Risen for Redemption

This is a story about what happens to Starkiller after The Force Unleashed game. I just beat it and I got this idea because I really hated how Starkiller died, when he is the coolest character in the whole saga. So this is the prologue, tell me what you think.

Starkiller POV

"Go get out of here! Protect the senators!" I yelled at General Rahm Kota. "What about you boy?" "Sorry Kota, but I'm not coming. It's the only way." I said back without looking at him. He sighed and said "Good luck boy and may the force be with you." I sensed him running to the ship with the senators in tow. I glared at the dark lord. "Do you really think you can defeat me and survive yourself?" He asked smugly. "I don't need to survive." I said. I closed my eyes and leapt into the air. I willed each and every one of my cells to relinquish its midi-chlorines. I tucked my arms and legs, delving further into my power. Using all my strength I gathered every last ounce of my force power including my life force. With each passing moment I felt my attack grow in strength. Finally when all of my power was being used, I released it in the largest, most powerful force repulse I had ever used. The shockwave shot out shattering the windows and bending the metal supports. Darth Sidious was flung backwards into a wall. With all my power gone, I fell to the ground in a heap. The last thing I saw was the horrified and sad face of Juno Eclipse, before my world faded into nothingness.

Juno POV
"We have to help him!" I yelled at Kota. He grabbed my arm as I tried to run to save my lover. "No, he told us to get out of here." "I have to save him!" I pulled my arm away and dashed down the corridor. The doors opened and I saw him slumped on the ground. I knew it was over; he had sacrificed himself to save us. I couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't anything. General Rahm put his hand on my shoulder. "He is one with the force now." He whispered solemnly. I stepped forward to retrieve his body. Rahm held me back. I turned to look at him "What are you doing? We need to give him a proper burial." I said through my tears. "If you go in there, you'll be killed. Then all that he died for will be worth nothing. He wouldn't want you to die because you wanted to respect him. You can respect and remember him by helping the rebellion he created. Show the galaxy that he was not evil." I closed my eyes. He was right. I gave one last look at his body. I never even knew his true name, but what I did know will be in my heart forever. "Rest in Peace Starkiller." I whispered as the door shut.

