Disclaimer: I own neither Harry Potter nor Final Fantasy 10.
A/N: Okay, forgive me. I am not British, I have never been to England, and I have no idea how to write a convincing British accent. I'll try my best, but forgive me if it doesn't go over well.
Chapter Two
Panic. Pure, unadulterated, panic. Harry gripped his cousin's lifeless wrist, searching, praying, for a pulse. The wind was warm around him and the footsteps he had heard were getting louder, but he paid no attention to little things like that. Breath, he thought; don't leave me Dudley, please, don't leave me.
Harry felt his mind wander as tears of helplessness and grief started to pour down his face.
"It was both wonderful, and horrifying. Power like that, held within such a small frame. It was unnatural, it was breathtaking, and it was so pure. I had seen nothing like it before in my seventeen years of life. She was absolutely beautiful."
"But you's only five, Dudley." Harry protested.
Dudley shook his head and shot Harry an amused smile, "It's my story, Harry."
"Sorry, keep going."
"Right." Dudley nodded and continued, "the beautiful woman, or teen really, for she was only a couple months younger than myself. She cast about for something to do, her Summon was fighting the monstrous Sin Spawn, but her Guardians had all fallen. I too had fallen, though I was still conscious. I watched her face fall as she realized that there was no way her Summon would be able to defeat the fiend on its own, but what could she do about it? All of us Guardians had fallen to give her time to Summon."
"I know, I know!" Harry cut in excitedly, "She could heal her Guardians. The beautiful woman always makes everybody better, right?"
"Right you are, Harry. And she did. She let her powerful Bird Summon continue to attack the fiend, while she dropped to her knees next to her nearest Guardian. He was a redheaded man in his late twenties who wore almost all yellow. The Beautiful healer looked him over in an instant and knew instantly what it was she had to do to help him. She held her hands over his head, where the fiend had hit him earlier, and cast Cura…"
"Wa- , I'm here. Stay with me." The healer murmured soothingly. She held her hands over his head an inch away from his torn flesh, "Cura." A warm white glow with hints of green and blue swirls appeared from her hands and sunk into the man's skin. When she pulled her hands away a minute later, all that was left was smooth, unblemished skin.
The man blinked open his eyes and then blinked them again to clear the haze, "Y-!" He cried out with a faint accent. "What happened?"
The healer smiled faintly, "You were knocked out, along with -, and Lu—"
"Where's Ti-?"
"Over here." The one who had been observing the scene murmured, "I'm out of potions."
The healer rushed over to his side and cast Cura. Like before, a warm white glow with tints of blue and green flowed from the palms of her hands to the wound on his stomach, leaving no evidence that he had been hurt just moments before.
The Bird Summon before them gave a loud cry as the fiend managed to land a brutal hit to it. The Healer winced at the blow and looked at the Summon in concern. "Hang on V-!"
"Y-! Lu needs ya!" The carrot topped guy proclaimed quickly. "Hurry!"
The blond was pulled to his feet by the healer and they both rushed over to where the woman dressed in black lay. She was deathly pale and didn't seem to be breathing. The Healer was quick to drop beside her, "Lu-, hold on." She whispered.
A light, much brighter than the one from her Cura spell, formed above the woman in black, just below the healer's hands. This light was more green than white, and the light almost seemed to form the shape of a feather before it sunk into the black haired woman's body. The woman sat up with a gasp as life rushed into her once again.
"Thank you, Y-." The woman said gratefully.
"No problem." The healer replied gently. She moved past the black haired woman and felt, more than saw, the red head pull the woman back to her feet. The healer didn't stop walking until she reached the last two of her downed companions. Before healing them, she glanced back at the fiend and wasn't surprised to see that the black haired woman and the redhead man had already rejoined the fight. The blond however, was still at her side. He was always by her side, protecting her; loving her.
"Cura!" She cast on both men simultaneously.
"Boy, get your wand out! They might still come back!"
Harry recognized the voice of Mrs. Figg, the batty old neighbor that used to babysit him when he was young and the Dursleys hadn't wanted to take him anywhere. He was too numb to care that she seemed to know he was a wizard. He felt her bony hand grip his shoulder, and heard her say something, but his mind blanked it out. He couldn't hear anything, nothing made sense, he just knew he had to do something- and- He shook the woman's hand of his shoulder and bent over his cousin.
