Title: Missing Puzzle Piece
Genre: Romance/Drama/ Humor
Pairing: Russia/China (Ivan/Yao)
Rating: M
"We can dance until we die, you and I, we'll be young forever."
A/N: I purse my lips at the completion of this one particular work of fiction because, and I am aghast, I have driven my characters out of character. I personally hate this, and maybe China is not so OOC because we do see him as a whiny character sometimes, but Russia? Not so much. I wanted to portray him as being quasi-healed, trying to figure out his personality after getting over having anti-social tendencies (Psychopath, sorry, nursing term). He just ended up being very… um… Normal /cringes/. My last RoChu was very popular, and it gave me a lot of confidence as a writer, this one… ah… Just read…
Yao is fully conscious, but he stubbornly keeps his eyes tightly shut.
He lifts his arm to place it over his eyes, cursing the bright sun in mandarin. He simply does not want to get out of bed and face this next twenty-four hours. No, he didn't stay up late, nor is he sick. It is simply because, before China even opens his eyes, he knows he is going to have a horrible day.
His muddled mind can come up with at least two reasons why he shouldn't go to work today. Although any person more awake than China could easily rebuttal his argument, he stubbornly rolls over and continues to despise the idea of getting up. The first reason is because he will have to sit in a cramped office, filled to the brim with things he needs to do but would rather not. The second, being because he doesn't have a warm body to wake up to anymore.
He yearns for the old days. When everything was done with a signature on a couple papers and the rest of the day involved something meaningful; now he has to do everything himself with paper AND a password-encrypted computer. Those years he could simply take a day off and his office wouldn't become a monstrous pile of work that would take two days make-up time to complete. When he could have Ivan show up at one in the morning to wake him up, sleep in till noon, and then take the Russian to work with him only not to do any work at all.
NOW he has to walk into the building, use the hand-print sensor, the iris-detector, his pass-card, and then sign onto his computer using a series of passwords. After all of that he would sit at the desk for four hours until noon, get up to grab lunch, then glue himself to the seat for another limitless amount of time. His boss and co-workers would blanch at the thought of him bringing someone with him through all of that. What if Ivan memorized the words he types into the computer, especially since the only thing he pays attention to is 'how Yao looks so beautiful when he works'? What if he covered the cameras and assassinated the Chinese man, when the only thing he'd cover the cameras for would be to do something that involved a lack of clothing? What if he learned something he could blackmail the country with? Oh yes, signing overdue checks, sifting through invoices and statements, and writing up reports about how EVERYONE'S ECONOMY HAS PLUMMETED is really top-secret.
Once again, he stubbornly concludes is going to hate today. He also hates how childish he feels because of it.
Augh, and he has another world meeting to go to tomorrow…
While he plays this immature game, he blames Ivan as well. The train of thoughts causes him to come up with at least a million reasons why his days now are menial and pointless. If Russia didn't show up at his house all the time un-announced to surprise him like he did before, he wouldn't feel so disappointed to come home and find his house as empty every night. The blonde had always came over and stayed over. So now when he did show up and had to leave right after, the raven-haired nation actually missed untangling himself from those warm limbs. Then when he somehow escaped long enough to get to work, he would show up around lunchtime so they could eat together. Now China finally realizes how spoilt the stupid, dumb, tall, lover has made him. If absence made the heart grow fonder, he was going to jump on a plane and fight through seventeen guards just to get a kiss.
You know what else makes him hate today? As he opens his eyes and stares at the ceiling he realizes there is warm, golden light pooling in from the blinds; it is sunny. When it is bright and nice out it makes him remember all the times when Ivan would pull him closer as he tried to get up and murmur in his tired-thick accent 'it's nice out, office is for rainy days'.
He wants this economic crisis to end. Not because it has put far too much stress on all his people, because he misses being the center of Russia's world. So it makes him detest today EVEN MORE, because days like today show him just how self-centered he is because he, dare he say it, fell in love. They make him wonder why he has let himself become so enamored with someone whose antics would probably be considered creepy to any other being on the planet. The violet-eyed nation has wormed his way into his heart so completely that he can't even get mad at him anymore for BEING possessive and stalker-ish. In fact, at this point he is craving it.
