Another update? Yes well …Molly was begging me again ;D

And thank you guys for all the reviews, I read them before I went to sleep and I left the conscious world with a smile on my face :P

This chapter is again dedicated to Molly (because she wouldn't take my rubbish to the bin if I didn't dedicate it to her :P ) and its also dedicated to all the people who have reviewed and favourited my story… ILOVEYOUALL ;D


Disclaimer- I own nothing but the plot and future characters or any songs I might use…. :D

Dimitri's POV!

After Rose had been told that she can leave the clinic I tried to stay with her for as long as possible but she wouldn't let me. So with a nod of my head I went to my guest dorm but after a while I went to find Lissa, Adrian, Christian and Eddie.

When I knocked on the door to Adrian's room, somebody shouted to enter, when I went in I found everybody staring at me with tear streaks running down their faces. "What's wrong?" I asked, nobody answered. "What's wrong?" I demanded, they must have all seen my anxiety because Christian spoke up.

"You might want to read this" was al he said whilst holding up an envelope.

"What is it?" I asked, getting more anxious.

"Just read it" said Lissa, her voice barely coming out at a normal volume.

I walked over to Christian, but when I took the envelope I noticed it was slightly damp in certain places, but it also had my name written on the front of it in Rose's hand writing. I quickly ripped away all the bindings of the envelope to find a letter, still in Rose's handwriting, it read:

Dear Dimitri

The reason I left is for me to know and for you to not. When you came back, sang to me and explained everything I thought I had you back, but I was wrong, i'm sorry I could not tell you this in person but I just wouldn't have the courage I guess. But she's dead. Our little girl died because of her. That however is not the reason I left, and by the end of this letter I hope that you never will. I know when i'm gone you will find somebody else who can make you happy. But I wont. I never will because all of my heart is owned by you and only you.. Forever. No matter what happens to me, at least I can go knowing you will find somebody that can make you happy.

Out of all this letter must be the longest because there aren't enough words for me to describe how much I love you and always will. Because you see, you are my light, you are my oxygen, I cant live without you, and that's why i'm not. I'll always remember our times together. I hope you can forgive me for whatever I have done to make you run from me.

Goodbye, forever.

Love you forever, your Roza

P.s I love you.

Tears ran freely down my face as I read this, what did she mean goodbye forever? What did she mean 'I cant live without you, and that's why I'm not'? I left the room, running back to Rose's dorm. I ran up the stairs. I ran down the corridor. I knocked on her door repeatedly before tearing it down to find an empty room, with the window open. She's gone was all I could think. She's gone. I ran back to Adrian's room to find them all staring at me(again) but this time with sympathy written all over their faces, even Eddie and Adrian's. "Where did she go?" I asked in something slightly more than a whisper.

"We don't know" was Lissa's only reply. But as I looked at all of the groups faces looking for something like guilt, I found it.

"Christian, where is she?" I asked in a voice that I had never heard come from my own mouth before.

He looked down. And handed me his letter. As I read it I occasionally looked at his face, the guilt growing more and more evident each time. When I finished reading it I couldn't contain my anger.

"YOU HAVE HER NUMBER!" I yelled at the top of my voice and as he cowered in fear from me, other voices joined my angered statement.

"WHAT!" yelled Lissa

"WHATS DO YOU MEAN!" yelled Adrian and Eddie simultaneously.

"STOP" I shouted and they stopped yelling after a few mumbled curses.

"Explain!" I demanded. Getting straight to the point he practically whispered "She didn't want you to know"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN!" they all yelled.

"Look for yourself" he said looking slightly defeated. As he handed over the letter for them to read the was a lot of gasps and 'no way's' or 'she wouldn't s'

"let me explain" he begged, I nodded and so did Lissa. He continued. "Well she didn't want you to know because she must have known you would freak about here going missing and you did and she didn't want you to worry about her, the reason she left her number with me is incase of spirit being overwhelming and then she'd be able to take the shadows away from you. And just before you ask I don't know where she is, I don't even think she's in the state anymore." once he had finished we were all quiet, until I broke the silence.

"I have to find her." I said with full determination.

"Dimitri, you cant just-" I cut her off before she could continue.

"What do you mean!" I spun to face her with an angered expression, I had to find her, I cant leave her to be out there by herself, I thought.

"Dimitri, listen to me, I know Rose better than anybody. If she doesn't want to be found, then she wont. Your just going to go on a wild goose chase. She's probably already thought about making false trails."

I hadn't thought of this and just as I was about to say 'I don't care' she stopped me, "Well, not alone, that is."

"No" I said straight away she obviously didn't like the reply.

"What! How can you say that i'm her best friend, imp practically her sister!" she said. Like me she had full determination in her words.

