wasn't given that chance.

She wouldn't look at his direction when they gathered around for the huge Christmas feast the chefs outdone for breakfast, wouldn't acknowledge his presence as they went outside to have a huge snowball fight where it was boys vs. girls and the guys were beaten badly by the girls who had some help beating the guys with their magic, and completely ignored him all throughout the morning to later day.

"Why won't she talk to me?" He asked Nabu as they were all getting ready for the Christmas ball.

"Because you're an idiot who never fails to make a girl want to kill you," He joked, chuckling at the death glare Riven gave him. He then got serious and sighed, staring at his reflection while struggling to master tying his bow-tie. "She's just really upset you didn't get her what she wanted for Christmas."

Riven sighed heavily, wishing everyone would just forget about the unfortunate morning and move on from it. "I got her something good."

Turning around to his best friend, Nabu arched an eyebrow at Riven while wondering if his friend was even aware of half of the things he says sometimes. "Something good? You got her some stuffed animal where I don't even want to know where you got it from, and a bag of chocolates."

"She loves chocolate!" Riven protested, and Nabu rolled his eyes.

"Riven, in the name of all that's good, think hard. You said you wanted to get Musa something that would show her how special she is to you, right?"


"So, tell me this. Say things were reserved around and she was the one who wanted to get you a gift that shows exactly how she feels about you. Christmas day she comes over to you and gives you gifts. You open it and you see a stuff animal that not even our tech-brain friends can figure out and a bag of chocolates. What would you think?"

Right off the bat, Riven began talking without even thinking first, already knowing his reaction if he was to ever get such gift from her, "The first thing I would think is questioning whether she was giving me that kind of gift for Christmas or April's fool day. Then I would begin to wonder where the heck she got the gift and what she was thinking. That kind of gift like that doesn't show me how she feels; it doesn't show anything except how some gifts are meant to be…" His voice trailed off as soon as he figured it out and realized what Nabu was pulling over him. He then groaned as he slapped himself hard on the forehead, muttering "I'm such an idiot."

Nabu smiled a bit, nodding while placing his hands on Riven's shoulder and saying "Yes, yes you are. But the first step to overcome problems is admitting you do have a problem, which you successfully done," Chuckling as he listened to Riven growled, he continued "At the Christmas party, where you get Musa all alone, just talk to her and give her another, perfect gift to show how you really feel."

"And how the heck am I supposed to do that?" Riven asked. "The stores are closed, so there's no way I get another gift on such short notice."

This time, Nabu was the one smacking his forehead in frustration while fully understanding why Stella smacked Riven with her bag in the first place. Slowly pulling his hand away from his face, he checked the time and saw it was time for them to go.

"Look, Riven, sometimes the best presents don't always come wrap in boxs and bags. Some of the most memorable, perfect gifts come from the heart." And with that being said, Nabu was out the door and rushing downstairs.

Left alone while getting ready, Riven began to ponder on what his friend told him about gifts, telling him the some of the most perfect gifts come from the heart and it was that moment he realized exactly what he was going to do.

At the party

I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus
Underneath the mistletoe last night.
She didn't see me creep
Down the stairs to have a peep;
She thought that I was tucked up
in my bedroom fast asleep.

Then, I saw Mommy tickle Santa Claus
Underneath his beard so snowy white;
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If Daddy had only seen
Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night.

I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus
Underneath the mistletoe last night.
She didn't see me creep
Down the stairs to have a peep;
She thought that I was tucked up
in my bedroom fast asleep.

Then, I saw Mommy tickle Santa Claus
Underneath his beard so snowy white;
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If Daddy had only seen
Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night.

The traditional, funny Christmas song always bound to have people laughing was sang by a famous all boys' choir, dancing to the rhythm of the music onstage as they were singing.

Everyone at the Christmas seemed to be having an amazing time. The ball room looked beautiful and festive for the holidays, festive with Christmas red and green colors along with gold and white, a snow machine had been set to make snow fall from the ceiling onto the ground. The amazing food the chefs cooked up, from the delicious appetizers to the main courses and desserts were mouth-watering, and servants were offering people glasses of bubbly champagne and apple cider as they walked through and around the crowds. And everyone was all smiles as they were dancing to the music of the choir or talking to one another over glasses of champagne.