He gets up, throws the covers back and winces when his bare feet make contact with the cold floor. He pads over to the phone and stares down at the blinking number hopefully. Seven new calls, all of them are from Korea. With a growl he mashes the 'delete' button, grabs a robe, and throws open the door to head down to the bathroom. The cold, way too-big-for-one-person bathroom, that has way too many fond memories for someone who is so miserable.
And as he washes and brushes his teeth he has an epiphany. He sees the little hanging calendar and feels as though he wants to throw something. There it is, staring back at him like a proverbial slap in the face. The one golden reason why he hates this day; the one reason why he is walking around bitching like a pubescent girl on PMS. He has not been laid in two months and seven days. Apparently long enough to turn him into the whining mess he currently was.
It was late 2008, which probably would be enough said to explain the situation.
The top countries of the world had all piled into a grand room to discuss the current economical crisis that had taken the very foundation from under their feet and brutally ripped it away. Although the depression had begun in the United States, it was just the right amount of weight to send the whole rest of the world precariously perched on the scales to topple over. Country after nation all threw up their hands and admitted to the problem, and each with their own set of curses and pointing fingers to go along with it. Millions of their children had lost jobs, and just as many now lived in constant fear that they would be next. It had been going on for a year now, and even though they had all addressed the situation as a threat, that was where the progress ended.
The problem with the meeting among nations was that there was really no point. The only thing they had all concluded was that they were the ones who needed the most help and everyone else's issues weren't as bad as theirs. Meeting after meeting they would all single-file into a room only for it to end in tears, broken chairs, loud yelling, and even a few nations stomping out. It was nearly impossible for anyone to get any work done that may benefit the rest of them, and even Germany had sat down with his head in his hands and just let Arthur and Alfred fight over whose life sucked more because they had no money.
Yao had long since pulled his hair out of his ponytail and was idly running his hands through the strands as he stared down at the documents before him. It was something he did when he was trying to concentrate on his work, and in this distracting room he wouldn't get anything done. He felt a growl begin to form in his throat at the suggestions on the paper. No way in hell, he was not stepping up tourist attractions, nor was he even going to think about cancelling the moon festival because it took up too much money. It was one of the most important celebrations they had every year. Who, out of all his people, could even consider giving up a huge part of their culture like this?
He looked up, just to make sure he wasn't missing anything important. His eyes landed on Russia, who had his reading glasses perched precariously on his nose; staring down at something with such boredom it almost made him feel bad. Damn it, he just had to get there as late as he had, at least if he was sitting beside Ivan then they could talk about this stupidity. He hadn't even noticed his hair was down.
It was so wrong.
They all had these things that were wrong with their countries and their economy and no one could do anything about it. They would all sit there and complain about it. Each of them single-handedly trying to crawl out of the quicksand alone.
Even Germany had given in; this was what made everyone realize just how bad the situation was.
He sighed and went back to his paper, not finding the urge to yell at the two to break it up just yet. He didn't have the energy to butt into their petty little argument, knowing that if he jumped into the fray so would everyone else. Then they'd have an all out brawl like the last time, when he had just barely escaped having a chair thrown into the back of his head. Ivan had deflected it before he even knew he should duck. He had been too busy grabbing Korea by the scruff of his neck and stopping him from tackling someone.
"Excuse me!" Italy called, probably wondering if anyone would care if he slipped out. One look around would give him the proof that he could. Yao regarded him curiously, only having caught the announcement because he was looking up and had watched him stand. More than half of them had pulled out other work to do anyways. No one was going to stand up, take control, and dismiss them until at least four o'clock. He wondered if the little brunette was actually going to take charge.
"Pardon me!" He called a bit louder, but the mayhem caused between Arthur and Alfred, and everyone else's nonchalance was not helping. Finally he looked around, grabbed a really big book Hungary had beside her and slammed it against the table.
The room went silent, everyone's stopped mid-whatever and upturned their eyes to stare at him. The sudden attention was unnerving, and he looked like he immediately regretted this. He wet his lips and swallowed dryly, trying to think of what it was he wanted to say. He tried stuttering out some sort of a noise, but it came out a mess that he wasn't even sure HE understood. He took a deep breath, turned his eyes to Germany, and then tried again.