"I cant risk you" I said. She still was not happy.

"I could help you find her. I could try and use the bond. I've been reading about some bond mates on Google and it said that if they work hard enough they can communicate in a two way system like being on a phone." I was stunned, thoughts running through my head at 100mph, she could find her, she could help me, she could get my Roza back.

After about a minute of silence I spoke up. "Ok, you can help, but nobody else" I said before everybody else in the room had a chance to protest. "On one condition. You stay here and work on the bond, whilst I look for her." Lissa seemed to be content with this because she said no more as I walked outside the room and towards my car.

I raced off into the early morning, not knowing where I was headed.

Rose's POV!

I was at least near California by now (A/N I have no clue about how far American states are away from each other so just roll with it) and I decided this is where I'm gonna stay for now. After one night of staying in a motel, I decided to buy an apartment. It had white walls, with black accessories and black cupboards in the kitchen (A/N lets just say it was modern and awesome!) .

The bedroom was vary plain just a normal double bed with a black quilt covers on it.

-the next week-

I had decided to try out going to high school. Fun. enter sarcasm here

I knew it would be nothing like the Academy and for that I was grateful. I could start new. No matter how much it hurt me to say it, but I had to move on, I couldn't dwell on the past, it was too painful, so all I could do was look towards the future and have a new life here in California.

Before I had left the academy I had gone to the garage near the gates. I had needed something fast. So obviously I stole the best one in there. The Bugatti Vayron. And that's exactly what I was driving to school in. obviously I didn't want to be noticed too much so I had just worn a pair of dark skinny jeans, a casual top and my favourite black hoodie (with the hood up of course). And of course I turned a few heads with my to die for car, and because I was the new girl.

As soon as I stepped out of my car I was swarmed with stares, and a few glares, 'I wonder why' I thought sarcastically. It was obviously because all the guys in the parking lot were staring at me in awe and wonder. But the first person to actually have the guts to talk to me was a tall muscular guy with a well toned chest (because he was wearing a way to tight top), short brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Hey, what's up?" he said with an arrogant smirk on his face. 'Just another Jesse' I thought. I looked him up and down slowly to make sure he knew I was 'checking him out' and the I replied with my famous man-eater smile "Obviously a lot because I'm new, but that's none of your concern seeing as though you have a blonde bimbo glaring at me right now which I'm guessing is your girlfriend." still keeping the smile on my face I looked past him to wave at the blonde bimbo. 'I think I'll call her blondey' I thought. She kept glaring daggers in me until I turned back to him because he was about to reply. 'Man, he's got balls if he wants to keep this up' I thought.

"I think it is my business, seeing as though you need somebody to show you around. So try not to get jealous" he answered the last part as a whisper in my ear. 'this ought to be fun' I thought as my smile crept back into place 'All aboard the train to humiliation, tall arrogant twats welcome' I thought again.

"You ought to not get too close to me" I said in a seductive voice, obviously it worked. "Because you might end up getting your ass handed to you on your own silver platter." I answered but this time I changed my smile to a smirk, which back at the academy would have gotten boys to drop at my feet.

"Oh really? Well you might want to watch how your talking missy, because that kind of attitude can get you In a lot of trouble. How about we test that theory out?" he asked still whispering in my ear.

"Lunchtime in the gym, meet me there, and invite anybody you want" I whispered back, and after giving him a trade mark Rose Hathaway wink, stepped away, grabbed my books and headed for homeroom where I hoped I wouldn't run into anymore jerks trying to get me to grovel at their feet. And luckily I didn't. but after homeroom I had Maths and Drama. Maths past quickly but in Drama we were placed into groups of four, improvising a scene from Romeo and Juliet, but with a twist. We had to make it modern. And obviously I was Juliet.

"Romeo, Romeo, where the hell have you gone Romeo!" I said with a straight face, Drama had

Always been one of my strength because I can go over the top a lot.

"Down here!" the guy that was playing Romeo shouted, I think his name was Erik.

"Where the hell did you go off to, I've been waiting for ages!" I said sounding extremely annoyed, this only made the class laugh harder than they had before.

"I went to grab a beer. God calm down" he said calmly, he was very good at drama, I could tell but the way he was presenting himself in such a confident way. I guess he was handsome as well, he had black hair, kinda like Craig from Escape the Fate (A/N WOO! ESCAPE THE FATE ARE PENG! that's for you molly! :D )

"Well, don't you think you should put me before a freaking beer!" I snarled, in full character now.

"Listen, it was only one beer, calm down, its not like I don't love you" he said, a little too softly for my liking.

"I don't give a damn! You should at least call me to tell me so I'm not stuck in the rain for 20minutes!" I shouted. He moved closer.