Everyone seemed to be annoying himself all expect for Riven. The minute he entered the ballroom, he ventured out to the small, private corner where he was sure he was going to be alone in peace.

He has been standing by the corner alone for the past one and a half hour after scanning the whole place for Musa, but was frustrated when he couldn't find her anywhere. For all he knows she probably met up with some guy, and they were alone having their own private moment right now.

At first the idea of Musa being alone with some guy was completely infuriating, he could feel his blood boiling by the thought, but then the anger cooled down when he realized he probably deserved it for being such a jerk to her.

As much as the idea of her being with some other guy is sickening, he thought with a frown as he picked at his plate of chips and dip. I barely deserve her either.

Then, I saw Mommy tickle Santa Claus
Underneath his beard so snowy white;
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If Daddy had only seen
Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night.

Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If Daddy had only seen
Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night.

Everyone cheered for the choir, and the boys took a bow before they exited off stage. Prince Sky, decked out in his royal clothes with his huge crown placed on his head, climbed onto the stage to cheer for them and then announced the next act.

"First off, I would like to thank everyone for coming out to our twenty-seventh annual Christmas ball," he cheered. "Give yourself a hand."

The cheer nearly went crazy with the clapping and cheers, and Sky had to wait for a moment before he could continue.

"Our next act is one who I know will not disappoint you. She's a good friend of mine who's insanely talented and will be sharing this talent with all of you tonight. And now, without any further aldo, Musa and the rockettes."

The second Riven heard that name; he nearly choked on his chips and had to calm himself down by gulping off two glasses of champagne he swat from a waiter's tray. When he finally calmed himself down, he saw Sky was no longer on stage and the velvet red curtains were slowly raised.

On there on stage, was of course a band, but they weren't the reason why Riven was frozen and speechless. Musa was standing in the center of the stage, in front of a microphone, while her friends were standing on either stage of her as backup singers, looking gorgeous under the bright spot-light. The girls were all dressed in Santa dresses, which were traditional velvet red mini, strapless dresses with white fur trim and black patent belts tied around their waists, Santa hats on top of their heads and velvet red gloves slipped on their arms, and black leather boots.

Even though they were all dressed the same and they all looked fantastic, it was Musa who really took Riven's breath away. Her long, midnight hair was let down, flowing down her back. Her face was pretty much free of makeup except for the black mascara and her lips painted bright, fiery red. The top of the dress showed the right amount of cleavage without giving away too much and the dress itself defined the amazing curves her regular choice of clothing never did before.

Her midnight eyes scanned the sea of faces, looking for a specific someone. When her eyes locked with Riven's and he saw the expression on her face, all hope of trying to talk to her faded away. But that hope was slowly brought back as a small, soft smile appeared on her beautiful face.

Quickly winking at him, causing his cheeks to reddened, she waved at the people cheering her on. "This song is dedicated to a certain someone who's special to me. The jerk-face knows who he is."

Closing her eyes, Musa reran the lyrics to the song through her head again and let herself go as the music started and she sang from her heart.

I don't want a lot for Christmas

There is just one thing I need

I don't care about the presents

Underneath the Christmas tree

I just want you for my own

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

All I want for Christmas is you

As the beat of the music of the music began to speed up, Musa and the girls were swaying to the beat of the music, moving their hips side from side. Opening her eyes, Musa locked her eyes with Riven's again and didn't broke their gaze as she sang, hoping this would help him understand what he has been trying to tell her.

