Jono paced around the room for the tenth time that day. After Seto had left and he had caught his breath he had immediately started planning his escape from this god awful place. There was no way he was going to let some murdering jerk keep him here.

However, he had probably paced around this room for hours and he still didn't have any idea how he was going to get out of here. Jono finally stilled himself, forcing his restless limbs to cease there constant movements, and took a deep breath. Stalking around this place like an animal in a cage wouldn't do him any good, and just huffing and puffing all day long certainly wouldn't make this situation any better either.

Then again he wasn't really sure what could make this predicament better. He was being held as a prisoner by the very same man who he had dedicated his life to killing. The man who had murdered his precious sister, Kisara.

Yeah, there really was no up side to any of this.

Jono let out a distressed sigh when he came to the inevitable conclusion. He trudged over to the balcony again, taking in the small amount of comfort the wind blowing through his hair gave to him. Despite his terrible situation and less than joyful attitude the world had kept turning. The sun had risen, oblivious to his struggle, and had brought with it a new day.

Actually given the circumstances, it was quite a nice day. The hot sun was beating down on the sands of Egypt ; heating the air around them with its powerful rays. The Nile was still flowing endlessly, past the horizon, going on to Ra knows where. There was a chill pleasant breeze in the air today providing the people with a cool relief from the suns blazing heat.

Jono breathed the outside air in deeply through his nose, and exhaled slowly. He leaned against the railing of the balcony and crossed his arms on top of it; taking a moment to look at the land below him. Although the Pharaoh's palace was not in the town it was near the town. Which meant that Jono could still easily see and hear some of the everyday commotion that took place in the market.

He leaned heavily on his arm and allowed his head to lazily roll to the side as he observed the townsfolk. Oh yes, he knew this world so well. Far more than he knew the world of the rich and regal. He was more accustomed to the sound of merchants trying to sell their various goods, caravan traders exchanging items here and there, children running around in the streets while their parents purchased things from the tables.

Jono's ruby eyes softened and he smiled a little when he saw the familiar sights. He knew that world so well because he had spent his whole life in it. Kisara and him had both been what some richer folk called street rats. Jono made an indignant but relaxed huff when he thought this; who were they to call them such things when half those people were just as, if not more, ruthless and conniving as some on the streets were.

Since their parents died they lived on the streets as peasants and orphans. It really wasn't as bad as some people thought it was though. They were lucky because they had each other; some people didn't even have that. He wasn't saying that life on the streets was easy; because it wasn't. You didn't have anywhere to sleep, you never had food for the next day, and violence was fairly common.

Jono let out a soft 'tsk' sound as he continued to watch the crowds of people filter in an out of the marketplace.

Sure life was hard out there, but at least when he had been out there he had been free. Jono pouted slightly, here he was a prisoner. Sure, in here he wouldn't have to worry about half the stuff he did when he had lived on the streets, but Jono would trade all of that away for the sweet taste of freedom.

The blonde teenager let out an almost dreamy sigh at that. Freedom. What a perfectly beautiful concept.

Jono shook his head gently, "What's the point in living if you're in a cage?" he asked out loud as if expecting the world to reply to him. Jono looked away from the village setting and instead fixed his gaze out towards the horizon.

Another gust blew against his face and sent his golden bangs flying from his face. "I don't know how yet. But somehow...someday I'll get out of here. And then I'll finally be able to fulfill my promise."

Jono took a deep breath and huffed, "I just have to figure out how I'm going to get out of here," he mumbled aloud to himself. He glanced over his shoulder at the curtain that lead outside the Priest's room, "That stupid Priest probably guarded it or something," deduced crushing the notion before it had a chance to live.

He wouldn't be that stupid as to leave Jono with a perfect escape route.

Jono turned his head back toward the scenery, "I don't know what I'm going to do about him," he muttered. He slowly readjusted himself so he was resting his elbow on the balcony and propping his head up with his hand. "Kisara, I don't know how you ever put up with him. Even for a minute. He's such a big liar!" he exclaimed. "He keeps saying that he didn't kill you! What a bastard, he won't even admit to what he did!"

His only response was a gentle breeze, it made him let out another sigh, "If only you could still reply to me, Sister." he whispered longingly.


