AN: HEY GUYS! Juat a random idea i came up with. I hope you enjoy it:)


All her life Anabelle St. James has lived in the shadow of her older brother Jesse. No matter how hard she tried all she heard was Jesse did this, and Jesse did that. Seriously, when she got first at her dance competition, Jesse got cast in a play where the rest of the cast was over 35 AND he won a national award for it, she worked her ass off to get a 4.0, Jesse barely tried and he still had a 5.0, when she got a part time job at her favorite music store in an attempt to pay for a car, Jesse, of course, was asked to be the spokesman for the store and a new car came with the gig. He always one upped her and he didn't have to put effort into it. It was infuriating, so Anabelle was internally kicking herself for ever thinking that joining Vocal Adrenalin was going to change anything. She had thought that maybe sharing the stage with her brother, instead of competing for it would make people value her more. After all she was a St. James for heavens sake, and in turn an amazingly talented pre-former, but at the risk of sounding like her annoying as hell older brother (a.k.a. the drama king of all jackasses as she so lovingly referred to him), she felt like her time and TALENTS were being wasted in the background as she watched her brother showboat around the stage hogging a song from her favorite genre. It had even been her idea to preform Highway to Hell, because that pathetic as dirt McKinley High's New Constructions or what ever the shit their name was "specialized" in classic rock, why not make them their bitch?

" What an amazing idea Ana!" Ms. Corcoran had exclaimed "and, I have just the person in mind..." she had remarked with a sly smile in Ana's direction. FINALLY! Anabelle had thought, it was her chance to shine! "Jesse!" she had snapped " How do you feel about AC/DC?"

Anabelles's blood was now boiling at those memories as her team finished their extravagant number. And after a few stinging criticisms from Shelby, and observing her brothers "show face" their coaches voice echoed through the auditoriums speakers telling them to take 5. Walking lazily up to her Vocal Adrenalin issue duffle bag, reaching in and grabbing one of the Red Bulls she was required to bring to practice, she looked around the room her eyes immediately landing on the discussion taking place towards the top of the auditorium. Who was that guy? Why was he so pissed? And geez how much product did that guy use in his hair?

"Hey Jess?" Ana asked nudging her brother in the ribs a little harder than necessary "What do you think that is all about?". When her brother finally turned to her rolling his eyes as he did so, she nodded her head towards the conversation.

"I haven't the slightest idea little sister," Jesses said curtly " And as I am quite sure you may be able to recall I have asked everyone, but you especially to refrain from speaking to me while at rehearsal, due to the fact that I am as you can tell preparing to lead our team to a victory at sectiona..." Anabelle then remembered one of the main reasons her brother annoyed her so. He always had a monologue prepared.

"Shut the hell up Drama Queen, I was just wondering." Gosh he was a pain in her butt.

"Ok, back on stage." Shelby called, and she sounded angry. Great.

Two hours later Anabelle's muscles were burning, her throat was stinging, and she could barely keep her eyes open. Where is Jesse? She thought angrily. It had been almost a half hour since practice had ended and she wanted to get home. Her brother always did this, it's not like she has all freaking night but of course HE does so she had to waste her precious time waiting for him.

"JESSE!" She calls out into the dark auditorium, not really expecting a response. Finally giving in she gets out of her seat heading back stage. "When mom and dad get back I am getting my own gosh damn car." Anabelle sighs. Weaving her way threw old set pieces and cans of paint she reaches the door that leads to the Vocal Adrenalin changing area. While grabbing the knob fully prepared to storm in and show her brother what a real diva fit looks like, she hears her brothers voice... and he isn't alone. Interesting, maybe my fit can wait.

"I told you Shelby!'' Jesse exclaims. SHELBY! As in their coach! "I'm trying everything I can, but there is some guy Tin or Sin. He's holding her back she won't let me in anytime soon."

"TRY HARDER! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE SUCH A CHARMER JESSE. CHARM HER! MAKE HER LET YOU IN." She hears their coaches voice yells back. Yeah it was definitely that Shelby. What the heck is going on?

"It's not that easy she's fragile, and last time I checked you didn't want me hurting your DAUGHTER COACH." Her brother sneered the last word like it was a joke. DAUGHTER? Anabelle thought. No that cannot be right, Coach Corcoran always said they were her kids. There was a long silence, and Anabelle started to worry that they were going to catch her eavesdropping, on their way out of the room. But then she heard a small whisper.

"I just can't wait Jesse, she is all I have left."

"I know but Coach, I promise I will do whatever it takes, you just have to trust me." The sincerity in her brothers voice was so real, that if she didn't know just what he was capable of even she would have believed him. " By the time I am done Rachel Barbara Berry will be in your arms and you two will be having all the mother, daughter moments you have ever wanted to have."

"Thank you, Jesse." Shelby sighed. Anabelle was so caught up in trying to deceiver the convoluted conversation she had just heard, she didn't notice the sound of footsteps heading her direction or the door she had been leaning on open. Hitting the ground with a hard thud, she closes her eyes hoping that when she opened them she wold see anything but what she knew was there. Slowly peeling her eyes open and looking up into the light, she saw the very angry faces of her brother, and her coach. She was in deep shit.

"Hey guys," she said trying futilely to defuse some of the tension " Great rehearsal, am I right?"