"E-everyone!" His voice cracked a bit, but it got stronger as he kept going, "I think we… don't have much else to discuss at this time. I propose a… um… rescheduling. Maybe next month sometime, in Italy. I'm sure we all have business to attend to so… I will have a presentation next time…" He was running out of diplomatic words, and everyone was still giving him such strange looks so he needed to wrap this up. Yao's eyebrows had furrowed together, trying to decipher where this was going.
"U-uh… N-next month… The fourteenth! We will all meet in Sicily at the usual place when I- we will host a meeting. T-ten o'clock… Sicily time so, uh, calculate that out for the rest of you. I'll have something planned by then! I swear!" He stood there, with no one moving. He felt a drip of sweat run down the side of his face, and he cleared his throat loudly. "Meeting adjourned!"
This, apparently, people understood. Everyone all chattered at once as they stood up and busied their ways out of the room. Yao gratefully stood up and gathered all of his papers he had spread out across the little space he had. He looked up at where the Russian had disappeared to, but quickly understood when he saw Belarus looking around in the place where he had been sitting. He frowned and concurred that he probably wished to do the same if he didn't want-
"Hyeongnim!" A split second after, he had two robed hands wrapped around his chest and a face burying into his back. He tensed and counted to ten, trying to find the patience to deal with his sibling without killing him. There went his hoped of catching up to the violet-eyed nation. "You never answered my calls! I miss you! Can I own your-"
He pried the arms away from him and spun around before the younger nation could latch onto him, he held up his hands to stop the next onslaught. "I've been busy, and as much as I'd love to catch up I have somewhere to be…"
His eyes caught sight of another Asian which caused him to trail off his train of thought. He shook his head and tried to look away, but just as he was prying his eyes off the source of his discomfort, the cold, lifeless almond eyes made contact with his. In an instant Yao's heart have a painful squeeze, and chills wracked his spine. He straightened to appear much more confident than he felt, and watched as the island nation changed his direction and began to walk over. He wasn't even listening to what Korea was saying now; instead he felt the crippling fear start to seep into his lungs. The near paralysis causing his breaths to come out in short gasps.
Oh hell no. Japan was coming over.
He spun around, his hands shaking in an inevitable panic attack rising, and hauled his briefcase off the counter before exiting in the opposite direction. He couldn't breathe; he needed to get out of there. He began to weave in and out of the remaining bodies, nearly shoving them out of the way in the process. He couldn't deal with Japan, he just couldn't. He felt the disorienting panic take a firm grip on his chest, and now each inhale caused him a sharp stab of pain. He ran out into one of the adjoining exits and then ignored how long and dark the trek into fresh air seemed. When he finally emerged at the end of the hallway he burst through the double doors, spinning around to make sure he hadn't been followed.
"Calm down…" His eyes began to prickle as he collapsed against the side of the building. He leaned over to catch his breath, hand clutching the tightening of his ribcage.
The sound of footsteps alerted him that he wasn't alone, and he straightened out. His head whipped in the direction of the noise, and it took him a moment to realize the person was not dangerous at all. He exhaled shakily, waiting until the violet-eyed man came closer before he pushed himself off the wall and fell into the chest of the taller nation. His fingers were too weak and in tremors to actually grab onto the fabric, so when two large arms wrapped around his back he felt his whole weight fall onto Ivan.
It was the only explanation he needed to offer.
It was a month later, with all the nations sitting patiently around the circular table staring at each other uncomfortably. Someone was waiting with bated breath for either a fight to start or their host to appear. Some people exchanged careful whispers to their neighbors, but other than that no one raised their voice above a murmur. It was hot in the room, even with the air conditioning blasting out cool air, and people had long since lost most of their jackets and some even down to their undershirts.
"Ahhh!" The sound of footfalls running down the hall towards them alerted everyone that Northern Italy was arriving. How sad it was that the country who was hosting the meeting was late. Mere seconds later he burst through the doors, his hand full of weird computer-cable wires, and Italy skidded to a halt in the front of the room. "I'm sorry I'm late; technical-difficulties!" He then noticed the cables were still in his hand and hid them behind his back with a weak smile.
"H-hello!" He waved at them all, walking forward and stopping once he reached where his seat was at the table. He looked far too nervous, and China couldn't help but feel slightly bad for the country.