Seto was currently standing exactly where he had been yesterday, in front of the large stone tablet. He spent a lot of time here, although his visits hadn't been as frequent as they had been when the memory of Kisara's death was still fresh to the world.

But with Jono here he felt the familiar need to be close to her.

He had discovered that he felt the closest to Kisara when he was here, in front of the tablet her Ka was trapped in; the same place she gave up her life for him. The egyptian reverently ran the tips of his fingers along the carving on the stone, his sapphire blue eyes stared almost sadly and transfixed at the stoic eyes of the dragon.

"I have not seen you here for many nights, cousin."

Seto straightened when the deep voice alerted him of the others presence, causing him to turn his head to gaze at the newcomer. He relaxed to see that it was only Atem standing beneath the archway. "Yes, well I have not felt the urge to be here for some time," Seto confessed; shifting his stare back to the picture.

Atem crossed his arms wordlessly as he walked forward towards the taller brunette. He came to a stop beside him and pivoted to face the tablet as well.

"Tell me Seto.." The Pharaoh began in a soft voice. "Why now, do you feel the need to be near her?" he inquired glancing away from the rock to observe the Priest's profile.

Seto let out a sigh in reply, "I do not know why," he replied. Atem's face remained phlegmatic; even though he knew his cousin did not speak true.

" honest with me. Does this have to do with that dragon boy you took in?" he asked. Sphere's of cobalt blue met with amethyst purple orbs and the two stared at each other for a long time without words.

"What has Isis told you?" Seto asked bluntly, he knew that Isis must have said something. Otherwise Atem would not have brought this up so suddenly. Atem exhaled and dropped his gaze for a moment before he lifted his eyes to the stone tablet.

"Alas, you always were sharp my friend. Isis would not give me much detail, she only informed me that you had been most occupied with that boy of yours. She tells me that his presence bears another meaning to you," he trailed off looking over at the brunette once more. "I was hoping that you would enlighten me on what she meant."

"The boy." Seto said softly. For a moment he said nothing more and just let his words hang there. "The boy with the dragon," he added. His eyes became withdrawn as he stared at the depiction of the dragon, unconsciously running his fingers over the intricate design of the carving. "Kisara's blood flows through his veins," he whispered.

"He is her family?" Atem asked.

Seto nodded vaguely; still staring unflinchingly into the eyes of the dragon, "Yes," he confirmed softly. "He is her brother. Her flesh and blood." he said distantly. Atem noticed something, a strange look in his cousins eyes. He didn't know what it was or how to describe it. The only thing he knew was he had seen that very same look on the day of, and many days after, Kisara's death. "He is the only living reminder of her left in this world," breathed wistfully.


Suddenly the teenager's expression became bitter; his brow narrowed and his lips pulled back into a frustrated frown. His fingers, which had before been gently tracing the tablet, suddenly curled and scraped against the stone until his nails dug into his palm.

"And he despises me," he hissed through his teeth. Atem frowned pityingly at his older cousin, he knew that Seto had loved Kisara dearly and had been heartbroken when she died. He knew that to know a living connection to Kisara hated him, killed Seto.

Atem hesitantly reached out and rested his hand over the boys shoulder, "Seto, I'm sure the child doesn't mean it. He's probably still in shock over what happened at the marketplace," he reassured. He hated to see Seto in such pain. It hurt him more to know that this was one kind of pain that he could not help heal.

Sapphire's narrowed toward the spiky haired teen, "He does mean it. Believe me he despises me with every fiber of his being," he assured churlishly. Atem stared at the brunette almost surprised by the way he was acting. "Not only does he hate me, but he blames me for Kisara's death."

Amethyst eyes widened abruptly, "What? How? Surely he can not think of accusing you of something so false," he uttered in disbelief. The very thought of Seto hurting someone like that, especially Kisara, was absolutely ridiculous. And to think that anyone would be outlandish enough to accuse Seto of murder was preposterous!

Seto closed his eyes and hung his head in what seemed like a wordless defeat, "Dear cousin that child wishes to see me to my grave," he affirmed as all traces of anger and resentment melted from him.

"Seto, have you not explained to him that you were the one who protected Kisara?" Atem stressed. His usually bright violet eyes had grown dark with a sense of dread, and the feeling was mimicked in his stomach. Dulled shady pools of azure reopened only to be masked by an even darker shade of blue; making them seem almost black to the younger egyptians own eyes.

Seto breathed in subtly and inaudibly when he heard this, "I have. But he does not see me as her protector...he see's me only as the person who took her away from him." he whispered. Slowly the Priest turned his gaze to meet the Pharaoh's; his eyes filling with melancholy. "Atem, on that day my gain was his loss," he explained guiltily. He honestly had had all night to think all of this over and that was the conclusion he had come to.

One of the many reason Jono would never see him as anything but a murderer was because initially he had been the one to take Kisara away from him. Seto believed that that grudge was the first of the many Jono had against him. And it was probably the root of all the others. Seto found that he couldn't really bring himself to blame Jono of anything though.

After all if Seto was in the same position as Jono, he'd be pretty pissed with himself too.

"How can one hold a grudge for so long," Atem murmured disappointedly. His feeling's of disappointment were not focused on Jono necessarily, his displeasure was toward the world really.

What was this world coming to if children were filled with hatred?

"You should know the answer to that question as well as I do," Seto lectured softly. Atem nodded dolefully, "Yes, but the answer to it never ceases to discomfort me." he breathed out.

"As it does for all of us," Seto replied. "I'm afraid that I don't know how I will change the child's mind," he admitted. His hand splayed out once more over the rock, and rubbed the stone lovingly as he stared at the dragon's face. "I wish that she was here...I have no doubt that she would have been able to help me," he muttered despondently.

A smaller hand slid on top of his own causing him to look at his cousin, who's amethyst eyes were staring at him with a kindness that only Atem could express. "The past is the past dear Seto. And that is where it must stay. This is the present, and it is where you belong." he told him tenderly while squeezing his hand reassuringly.

"Do not linger where you do not belong, cousin."

Seto's eyes widened slightly when he heard the advisement pass his younger relative's lips. A sweet and almost sad smile drifted onto Atem's face. "You have only just rejoined us. We would be saddened to see you fading from us again so soon. It is true your love is not in the same realm as you anymore, but there is someone here now who needs you."

As Atem said this he allowed his hand to slide from Seto's own, "The dragon child..." he began; locking his gaze with the elder's. "He is not where he belongs either Seto. He too lives in the past and clings to it's fading existence for comfort over what he has lost to it." The Pharaoh beamed at him optimistically, "Perhaps fate has chosen you to guide him back to where he belongs." he suggested propitiously.

Seto opened his mouth preparing to express his doubts on the subject, but before he could try to speak his cousin spoke again.

Atem breathed in a deep sigh, "Well, I should return and leave you to your thoughts. Farewell cousin," he said bowing respectfully to him. Seto blinked, taken off guard by Atem's insisted egress, but returned the polite gesture with a mirror one. Atem smirked at Seto and then turned to face the tablet. He spent little time staring and inclined his head to the unofficial memorial; displaying as much reverence as Seto showed to the uncorroborated grave marker.

"Farewell my lady," he whispered. After that Atem turned swiftly; sending his violet cape flourishing behind him, and walked back toward the archway he had entered through. Seto stared after his younger cousin curiously. Wondering vaguely why his relative was so strange sometimes. He quickly abandoned those thoughts and chose instead to look back at the dragon. He raised his hand and placed it over the beast's stone chest.

"Perhaps Atem is right. Maybe I am destined to protect this boy...From the world and himself," he pondered quietly; his words never reached anywhere above a whisper. As he touched the stone he almost swore that he could feel the spirit of her dragon pulsing from within him.

"Could it be that I am meant to save Jono, the way I was unable to save you?"

His only answer was the sensation of the pulsation growing inside of him. The fluttering in his chest made him smile; knowing that it was Kisara's spirit that was within him and responding to him.

"I only hope that you will be able to help me convince him that my hands are not the ones that are stained."


WOOOHOOO! Yay! I just saw this fic and i was like...what the hell! Lol i figured since im back on yu-gi-oh i might as well give you guys a little treat and revive another one of my yugioh fics from the past.'s not very good...but who cares! It's new chapter thats all that matters. Lol Oh and srry that it's not a very long chapter...Well anyways i hope you enjoy it. Oh and don't you guys forget to click that little button that says has like cobwebs on it...REVIEW!