"I should have, and I'm sorry. But do you want to know what a single beer cant give me, that you can?" he said, still sounding too soft.

"Go ahead its not going to change anything!" I said clear annoyance in my characters voice. But just before I could turn to walk away he wrapped his arms around me and smashed his lips against mine, the class wolf whistled at what he had done, I however, was pissed. Uber pissed. I pushed him away with a playful smile on my face, and as I walked back towards him I swung my hips to add effect, he bought it. I was directly in front of him now. I brought my hands up to my face and turned them into fists in front of everybody. I kissed my right fist quickly before I punch him in the nose. Satisfied when I heard a loud crack, I walked out. Nobody seemed to have enough balls to follow me so I went to my locker getting my fighting gloves on ready to go to the gym.

The bell rang through the empty corridors signalling the beginning of lunch. And in seconds the corridors were full of students rushing in the same direction. I looked on my map to see where they would be heading and was amazed, but not surprised, to see they were heading for the gym, and because I was new and still wasn't entirely sure where it was, I followed them into a massive room with mat's on the ground and people in the stands cheering, luckily I could fight in anything but high heels I didn't have to change, unlike mystery prick standing by the stands looking like he owned the place and that he would easily win. Little did he know.

I strutted over to the middle of the mat's waiting for somebody to come and fight me, obviously he had some arrogant friends who wanted to test me out, about 3 boys were standing there looking extremely arrogant. I recognised one of them as mystery prick, but it was Cody from my Maths class that went first.

"Hey, don't look so scared, I'll go easy on you" he said loud enough for everybody to hear. Unlucky for him he must have mistaken my look of boredom for fright or anxiety, I don't know how he did, but he must have. 'Man he's thick' I thought just before the guy on the sidelines shouted start.

We circled each other of about a minute until he got impatient and aimed a kick at my stomach. But I was way ahead of him. I grabbed his foot and twisted so that his back to me, the whole room fell quiet.

"Lesson one" I shouted, "Never lose your patients." I finished as I used my other hand to knock him out. Two guys came and took him to the school nurse, who must have heard about this because she probably didn't want anybody to get seriously injured.

The next guy came and introduced himself as Cain. 'Poor Cain' I thought.

He aimed a punch towards my face but I easily dodged it before saying, loud enough for everybody to hear "If I wasn't fighting you I'd totally go out with you." He looked at me with hope, 'fat chance' I thought before kicking him in the back of the knee's making his legs buckle. He tried to get up but I grabbed both his arms and twisted them behind him before yelling "Lesson two! Don't Hesitate" even though it pained me to say it, I knew he might be a little proud of me, even if he didn't love me.

I swiftly knocked him unconscious before looking up at mystery prick to see that he was bricking it, (shitting himself), but when he noticed I was looking at him he changed his emotions to show arrogance once again. 'Ugh does this guy just not learn'.

He walks onto the mat's and starts the fight. I could tell what he was about to do so I quickly yelled "And finally lesson three" He swung, but I was still too quick, I grabbed his lower and upper arm and twisted it until I was at an advantage (not that I already didn't have an advantage) and continued "Never start a fight with a right hook" I looked over the crowd to see that they were staring at me in wonder, wanting to know what I was gonna do next "Do you guys want to know why?" I shouted.

They cheered so I took that as a yes. I twisted his arm again so that his fingers were curled in, but not into a fist and his arm was pointing towards his face. "Well its because you can very easily perform my favourite, and signature move! Do you wanna know what it is?" they cheered again so I pushed his fingers into his mouth and yelled "THE PACIFIER!" 'its at moment like these when I worship Vin Diesel' I thought silently chuckling to myself at how cheesey this situation was.

And as I looked over the crowd one more time I saw her.

The world around me disappeared and all there was, was a red void full of anger and hatred. I knew what I had to do. I ran towards her and with all my strength I hit her until she was collapsed on the ground. The room fell silent once again. And there were people trying to pull me off her but I was too strong. I kept punching and kicking every part of her body I could. And I didn't stop until she was bloody and bruised. I got carried off to the principals office. Only to find something that left me speechless and paralysed.


Who do you think she beat up?

Who do you think is in the principals office?

And what did you think about mystery prick getting his ass handed to him on a silver platter?

Love me?

Hate me?

Review me?

Praise me?

Criticize me?

Do whatever the hell you want …..oh and I forgot to tell you about a little rhyme I heard at school … ready?

I love you

You love me

Barney gave me HIV

It started with a kiss

And ended on the floor

I got raped by a dinosaur….. XD

And to molly …. THIS WAR IS OURS! 3

As always …ENJOY!
