A/N- Hey hey hey~! It's me again, returning with more of my strange mind to disturb you all!

Readers- *silent* ."

Me-MUHAHAHAAA! Either way, I want to apologize for being ever so late! Life, ya know~? But here we go with another chappie!

Disclaimer- I don't own Durarara!

The raven had gotten off of the sleeping blonde and licked some of the blood off of his cheek. "My, what a nice taste you have… I can never get enough of it… It's like a drug."

Izaya decided to wander around the small apartment, looking at everything in sight for a good minute each; wicked thoughts plaguing his mind and a small, happy smile playing on his lips.

He stepped inside of Shizuo's bedroom next, plopping onto the bed with tangled sheets and grabbed the pillow closest to him. He inhaled the strong scent of cigarettes and shampoo, but also another little something that just made it so… Shizuo.

As he inhaled the addicting scent, the phone vibrated next to him.

"Eh~? What's this?" He grabbed the phone to see a picture flashing of his Shizuo and… his brother; Kasuka or Yuuhei for which he is known to everyone else. The picture was simple, really; just a photo of the two brothers close together, smiling. The small smile still on his face (although it had twitched once or twice), he threw the phone across the room; making it break in two against the off-white wall.

"Sorry, Mr. Bigshot~ your brother is not able to come to the phone… ever again."

Izaya hated to be interrupted; he got up from the bed and walked slowly towards the already broken phone, each step resounding in the room and with his heel of his boot, he smashed it into more and more pieces with each stomp. A quite (a person could barely even hear it, it was oh so quiet) giggle escaped the vermillion eyed man, which escalated a bit louder, more hysterical. It kept on getting louder and louder, until Izaya finally threw back his head and laughed manically.

Still laughing, he pushed down the small book case which contained some scrapbooks from when the blonde was younger; making the wood smash easily and into dozens of splinter-infested blocks. Pictures scattered across the floor. Some of the blonde's brother, some of the parents (Izaya had learned that they had died a few years ago from some car accident), and a lot of the blonde; who in most were pouting in the hospital, a vein showing on his forehead.

"Ahh… I guess Shizu-chan doesn't need these silly things~! I mean, why would he if he's never going to see them again?" the raven didn't even notice that he wasn't talking to anyone; or that if anyone heard him that he would be called insane. He didn't care because he already knew that he's insane.

Grabbing a lighter, he stepped out of the room and lights it.

Izaya then threw the small fire onto the wood and closed the door.

The raven is thankful that there was an unlocked car near his home, because that's the he got here and –he took a glance at the still sleeping blonde- how they'll leave…

~The next morning, at an undisclosed location in Shinjuku~

Chocolate brown eyes slowly opened to an unfamiliar room. Where was he? Shizuo felt groggy and didn't have much memory of last night. His body was so heavy and his head felt comfortable on the soft pillow he was laying on; he decided to just look at the unfamiliar walls. The walls were a bright white, like an asylum and there were no pictures anywhere. He noticed that there was a small window on his other side that was giving off an orange and red like color on the wall he was facing. Must be dawn, he guessed.

He tried to move his arms, before realizing that they were bonded by some tuff substance. Rope? Metal? He had no clue.

'Fuck, what's going on?' Shizuo also realized that his feet were bonded as well; he stopped all movements when he heard a small 'ting ting'.


He tried to move his head, only to hear the ring again…

Was that a… bell?


Another small sound seemed to make an appearance… a female voice? The brown eyed collector strained his ears to hear…

/Esaki Katsura here in Ikebukuro in front of an apartment where last night there was a fire that took place at around 2 am. The apartment that started the fire belonged to what the people known was the "strongest man in Ikebukuro", Heiwajima Shizuo-san. His body, however, was not found in the mess. He is declared missing for now, but most people wouldn't be surprised if he was dead, for he had many enemies. People suspect Orihara Izaya-san to be a part of it, but the idea was dismissed as he is also missing as well. Maybe the two disappearances are connected. We'll keep you connected as well. Here's Ruko Chihane for the weather./

Fire? HIS apartment? Missing?

A laugh could be heard outside of the room where Shizuo was.


"Iza", he started quietly, memories flooding from last night; his breathe hitched.

"Izay-Izaya… IZAYAAAAA!"

He coughed quickly, too much pressure from not using his voice much…

"Hm~? Ahh! He woke up~!" The blonde heard the other man (he can't really say man right now) say, as he also heard a slight laughter.

The door opened to his room to show Izaya with only tight and unzipped jeans on, with a smile on his face and that strange glint in his vermillion eyes. The raven walked closer to the blonde and sat on the edge of the bed, much to the disdain of the other.

"Do you know how hard I worked to get you here? So much that I think you should pay…" His voice was a little too happy for Shizuo's taste, plus the raven was starting to crawl on top of the other, and brought his face close enough for their noses to touch.

"Don't you think so, Shizu-chan?" he all but purred.

Said man had already lost his voice again, and froze under the gaze filled with lust and something akin to love… but wasn't.

Before he got the word of it, Izaya's lips peck his once.

Twice, with a dusty blush on both of their cheeks; one of anger, the other of their fantasies that runs through his mind.

Thrice; and then slowly leaning into the blonde completely; making their lips mesh together. The blonde was frozen and didn't move at all- how could he when he was this restrained?

The red-eyed man's knee pressed on the other's groin and took off the white blankets off of the upper half of the blonde.

Izaya forced his tongue inside of the other's mouth and explored what is his and only his. Izaya then grabbed a small needle from his pocket and injected it in the other's arm without him noticing.

'He must already be immune to little pecks like this… But I doubt Shizu-chan is immune to this drug…'

He discarded the needle without a sound and grabbed the blonde's face to deepen the kiss.

Shizuo's body soon started to feel really… hot…

The two finally let out for breathe, a string of saliva connecting them.

"What… what did you do?" The blonde let out quietly.

"Nothing… much~" A smirk played on his lips as he said this and grabbed a small remote that was on the desk opposite of Shizuo.

"Ne, Shizuo-chan… Do you know what this is?"

"A remote..." Some fear seeped through, and Shizuo cursed himself for being too weak…

"Do you know what this does? Here, don't answer… I'll show you!" Izaya turned the dial to /low/ and pressed /go/.

A course of pain went through Shizuo's body, starting from his neck; causing the bell on his neck to jingle over and over. Writhing in pain from the shock, the raven above him smirked wider and kissed him again, feeling some of the electricity into his own mouth and shivered.

"You guessed right! It's a shock collar! So if you ever try to leave me or disobey me… This will happen. I only do it so we can be together forever. You're lucky, you know~? I put this on low…" Izaya licked his lips as he heard the blonde scream, but he decided to have mercy and stop it.

When Shizuo finally caught his breathe and went to glare at the informant, he realized what that strange glint was in the wide vermillion eyes…


A/N- I AM SO CRUEL TO SHIZU-CHAN! Waaaah! I'm sorry! I guess it's because I'm already torturing Izaya in 3 other stories (Disorder, Hello, and L E I A). Psshh, for inspiration, I had to re-watch School Days! Yup that yandere anime with like… 100000 different endings. My favorite was the one where Katsura was pushed in front of the train by Sekai in front of Makoto and when Makoto tried to save her, he was only able to save her hand… Yeah… crazy shit in those endings… and the anime in general… XD I hoped you liked it and REVIEW! Please~?

Until next time, little puppets

~Mikomi Ai