Starkiller POV
I opened my eyes to never-ending whiteness. "Where am I?" I asked myself. I sat up and rubbed my head. Dying sure does do a number on you. Around me was nothing. I slowly stood up. Was I still somehow alive? No it wasn't possible I knew that when I used that attack that I wouldn't survive. As I looked around the landscape changed. All of a sudden I was standing in a vast field, mountains all around and a sparkling lake in the distance. I shielded my eyes from the bright sunshine. What planet was I on? Without warning I wasn't alone anymore. Many more people appeared around me. There were hundreds of people from all different species. Then I spotted her. The Togrutan Jedi I had killed for Vader. "Master Ti?" I asked in surprise. She turned to look at the source of the calling. She smiled and walked over. "So I take it you've learned that I was not lying?" I thought for a moment. That's right, back on Felucia she had said 'Poor boy, the sith always betray one another. But I bet you'll learn that soon enough.' "Yes I have, I'm sorry for killing you and for being so corrupted by the dark side. But I learned my lesson. I think I started the rebellion against the empire." She raised an eyebrow and said "Well then, how did you end up here?" "Where am I anyway?" "This is the force plain. All Jedi come here when they become one with the force. At least until you move on to the afterlife but that takes a while so I've heard." "So I really am dead." I whispered to myself. "Yes, you are. And I would very much like to know how it happened. You were such a strong fighter and so in tune with the force." I smiled and said "Thank you for the compliment Master Ti." She nodded in reply. "Well actually I guess I killed myself. A couple of senators had been captured along with the Jedi who was training me, Master Rahm Kota." "I never met him in person but he had a reputation among the order for not approving the use of clones." I nodded and said "I fought with Vader and almost killed him. Then Darth Sidious attacked Kota with lightning so I went to help him. In the end the only way for the Senators and Kota to escape was if I held off Sidious and his men long enough. So I used all my force power to perform a repulse that may have killed Sidious but I'm not sure." She looked surprised. "You sacrificed yourself to save them?" I nodded solemnly. "There is no need to be ashamed of what you did, you should be proud. Not many Jedi would have the nerve to do what you did even if they say they would." I smiled and said "I just wish there was a way for me to see if they got out alright or if they are even still alive." "If Kota was dead, he'd be here with us, the other's I do not know." We were silent for a minute. "What is your name?" She asked me. That's right she never knew. But then again neither did I. "I'm not sure Master. Vader gave me the codename Starkiller, but I don't know what my real name is." She tapped her chin with a finger. "Do you know what happened to your family?" I shook my head. "I do know that Vader killed my father when I was very young and then took me to be trained. Other than that, nothing." She looked a little excited for some reason. "Do you know on what planet you were born?" "Kashyyyk, I know that for sure." She smiled and said "Then I think that there is someone we should go and speak too. Come along." She ran away speeding up with the force. I followed at an identical speed. We crested over a hill and I saw a huge tree, Master Ti was headed right for it. A woman was sitting at the base reading a book. She looked up and saw Master Ti. Without hesitation she stood up and called into the tree "Kento, Master Ti is here." Master Ti stopped and said "How are you today Mallie?" I slowed and came to a stop next to her. Mallie looked at me with a confused face and mouthed "So familiar." Then she refocused and said "Not bad, well for someone who's dead anyway." I smiled and so did Mallie. A man came out of the tree and stood next to Mallie. "Ah hello Master Shaak. It's a pleasure to see you." "And you as well Kento." She replied. "Who is your friend?" He asked, before turning to me. He got the same look as Mallie. "Galen?" He whispered. I looked at Master Ti. She was smiling wide at the looks of confusion on mine, Kento's, and Mallie's faces. Then I recognized Kento's robe. I had seen it when I went to Kashyyyk to rescue princess Leia. "Father?" I asked. He smiled and said "I knew it was you Galen." Mallie came over and said "Galen? Could it be?" They hugged me and I stiffened. It was odd to be held like this. As far as I could remember no one other than Juno had hugged me. I quickly relaxed when I realized that I was with my parents. True all three of us were dead, but still I was with them. "Galen, I'd like you to meet your parents. Kento and Mallie Marek." Master Shaak Ti said. "How did you know that they were my parents?" I asked her. "We told you that we lived on Kashyyyk and that I was killed in front of Galen by Vader. You just figured it out didn't you Shaak?" Kento said. She smiled and nodded. "Now we can finally be a family again. Once and for all." My mother said. "Actually Mallie I'm sorry to tell you this but Galen isn't staying." Master Ti said. "Wait I'm not? But I'm dead." I said. "You may think you are but when you sacrificed yourself you did not use all of your Force power. Just most of it. You are still alive Galen. All you have to do is go back to living." She told me. I looked at the ground and said to my parents "I have to go back. I can't just stay here not knowing if everything I did was in vain. I'll be back some day, I don't know when but I will be back and then we can be together." They nodded and let me go. Master Ti led me back over the hill and away from my parents. I followed her to what looked like a giant gate; it was much taller than anything I had ever seen before. She stopped and turned to me. "Galen there is a reason you are going back. A prophecy written millennia ago tells of a Jedi that sacrifice's themselves so that they can save the people of the galaxy. This Jedi would be the most powerful force wielder in existence and would come back from death to help defeat the sith forever. This prophecy describes you Galen. You are destined for greatness beyond all others. But first you must become a true Jedi." She told me. "But how do I do that Master? General Kota can't teach me and all the other Jedi are dead." I said. "True most Jedi are dead but there are a few left. You have two options. The first is that you find one of the remaining Jedi and convince them to teach you, but to do this you will have to tell them everything about your past including that you were Vader's apprentice. Your other option is to go to the Jedi temple on Coruscant and learn all you can from the holocrons there. No matter what you choose you will have to face your past in some way." I looked at the ground and said "I don't know what to do. It makes the most sense for me to find another Jedi, but unless they are a master or even a knight I cannot learn everything. What would you do?" "That is not my choice to make. You are correct that your odds of learning all the skills necessary to becoming a true Jedi from one surviving are slim, but not none. I will promise you that I will help as much as I can; an old-friend of mine taught me a way to speak through the force even in death." I nodded and said "Thank you Master Ti. I think I will do both. If I find a Jedi then I can learn everything I can from them, whatever else I can go to the temple." She smiled and said "That's a Jedi way of thinking. Find a solution not a problem." I bowed and said "Thank you for everything Master and I'm sorry again for sending you here in the first place." She shook her head and said "Do not be sorry, the force decided it was my time to go. May I ask you one thing though?" "Of course Master." She looked a little upset and said "My apprentice a Zabrak named Maris Brood. When you came to Felucia I sent her into hiding until I retrieved her. You wouldn't happen to know what happened to her would you." The girl I dueled with when I rescued the Senator that must have been Shaak Ti's apprentice. "Yes actually I dueled with her a little while after when I went to rescue the senator of Alderran." "Did you…?" She began. "No I didn't kill her. I did leave her there though; I do not know what became of her." "If you ever do see her could you tell her that I'm sorry for leaving her?" I nodded and she said "Thank you Galen. Now go your rebellion is waiting." She waved her hands and the gates opened. "Thank you Master Ti. I will not let you down." "I know Galen, may the force be with you." I smiled and walked through the gate, coming back to the world of the living. With that Starkiller was no more and like the phoenix on his family crest, Galen Marek rose from the ashes of his previous life and began anew.