I don't want a lot for Christmas

There is just one thing I need

And I don't care about the presents

Underneath the Christmas tree

I don't need to hang my stocking

There upon the fireplace

Santa Claus won't make me happy

With a toy on Christmas day

I just want you for my own

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

All I want for Christmas is you

I won't ask for much this Christmas

I won't even wish for snow

And I, I just wanna keep on waiting

Underneath the mistletoe

I won't make a list and send it

To the North Pole for St. Nick

I won't even stay awake

To hear those magic reindeer click

Cause I just want you here tonight

Holding onto me so tight

What more can I do

Oh baby, all I want for Christmas is you

All the lights are shining

So brightly everywhere

And the sound of childrens'

Laughter fills the air

And everyone is singing

I hear those sleigh bells ringing

Santa won't you bring me

The one I really need

Won't you please bring my baby to me, quickly

I don't want a lot for Christmas

This is all I'm asking for

I just wanna see my baby

Standing right outside my door

I just want you for my own

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

Baby, all I want for Christmas is you

All I want for Christmas is you, baby

When the song ended, the girls and band took their bows as the entire audience cheered loudly for them. Riven cheered loudly for Musa, with a grin on his face as he finally understood what she meant.

After the girls got off stage, Riven was able to convince Musa to come away with him and the two escaped from the party to Sky's pool house where they were all alone and seemed to be miles away from everyone else.

For a moment, the two just stood in front of one another and smiled softly as their cheeks blushed till Musa finally broke the long silence, saying "So you finally figured out what I have been trying to tell you?"

Riven nodded, feeling embarrassed after making such a big fuss over nothing when the answer was right there all along. "I'm definitely denser than I thought. And really slow."

"Yeah, you are," Musa giggled, and Riven couldn't resist chuckling along with her. "But did you finally figure out what I wanted for Christmas this year?"

"Yea, I did," he answered. "I'm really sorry I lost it this morning and for what I said."

"It's okay." She shrugged.

"No it isn't Musa," Riven said. "For Christmas, all I wanted was to get you the perfect present to show you how I felt about you. But instead I got you a stupid gift and made you angry.

"It's okay, Riven." She said.

"No it isn't," Holding her tightly by the shoulders and looking at her right in the eyes, Riven continued "I wanted this gift to tell you how sorry I mean for all the times I've been horrible to you. Following Darcy around like some puppy and practically letting those witches kill you, acting like a jerk to you because I never allowed anyone else to come close, and not telling how I really feel-"

Musa cut him off by shushing him and softly pressing her hand against his mouth, the two of them becoming speechless as they were lost in the powerful gaze of their eyes, feeling they were alone in their private world where anything else didn't matter at all. "How do you really feel about me, Riven?"

This was definitely it. He was scared out his mind, his brain already thinking of a thousand reasons why this won't end well and he'll only be burned. But he realized if he didn't tell her how he really felt, then he was never going to get the chance to do this ever again.

Putting fear and pride aside and taking in a deep breath he soon let out, Riven took a step forward and cupped her delicate face in his hands. "Instead of me telling you, how about I show you instead?"

Before Musa could realize what was happening, everything in her mind melted away as his lips came down on hers, kissing her so gently.

The tiniest, feather-like touch was all that connected them to each other, but a fire like nothing she ever felt before came alive inside her, trembling her soul as they were wrapped in a warm, safe cocoon of fiery sparks encircling around them.

This kiss was ten times better than any dream she ever had of them before. For one thing, it was real and much better than anything she ever experienced before in her entire life.

Groaning in pleasure under his breath, Riven slightly pulled back before pushing her against the wall and getting close to her before she could escape. She gasped, and he kissed her open mouth while quickly slipping his tongue in to taste her sweet mouth, and then really started to kiss her passionately and hard as she quickly responded to the kiss. Her arms were around his neck while his arms were around her waist, their bodies pressed against each other and fitting like a perfect fit.

Everything intensified as their met each other and was soon dancing the hot, spicy tango of passion. They kissed frantically and desperately, like they've been starved for each other the way people starved for food or water.

Slowly, Musa broke the kiss just as things were starting to get too hard, all her lipstick wiped off her lips and her breathing hard. She looked up at Riven and saw the intense, loving gaze in her eyes that melted her heart. "So does that mean I finally got my Christmas wish?"

Smiling, Riven wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "You most certainty did."

A/N: Thanks for all the reviews and favoriting you guys did with this story. Musa and Riven are my 2nd fav couple, and writing about them was so much fun.

May your Christmas be merry. Merry Christmas!