"So we are all here because we have all come to a standstill in our economies…" He took a step back and tried not to make eye contact, instead looking to the far back and staring above someone's head. "So, I was going to give you guys a whole bunch of successful examples of partnerships and such but, uh, my projector broke. So I will just give you the footnote version.
Over the years we have all had the pleasure of working together, perhaps not in happy circumstances, but the fact still remains that we have all benefited from working as a team. I know that my plan has flaws, but I already know them all so… Anyways… Working by yourself is impossible, but everyone working all at once is impossible too. I don't want anyone to feel like I am suggesting military alliance or anything… I just think that it would be smart if we all worked one-on-one for a while."
China's eyebrows shot up almost to his hairline when he placed the detached sentences together, was this man proposing what he thought he was? He chanced a glance around the room and stared around at all the dropped jaws, and was surprised to find a new nodding smiles.
"I propose we all pair off. I know this sounds extremely unreliable, but if you think about it the benefits would be much better than working by ourselves. I can understand that some of you may be a little apprehensive about giving out information about your countries to another, but this is where the courting process occurs."
He felt himself grow more animated as he explained it further, even adding in a few hand gestures that he sometimes couldn't keep at bay. It was the Italian in him. They talked with their hands. "We are all given four months to find another country, someone who you know you can work with, and then we all try to sit down with our partners and bounce ideas and concepts off of each other. Then a year from now we can all come together and discuss what we and our partner have discovered. If we have already implemented the idea in our countries then we will have two sets of people to gather data from. As for top secret government activity… I guess you have to trust your partner. I can't guarantee that something won't mess things up, but if we all just put these things aside and really worked as a team then I'm sure at least some of us will really get something out of this. Think of it kind of like a marriage."
He stopped here to take a deep breath, and everyone else took this as an opportunity to talk. Chatter erupted instantaneously, and Italy was completely drowned out. "Well, uh, I'll just give you guys a minute…" He backed down, and looked at the floor to collect himself.
"So wait!" Yelled out Austria, rising to his feet to be the first to address Feliciano directly after his proposition. "You are suggesting that we form a political alliance with another country, so that we can work on this as a 'team'." The way he said it even made Germany wince. "But also we should get married?"
"Oh, no!" He tried to backtrack, "I mean there should be official documents signed or something… Like a contract! No one has to really think of this like a marriage… Well you should think of the partnership like one because it has the same basic principals… But no one has to go throw a party and fancy clothes on to do it in front of an alter… Unless they really want to which is completely acceptable…? I think." He gave a definitive nod, and then clasped his hands in front of himself.
Many nations began talking at once, a few voices even growing angered. Yao wasn't too sure how this was going to affect them in the long run, but he had to admit; he had been one of the countries Italy had mentioned. He had banked on the help of nations quite a few times in his existence, and long ago when he was younger he may have been embarrassed, but at least now everyone was in the same boat. He felt the idea warming up, but waited to see what the general consensus was. It wasn't until someone slammed their hands down on the table, that everyone abruptly froze and paid attention.
"Pour moi? I think this is a brilliant idea! He is speaking the truth! A marriage works exactly as he says. Both parties offer, both parties take. Work must be put forth on both sides for a true partnership to succeed and this is exactly as he says." He stared around at all the people who were yelling at Italy, as if daring them to contradict him. "We have all been throwing insults around all year; I think this is a refreshing idea. Why not try it and if it doesn't work then we go back to the drawing board?" Francis gave a reassuring smile to his little brother, walking around the table to put his arm around the little Italian. The Frenchman stood tall and proud beside Feliciano, as if to signify his commitment to the idea.
"Agreed." China quickly chimed in, standing up as well and nodded to the two lone countries. This, apparently, startled everyone else because they were staring at him incredulously. Was it so hard to believe that he actually agreed with something? "It's better than anything else we've suggested. Think of it as a trial run, then. If things sour we split up and start over." Do not look at Russia. Do not look at Russia.
Everyone stared.
China rolled his eyes and threw up his hands, "I'm putting aside my pride here, and you all can too."
"I third!" Canada gingerly put up his hand, and half the people in the room wondered what the random guy was doing there.
"I think this is asinine!" Switzerland stood up and bellowed at the top of his lungs. He took in a breath to go further but England cut him off.
"Oh shut the bloody hell up, you'd disagree with anything that involved being even remotely social!"
But before chaos could begin, Italy jumped up and down. He threw his arms out and waved wildly to get everyone's attention. "WAIT! WAIT! Don't fight! How about we vote? Everyone for getting married- er… A political alliance- raise your hand!"
China had to admit, the vote was an odd phenomenon. After Italy restarted counting four times, it was declared that there were a few more people in favor of this idea than not.
And so courtship began.
It wasn't Russia's fault that he had been daydreaming and not paying attention, in fact, it was all Italy's.
The previous night, like those before it, had been spent entertaining the thought of marching down into Chinese borders and asking his lover if he would form this 'political alliance' with Russia. Ever since that fateful conference a month ago, when Italy had proposed they all form ties with one other country to ensure their economic future, countries had been tying the knot left right and center. He had suggested for them to think of it like a marriage between nations, sharing their thoughts on the global economy with their partner and working through the depression together, and that was exactly how they had all taken it. Letter after letter fluttered into his mailbox, informing him of certain 'relations' and even invitations to actual wedding ceremonies. Russia had known the little brunette had other motives in mind when he suggested it; after all, who hadn't seen the obvious attraction between the Italian and German representatives? Still, he couldn't help but consider it a benefit to him as well…
To finally be able to marry China, a dream he had long since given up on even in the face of their long-standing relationship. It still took all his willpower to not smile at the thought. They had been together for a few decades now, the slow courting process dating back to around the middle-end of the Second World War. Things had just settled in these past few years, and even though they didn't broadcast it publically, it had been admitted to the few countries they were close to. Neither of their respective superiors enjoyed the idea, but they had made it cheerfully clear that their opinions didn't matter.
It was then that Ivan realized his boss was speaking and he hadn't caught a word, so he decided it would be best to chalk his lack of attention up to sleepiness and gave the older-looking man a tired -but attentive- look.
"I'm sorry; I did not hear that correctly."
Without a word, the man on the other side of the desk slid a piece of paper over to him. He bent slightly and picked it up, staring down at the page and letting his mind fall into well-placed confusion. Ivan simply stood there in front of his boss' desk and stared down at the piece of paper with small cursive writing on it- his boss' writing. He was too busy reading the names on the page and frowning instead of listening to the man before him once again. One name at the top of the list jumped out immediately and caught his attention. The name of the man he sometimes wanted to strangle on a good day. Why in the world would that man's name be on a list of names his superior was handing to him?
Could it be that he was being ordered to beat the crap out of him? Oh how he ached to give him a nice black eye so he would shut up for once! Wait, why was Canada on there as well? Why would he be on the list of nations he was supposed to destroy? They were brothers, sure, but he could only bet that the Canadian not so secretly wanted his neighbor to leave him the hell alone. Perhaps he could propose a deal with the other northern country-?
"-To each of their houses, and do so."
He blinked himself out of his stupor, and finally made eye contact with his boss. His eyebrows furrowing as he tried to decipher the last words spoken. He had asked him to repeat the instructions once before, but that was because he was too busy being distracted bout that lovely daydream. A goofy grin spread across his mouth when he started thinking about it again. Russia had been waiting to finish his work so he could run down to China and properly ask. His supervisors had been keeping him busy since then, but it was only a matter of time before he was able to sneak away and-
"Russia! Are you listening to me? If I have to repeat myself one more time you won't even get a choice! And wipe that ridiculous grin off your face, this is no joke."
"Yes, sir. I will focus. However, why are you handing me this list?"
His boss' eye twitched and he started convulsing in rage. He thought the sight to be almost amusing, but then he realized it probably wasn't a good idea to piss off the man because he'd need a few days off soon to go propose to Yao. Instead he offered a calm smile and gestured for the official to continue his orders. He would focus, he really would, and he needed to get whatever this was over with so he could ask his own favor.
"You." The older-looking gentleman thrust his index finger at Ivan, almost poking him in the chest. This made Ivan reel back. "Will go." He threw the arm out and gestured towards the door. "And offer a diplomatic marriage to ALL the nations on that list. You have a choice as to who you would like to ask first, but if they decline then you move on to the next nation on the page."