Please, he thought. Let this work. Let this work. He cupped his hands over his cousin's yellow clothed chest and allowed his mind to once again drift to his cousin's stories. Stories that had always seemed more like lessons than fairytales.
"And what does a healer do if the person they are healing is knocked out and their life force fades to zero?"
Harry scrunched up his face in concentration and thought back to the story he had just heard, he spoke hesitantly, "If it has been less than ten minutes, and the wound wasn't instantly fatal, like, a stab wound through the heart or a shot to the head, the Healer has a short amount of time to cast the high level white magic spell, Life. Then, depending on how weak the person is after being brought back, the healer may also cast one of the three healing spells, Cure, Cura, or Curaga."
"Right Harry. And how do they do that?"
Harry cast back to the story again and answered a moment later, "White magic is a force of good will, channeled through a staff or the healer's hands to heal another person. In order to be a competent White Mage, the healer has to know the detailed anatomy of the being they are trying to heal, be it human or animal."
"Close, but how would you actually do it?"
"You focus your will, and mix it with your pure intentions. Then you guide it out of your body in a steady stream into the wound that you want to heal. You mustn't lose focus at all, or the spell could overbalance and fail, leaving you drained of the magic that you used to cast the spell, but without having actually cast it."
"Correct!" Dudley replied proudly.
Harry shut the memory off and focused for what felt like the first time in his entire life. This was all that mattered, just this moment here. Harry closed his eyes and focused on his Will. He felt his magic swirling around him like it always did when he focused, it was wild and untamable, but there was also a small part that just radiated warm and comfort and purity, which was the part he was drawing on. Bring him back, he thought to his magic. Breath. Don't you die on me, he ordered.
"Come back to me, come back to me, come back to me, come back to me…"
He felt it when it happened, even if he was too numb and in shock to even realize what he was doing. A brilliant light surrounded him and his cousin, so bright that it startled Mrs. Figg enough that she took a few steps back and gasped. The light continued to grow as Harry repeated his mantra, "Come back to me, come back to me, come back to me…"
When the power was at its highest level only seconds later, Harry reacted by instinct. He placed one hand just over his cousin's head, and the other over his cousin's heart, he then whispered the one word that would change his world forever, "Life."
Dudley continued to glow for a good fifty seconds after Harry finished the spell, and then, he sat up and took a gasp of air.
"You're alive, it worked, oh thank Merlin, it worked… it worked…"
Tidus blinked as the unfamiliar boy clung to him and sobbed. Something about the situation sent a pang of… something, through him. The boy was small, but wiry and strong with the body of an athlete. He was wearing black sandals, baggy black shorts and a green t-shirt that looked as if it belonged to someone who had a longer torso. He also wore a pair of glasses that covered brilliant green eyes.
Tidus had no idea who he was. He felt his own arms come up and pat the younger boy on the back soothingly, much like he had done for Rikku, when she had broken down after her Home had been destroyed, only this boys tears sounded more thankful than sorrowful.
"Hey, you okay?" Tidus asked uncomfortably.
The boy reared back and his tearful green eyes went wide, "D-dudley?"
Tidus felt dizzy as the name repeated itself inside his head over and over and over. With it brought flashes of memories only half remembered, though each flash was clearer than the last. "Whoa…" Tidus said to himself as his arms gave out on him and he found himself lying on his back once again.
"Dudley!" The boy cried out, this time more firmly.
Tidus looked around from his place on the ground and noticed that they were in a dirty alley. Behind the boy was an elderly woman in what looked like her night clothing. She wore slippers, a white robe, and her hair was half coming out of the hair net she had it in. Around her wrist was the handles of a shopping bag that was dangling by her legs. "Uh, hello there."
The woman glared at him, "Get up you useless tea bag!"
Tidus blinked and then tilted his head in confusion. He had never been called a useless tea bag before. He wasn't even sure what that meant, but he was pretty sure it was supposed to be insulting. He got to his feet unsteadily and wavered as a wave of fatigue hit him with the force of a Chimera. Really, what was his HP at? He didn't feel hurt, but he could feel the faint lingering of a life spell on his skin. It tingled pleasantly, but unfamiliarly. It wasn't Yuna who had brought him back, and he didn't recognize the feel of the magic.
Tidus reached for his item pouch to down a potion only to pause as he patted down his side. Huh, he thought. These aren't my clothing. The clothing wasn't horrible, not at all, they were just different. Actually, he realized, his outfit was quite similar to the green eyed boy.
