AN: hey, Its Inky! I recycled the beginning from my maximum ride fix….(: here… But yeah, each chapter will be from the P.O.V of a different host in the days after Haruhi is gone! So read on! this chapter is dedicated to all the kyo/haru lovers. :) bye 3


Sitting on the floor I sifted through my entire box of old photo's from months ago. In all the pictures she smiled and laughed. That was when I didn't know. As I stared at them now I realized I could already see the sickness in the set of her face, in the darkness lurking just behind the surface. I realized I probably had already known, somewhere in the back of my head a little voice had told me over and over "some things not right! It's inside! Its there already! You know this!" but I had ignored the voice and banished it from my thoughts. As time passed in the photos that were taken her smile had fallen a little. She was getting worse and worse. By the time I got to the last photo she obviously knew. I knew. The cancer was already there. In her. In me. I had pancreatic cancer and no hope. It had already spread. The doctors told me one evening while I shook, ravaged by pain. They started off solemnly "Fujioka-san..The cancer has spread, and there's a good chance that well…." The doctor sighed and looked at me. "I'm going to die." I stated it plain and simple. My words echoed in my head. I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die. He looked about to deny it then saw my eyes, so serious, aged beyond a high school student. He told the truth. "Yes. You're going to die." Two days later I said good bye. I left peacefully, soundlessly without complaint. To the place where I sit now surrounded by constant smiles and a new life. Looking back at the people I loved and still do, I know one day I'll se them again. I close the box of photo's and whisper into the night two softly spoken words "Good bye".


My head jerks up. I swear, I just heard Haruhi. I swear. Her soft, silky voice whispering in my ear, those words she never said to me, the words I had come to hate. Good Bye. How could she leave me? How? Im Kyoya Ootoori. No one leaves with out my dismissal, Dammit! I pound my fist against the table, growling. Tamaki startles from the desk next to me. In a flat voice he mutters "whats your problem, Ootoori? you didn't lose anything we didn't." I hiss back at him in a undertone "Shut the hell up, Suoh. " He looks away blankly.

I barely am able to hold myself back from punching that emotionless blonde in the face. How could he not cry, or punch things, or even scream until he loses his voice, Like i did every single night. Haruhi was GONE. How can he be so…so… Robotic! He was a heartless jerk, who couldn't come to terms with the loss of our princess. Who couldn't come to terms with the fact we had no more Haruhi. Haruhi.

The girl who had gone from the nerdy little gay guy who had amused me with his commoner looks and actions, to the cross-dressing girl the other hosts fussed over day and night, to the one thing I needed more than food and water. she was the air I breathed, the ground I walked on, and the sun that shined down on me. She was Haruhi Fujioka, and she was gone. And I was alone again. I cant bear it.

AN:heh...sorry its so short... :) I'll try to update every week or so! Thanks, please review!(: