"Hello if your watching this,then congrats jackass your watching me South Italy!No not my North Italy but South!He's always gets all the damn I know he's cute but annoying Tobi from Naruto ain't got nothing on him!"Romano laughs but continues on"See these fangirls know I'm sexy just like my brother"He takes off his shirt"I'm soo sexy even Spains wants to rape me!"

At that time Italy was peeping in the room hearing the whole thing...he didn't know whether he was upset of what Romano said...or was rape?He left,slowly closing the door and went to ask Germany.

"I mean I should be the main character...Italy is too annoying and Germay is a potatohole!If I could get some screentime alot,there's no telling what I would be doing"he blushes and giggles,but then he clears his throat.

"They're lots of topics I want to talk one:couples..."


"I'd rather fuck a potato if that's possible,plus-"

"Hey Romano!"Prussia was in the room,with his little Gilberts by his side.

"What the hell Pussia,what is it?"

"You stole my camera"

"No,I burrowed.I was gonna give it back!"

"Ve Prussia!"Italy came into the room."Germany won't tell me what rape is?Can you tell me what it is?"

Prussia smirked" take off your pants"

Italy did and threw it on the camera lens everything went there rest you could hear was Romano's screams and Prussia ripping off the battery of the camera went dead.