Tidus was wearing a tight yellow t-shirt, black baggy knee length shorts, and black sandals. His shorts had pockets, all of which were empty save for some slips of paper he couldn't fathom the need for. "Huh." Tidus murmured. "Strange."
"Dudley, are –are you okay?"
"Sure I am Harry. Don't worry." Tidus replied. He allowed the boy, who his mind told him was named Harry, to steady him as they started walking somewhere that would apparently be safe. Tidus was lost in his thoughts, though he vaguely listened to the old woman talky rather hysterically about something called a Dementor, and a man named Fletcher.
What was the last thing I remember? He thought to himself.
He remembered flowers, and sunlight that never wavered. He remembered peace, and boredom, along with loneliness. Then he remembered the Magus sisters, and his Mission. His mission, right! It was starting to come back to him now, though still only in flashes. He was to be the Guardian to the Chosen One, the one who would be granted the power needed to stop a man from repeating Yu Yevon's Sin.
Tidus looked at the green eyed boy that was walking beside him, and felt a rush of affection for the younger boy. It was similar to how he felt every time he looked at Wakka, Lulu, Rikku, Kimahri, Auron… and Yuna. The boy felt like family.
Suddenly, everything around him stopped. Harry stopped walking mid step and his mouth was still open from being in the middle of speaking. The old woman too was stopped mid step. A leaf was frozen in the air just in front of Tidus's face. Everything was silent and even the air seemed stop its pleasant breeze.
Tidus turned and wasn't surprised at all to see Bahamut standing beside him. The boy always seemed to show up just when Tidus was confused the most. Not that the boy ever cleared up any of his confusion, in fact, Tidus recalled that he was almost always more confused after talking to the boy.
"Bahamut." He said.
"We are sorry for interfering. Things picked up faster than we had thought possible."
"Interfering? I don't understand." Tidus replied, "Where am I? What's going on? Who is Dudley?"
"You'll remember in time. Your body is undergoing some changes, but when it's done, you'll remember."
"If you're not going to answer my questions, why are you here?" Tidus asked angrily.
"To warn you." Bahamut replied sadly, "You are officially no longer our dream. Spira is out of your reach until this is over. Protect him, or it will stay that way. Forever."
Everything burst into motion and Tidus stumbled as Harry continued to lead him along. Tidus closed his eyes tightly to stop the tears that were trying to escape. He put his trust in Harry to get them where they were going, because there was no way he could make it on his own. As he walked, it felt like his heart was breaking.
"Diddy! What happened? What's the matter with you? Vernon? Vernon!"
Tidus felt bony hands pull him into a house, but he kept his eyes closed. As they had walked, he felt himself growing weaker and weaker, as if he was poisoned. He wasn't poisoned though, which made him even more confused. He hadn't felt this confused since he had woken up in Spira all those months ago, or was it years? He didn't know.
He was sitting down now, and someone was shouting. Everything was starting to feel distant, as if he was underwater.
Everyone was talking around him, they sounded angry, and someone was shaking him. Vaguely, he was reminded of when he and the others had fallen under the Macalania Temple after killing Seymour for the first time.
He hurt too much to move, let alone open his eyes. In the background, he could hear the faint sounds of Rikku crying, pleading for him or anyone to wake up. He wasn't sure if he wanted to wake. He wasn't sure if he wanted to face what they had done, why they had done it, or what they were going to do next. Tidus was exhausted.
He was a Blitzball player from Zanarkand, not a Guardian or Traitor of Yevon. He didn't even believe in Yevon! Rikku's cries went up a notch, from terrified to hysterical, and Tidus finally opened his eyes.
In front of him stood a tall horse like woman with a long neck, pale skin, and badly dyed blond hair. She was the one who was shaking him. Behind her, by Harry, stood a very obese man with an angry face and watery, beady, blue eyes. He was gripping Harry's arm in a grip that looked bruising, and every couple of moments he would shake the smaller boy. A bird of some sort was flying above everyone's head and it seemed to be making the obese man even angrier.
"Wh—what's going—" Tidus tried to ask, but the words wouldn't come out. The room was swaying, and the woman's voice rose to a painful pitch that had Tidus instinctively covering his ears.
Everything became more and more indistinct, and then Tidus knew no more.