Her mouth is moving and there are words leaving her lips but they're not her words, they're not a part of her, and she hears them but she doesn't know what they mean but it's okay because he's only pretending
no please not Fred no no please he's not dead he's not he can't be how no i can't please please
Her legs hit the ground and she can feel the glass cut through to her knees and blood starts to soak her trousers and she can't breath because there's something crushing on her lungs and clenching her stomach and burning her eyes and she doesn't know what it is but she just wants it to stop but it's okay because he's only pretending
no god no Fred please no please please he's not dead he's not he's not no how no
There are hands touching her face, her hair, her arms, blood-soaked hands, shaking hands, scarred hands, and she doesn't know who's is who's, and there's words pressing against her, blood-soaked words, shaking words, scarred words, and she can't hear them, can't see them, doesn't know what they mean, doesn't understand, but it's okay because he's only pretending
kill me i don't want to i can't how is he dead how how no Fred please
All she can see is his face, white, cold underneath the frail moonlight, and his eyes are open, glassy, and there's a single drop of blood flecked across his irises and that claws at her and her throat heaves, her heart stops and there are tears down her face, salty and bitter, stinging and prickling her skin like needles but the pain hurts less than the one in her chest but it's okay because he's only pretending
Fred please please how is he dead how no
His head is twisted at an odd angle and his lips are parted and there's blood on his teeth and a yellow bruise on his cheekbone but it's okay because he's only pretending
no Fred please stop
He's only pretending, he's not dead
no Fred
He's only pretending, he's not dead
He's only pretending, he's not dead
He's not pretending.
fred please don't leave me i love you
He's dead.