Now he was certain he hadn't heard him right. He would have started to laugh it off if the person on the other side of the desk didn't look like he was about to strangle someone. This must be some mistake; China's name wasn't even on that list! He grabbed the sheet and stared down it, light orchid eyes skimming the contents of the sheet. He could already deduce that half of these nations would safely decline; as they had lovers they would certainly be marrying, and the other half he would rather die than step one foot into their country. Never mind showing up on their doorstep and offering something he didn't even want to offer.
"No." He said simply, and let the page fall to the desk. He shook his head to reiterate his decision. China was a perfectly respectable country to marry, and they had gotten on perfectly in the past when it came to diplomatic relations. The nation was rich in culture, imports, population, and they had great food! What was wrong with them having a relationship with the Asian? They were geologically close, they got along, and most importantly HE WANTED TO MARRY YAO.
The face of his boss fell into an unimpressed expression, but he diverted his eyes to put his hand on the phone to stare determinedly at it. "If you do not do as we ask I will phone Belarus and assure her you will be happy to meet and talk about the prospects of marriage. I am sorry Ivan; I have no choice. We must try and secure the best possible nations to form this relation with."
He couldn't even glace back at the horrified look on the nation's face at the mention of his little sister's name. He began to shake, even he wasn't sure if it was out of terror or pure fury. Not only was he being blackmailed into trying to form partnerships with countries he could care less about or marry his sister, but also potentially cheat? They wouldn't follow through with this! It was a bluff; it had to be!
"You lie!" He snarled, slamming his hands on the desk and leaning over it menacingly. He had always kind of admired this man, but now he wanted nothing more than to cause severe physical harm to him. He felt his old self bubbling and trying to surface, his tongue suddenly tinged with the taste of bloodlust. He began to feel the same intense fear that his rage was no longer in check and he may commit another black-out murder, but that was quickly squelched with thoughts of self-justice. He would not mind delving back down into his dark past for this, China would be angry but he'd understand in the end.
The fear of becoming a monster again, he'd face it if it meant he wouldn't do this to China. Didn't this man understand what he was asking, was this not considered adultery? He knew damn well who Russia had intended to ask. His head began to pound with the pressing existence of his other self, and he had been doing so well since he started becoming romantically involved. He hadn't snapped once since, and although he'd had his moments of terror when he realized he could, but he'd been clean for quite some time. The idea of that safe-haven, of all his hard work and emotional investment, to be taken away from him for the sake of money made his stomach churn.
He was not being a horrible nation, either; China was a very powerful country. It wasn't like it was across a sea and hard to communicate with. They had long-standing trust between the two people and to hell if Yao wasn't more serious about money than he was.
Yet his boss still sensed his disagreement and picked up the phone and began dialing.
Russia watched each number being pressed in slow motion; sweat dripping down the side of his face when he realized the intentions were true. Each button in succession caused his heart to squeeze painfully at the thought of who would answer on the other side. He had to decide quickly, and he squeezed his eyes shut for a mere moment to think. Good Russia or Bad Russia? To Maim or to play along? He opened his eyes to stare as the last button was a mere inch from his supervisor's fingers, and he lunged to press the receiver down.
"FINE!" He bellowed, his voice falling to a growl. He towered over the man at the desk, normally light eyes turning into a deep violet. A promise that he could have done something horrible to this petty human for daring to pull this, but decided to spare him. "I will play your game, but not without adding one last rule. If I go and am refused by each person on this list I will be back. When I am you will be happily signing the paper stating you would be honored to offer marriage to China, and I will be on the next plane to Beijing. If you do not uphold this end then I will have my own ways of making you suffer in agony. You may be the leader of these people, but you are still human. Is that clear, da?"
For someone who had just come face to face with a glimpse of Ivan's nasty side, the Prime Minister of Russia just nodded coolly. He appeared as if the anger hadn't phased him in the slightest, sitting back in his chair and clasping his hands together on his desk. He gestured calmly to the door, beckoning the Russian to start his journey.
With that he stomped out of the office, becoming even more livid when he found out a plane had been waiting for him as soon as he got out of the meeting.
A/N: This is probably a three or four chapter fic. It was actually finished quite some time ago, with the idea of doing something more with it. I was going to have another series of couple-shots like with my last set of fictions but I started the France/England one and decided it would be too redundant.
And, I know, I tend to make China hate Japan a lot. It's just this thing I have. I tend to re-use things…
Anyways… I hope you enjoy the first installment and continue to read on!